People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 143 Letter from Bibi Dong

Hearing this, Jun Yi showed a look of excitement on his face, "Dean Bing, are you serious about this?"

"Of course." The dean of Tianshui College nodded.

Seeing that the dean didn't seem to be joking, Jun Yi's face was filled with regret.

"Hey, Dean Bing, if you told me this two months ago, I would definitely join our Tianshui Academy without hesitation. Unfortunately, I have already promised Brother Xue to stay at Tiandou Royal Academy."

Jun Yi shook his head and sighed.

"It's such a pity to be true." The dean of Tianshui College also sighed. She didn't expect Jun Yi to really join their college. She just wanted to see if Jun Yi was joking.

From the emotion Jun Yi showed just now, she could clearly judge that Jun Yi was not acting, and he really wanted to join Tianshui, which made her feel a little disappointed. This is a 12-year-old 39-level super genius. As long as he doesn't die young, he will definitely become a titled Douluo in the future!

"Mom, even if Junior Jun can't join our college, it's okay for him to come to us as an exchange student in the future." Shui Bing'er suddenly said at this time.

Hearing this, the dean of Tianshui College's eyes lit up and said: "It's not impossible. Since Jun Yi can control the ice element, he is compatible with our college. I will make arrangements when the time comes."

She had decided that even if Jun Yi could not join Tian Shui, she would still make friends with him and maintain a friendly relationship with him. When he really becomes a Titled Douluo in the future, he might still remember this relationship.

"It's getting late. Meng Education Committee, Bai Education Committee, Wisdom Education Committee, we, Chihuo Academy, will take our leave first."

The dean of Blazing Fire Academy spoke first.

"Well, have a nice trip, and we'll see you in the exchange competition." Meng Shenji and others bid farewell to the students of Huoyao and Blazing Fire College, followed by the Botanical College, who got on the carriage and left here.

Tianshui Academy was the last one to leave. Before leaving, Shui Yue'er said goodbye to Jun Yi and specifically whispered in Jun Yi's ear: "Jun Yi, I still have a lot of nice socks. I'll wear them next time I have the chance." show you."

Then Shui Yue'er smiled and waved to Jun Yi, and got on the carriage, leaving Jun Yi standing there blankly. He didn't expect Shui Yue'er to say such a thing, which made him feel itchy.

"Jun Yi, let's see you in the exchange competition." Shui Bing'er also said hello to Jun Yi, turned around and walked onto the carriage.

After Tianshui Academy left, the three education committee members Meng Shenji, Bai Baoshan, and Zhilin walked directly to Jun Yi and surrounded him.

"Three education committee members, what's wrong? What happened?"

Jun Yi didn't know what these three people wanted to do, but he felt that their eyes were like hungry wolves staring at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, wanting to eat him.

"Jun Yi, when did you break through to level 39?" Meng Shenji asked.

"Just yesterday."

"If I remember correctly, you are not yet 13 years old, right?" Bai Baoshan asked.

"Well, I still have three months to go until I turn 13." Jun Yi replied.

In fact, Jun Yi didn't know when his specific birthday was. After all, he had already grown teeth when he was picked up by Qian Renxue. He was about 1 year old. Later, he asked a soul master to check his bone age. It was determined in which month Jun Yi was born, but it was only accurate to the month.

"I am witnessing a rising star. As long as Jun Yi practices well, he will definitely become a titled Douluo in the future." Zhilin sighed.

Meng Shenji, on the other hand, looked impatient and said excitedly: "I must report this to His Majesty and let him know what kind of genius His Highness Qinghe has found for our Tiandou Royal Academy."

After saying that, Meng Shenji laughed, turned around and walked towards the Education Committee's office, followed closely by Zhilin and Bai Baoshan, also with smiles on their faces.

"Hey little brother Jun, what's wrong with the Education Committee and the others?" Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling came forward and asked.

"I'm just too happy." Jun Yi replied.

"What are you happy about?"

"I am happy that the academy can have a genius like Sister Yanyan." Jun Yi replied.

"As for your glib tongue, I know why you are so good at chatting with a group of girls from Tianshui College." Dugu Yan covered her mouth and laughed.

"Yeah." Ye Lingling on the side also nodded in agreement.

"Is this what I call a glib tongue? What I call a wise tongue!"

Jun Yi and Dugu Yan Ye Lingling returned to the academy talking and laughing...

Tiandou Palace, Xue Qinghe's bedroom, at this time Xue Qinghe was holding a medal-like object in his hand. When he input his soul power into it, a blue soul power shield appeared beside him.

"Is this the defensive soul tool made by Jun Yi? It does look extremely sophisticated, but how could this thing appear in the hands of that woman?"

Xue Qinghe said to himself in front of a group of black fog.

"Miss, this time I visited Wuhun Palace, the Pope not only gave me this thing, but also wrote you a letter. Do you want to read it?" After saying that, a letter floated out of the black mist and flew to Xueqing River. hands.

"That woman actually wrote me a letter? I've been undercover for 13 years and she never asked me about my situation. How could she write a letter now?"

There was a trace of complaint in Xue Qinghe's tone, but she was still a little excited inside and wanted to know what her mother had written to her.

Xue Qinghe opened the letter, and there were only a few lines written on the paper: No matter the cost, let Jun Yi join Wuhun Palace. This boy will be of great use.


After reading the letter again, Xue Qinghe sneered, and a golden flame appeared in his hand and burned the letter directly, leaving no dust behind.

"I didn't expect that the first time she wrote a letter was because of an outsider." Xue Qinghe sneered again, picked up the defensive soul guide in his hand, looked at it and muttered to himself: "The more you try to win over him, the more I The more you can’t get him.”

"Miss, I heard that this soul guide was made by the orphan you took in?" Heiwu's voice asked, "How did he do it? He has never left the palace since he was a child. Could it be said that he is really the so-called 'Savior'?"

Xue Qinghe continued to observe the soul guidance device and replied: "Uncle She Long, those are just rumors I spread, but the fact that Jun Yi can forge the soul guidance device is indeed suspicious. The simplest explanation is: Jun Yi Yita comes from a hidden family that can forge soul tools, and he is born with the inheritance of soul tools.”

Xue Qinghe said lightly. This was the most reasonable explanation she could come up with. The main reason was that Jun Yi had been growing up in the palace since he was a child, and Xue Qinghe would accompany him every time he left the palace. This ruled out the possibility of inheriting the inheritance the day after tomorrow. .

And she, Qian Renxue, had inherited the lineage of Heavenly Masters since she was a child, and her innate soul power reached level 20. Using this analogy, Jun Yi has had a family inheritance since he was a child, and it is normal for him to have the ability to forge soul tools.

Xue Qinghe said coldly: "I didn't expect that a chess piece that was dispensable and used to enhance reputation has grown to this point now..."

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