People in Douluo, Wuhun Devil Fruit

Chapter 90 Finally arrived at the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire

"Boy, someone is begging me to take your life. Tell me your last words."

Dugu Bo stared at Jun Yi quietly, like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

"I just had a conflict with Xue Beng recently. He also has a reason to kill me, but he, a playboy prince, doesn't have the energy to make senior take action. Was it Prince Xuexing who invited senior here?"

Jun Yi didn't have any panic, and still had a calm expression.

"Are these your last words?"

Dugu Bo's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly disappeared. The next second, he appeared in front of Jun Yi, punching Jun Yi in the abdomen at a speed that was jaw-dropping.

Jun Yi was already prepared. In an instant, he turned his palm down, expanded the ROOM space, raised his finger, and exchanged his position with the stone in the distance, allowing Dugu Bo to jump away.

"Huh? So fast."

Dugu Bo didn't expect that his attack would be dodged by a Soul Lord, and there was a look of shock in his eyes, which seemed a bit unbelievable.

Dugu Bo turned around slowly and stared at Jun Yi with burning eyes.

"Boy, I didn't expect that your martial spirit is related to space."

Dugu Bo took a step forward, tapped his toes on the ground, jumped up, kicked the ground with his right leg, and used the rebound force to attack Jun Yi again. His speed was extremely fast, and he was forced into Jun Yi's body in the blink of an eye. In front of him, a punch was punched hard, and the fist light exploded and roared.


A slight smile appeared on Jun Yi's lips, he raised his finger again, distanced himself from Dugu Bo again, and then said: "Senior Poison Douluo, please stop."

Hearing Jun Yi call out his title, Poison Douluo's pupils shrank slightly, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Boy, how do you know I am Poison Douluo?"

"Who within a ten-meter radius can't smell the fishy smell of toxins on your body?" Jun Yi complained in his heart, but on the surface Jun Yi shrugged his shoulders and said: "After all, I am also Brother Xue's sworn brother, Xue Xing I know a little bit about the relationship between the prince and you. If he wants to make me disappear quietly, only Senior Poison Douluo can do it."

"Ha, you are quite clever." Dugu Bo stopped attacking, then stared at Jun Yi quietly, and said, "Boy, Yan Yan sent a message to me, saying that you saw the toxins in her body?"

"Do you know the price you have to pay for saying this?"

Jun Yi understood that his opportunity had come. He showed a serious look and said: "There is absolutely no mistake. Even after meeting the senior, I am more sure that the poison is related to the martial spirit of the senior and the poisonous skills he practiced." related."

Dugu Bo did not respond to Jun Yi, but his expression also changed.

Seeing that Dugu Bo was starting to waver, Jun Yi told a lie and said: "My martial spirit is somewhat special. I can detect the physical status of every soul master who is enveloped in my ROOM space. Just now , I feel that there is a large amount of toxins in the body of the senior, which have penetrated into the bone marrow. If it were not for the strength of the senior and the consumption of some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, I am afraid that the senior would have died from the backlash of the toxins."

Jun Yi's words made Dugu Bo's expression change several times, ranging from gloomy to murderous, but in the end he sighed and asked Jun Yi: "Since you know so much, do you have a solution? "

Jun Yi smiled calmly and said: "Senior Poison Douluo, this junior does not intend to pry into your secrets. It's just that senior's poison is too powerful. With junior's strength, it may be difficult."

"It's difficult, so you still have a way, right?" Dugu Bo heard the meaning of Jun Yi's words and knew that there was a turn for the better.

Jun Yi took advantage of the situation and put forward his conditions, saying: "I can help you detoxify, but I need a lot of herbs. After all, my strength is low and I need the assistance of herbs."

"But it would be much easier if we just treat Senior Duguyan. After all, she is not deeply poisoned now, so it only takes a short time to treat her."

Jun Yi directly proposed that he could treat Dugu Yan, which instantly caused Dugu Bo's mood to fluctuate.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Toxin backlash has always been a worry for Dugu Bo. His son died of poison due to the explosion of toxins in his body, and he could barely suppress it by relying on his titled Douluo's soul power and Yaoyuanzi.

But his granddaughter Dugu Yan has always been his heartache. If Jun Yi can really detoxify Dugu Yan, then he will have fulfilled one of his wishes. Even if he cannot detoxify and dies from the poison, he can still die. And no regrets.

"If Poison Douluo believes in me, I can treat you first. What do you think, senior?"

"Okay, come with me."

Dugu Bo waved his hand and used his soul power to fly Jun Yi into the air, and the two of them flew towards the sunset forest.

Dugu Bo took Jun Yi to fly for about half a day. The sun was about to set, and the two of them came to a poisonous miasma deep in the Sunset Forest. Dugu Bo waved his hand, and the poisonous miasma around him dispersed. Dugu Bo walked straight in and entered a cave.

After exiting the cave, there was a dense forest in front of them, and they were on a hill about 500 meters high in the Sunset Forest. At this time, because it was night, I couldn't see much of the scenery outside.

Dugu Bo climbed up the mountain road as if walking on flat ground. It seemed that he was walking very slowly, but each step was ten meters away, and the distance of each step was extremely uniform. The whole person was climbing up the mountain, just like ascending vertically. Jun Yi also walked to the top of the mountain in the same way.

"This is the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire. It is really spectacular."

The hot spring in the valley in front of him was not the same as Jun Yi imagined. The area of ​​the hot spring was not large, but it was divided into two parts. In the oval pool, the colors of the hot spring water were milky white and vermilion respectively. Although they were in the same pool, they were clearly separated, did not invade each other, and always stayed on their own side.

Even though Jun Yi knew the original work, he was shocked by the scene when he really saw the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire. This beautiful scenery was enough to be called magnificent.

Dugu Bo saw Jun Yi's shocked expression and said with a smile: "Boy, this is my private medicine garden. You can use any herbs here as you like, as long as you can cure Yan Yan."

"Don't worry, senior, I will definitely live up to your trust."

Jun Yi was naturally happy and excited. He finally came to the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire and got the fairy grass. Although it was a little later than he expected, it was not too late.

"Senior, if I cure you and Senior Sister Dugu Yan, can you give me a few herbs?"...

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