Iris was a little confused and didn’t understand why Lin En reacted so strongly.

“What’s wrong? Do you know her?”

“No, I just feel her name is a little strange…”

Iris nodded doubtfully and continued:

“She wears a little red hat every day and never takes it off, so everyone calls her Little Red Riding Hood.”

Lin En nodded and suddenly asked:

“You just mentioned your teacher, who is she?”

Iris’s expression suddenly became enthusiastic.

“My teacher is a powerful great magician! Her name is Mosya, and she is also the strongest person I have ever seen!”

“It is said that Teacher Mosya has conquered a dragon!”

Well, even a dragon has appeared!

Lin En was powerless to complain, but this was understandable.

In fairy tales, the appearance rate of evil dragons was not low.

“You have nothing to teach me anymore. I want to go find your teacher to learn magic. Do you have your teacher’s contact information?”

Lin En looked down at Iris with a firm tone.

Learning magic was not Lin En’s real purpose, but mainly for Little Red Riding Hood!

He was sure that if he surpassed Little Red Riding Hood, the gain he would get would even be higher than Sleeping Beauty!

Because Sleeping Beauty was just a mortal, and Little Red Riding Hood was a magic wizard!

If he shared the attributes of Little Red Riding Hood, then his magic power would probably exceed 100, directly improving to the level of a great magician!

But to Lin En’s surprise, in the face of his inquiry,

Iris actually shook her head with a somewhat depressed tone.

“I don’t have the teacher’s contact information, but I can write you a recommendation letter, but the effect may be counterproductive.”

“I used magic to seal the mortal kingdom, and the teacher was very angry…”

So that’s it,” Lin En understood.

“Then just tell me where your teacher is and I will find him myself. With my extraordinary talent,”

“She will definitely accept me!”

Lin En was very confident. In his opinion, it didn’t matter whether Mosya accepted him or not!

After becoming Little Red Riding Hood, he was also a great magician. Why should he worship under another great magician?

Unless Mosya was very beautiful, he wouldn’t mind being a traitor to his master!

Lin En pinched Iris’s fair face,

“Don’t worry, when I become Mosya’s favorite disciple, I will speak well of you!”

Hearing this, Iris’ eyes lit up, and Lin En was not polite,

“Of course, there is no free lunch in the world! As a reward, I want you to be obedient tonight…”

A blush appeared on Iris’s face, but she still nodded vigorously.

Even if Lin En didn’t plead for her, she would be obedient! After a night of madness, Lin En embarked on the journey in high spirits, and Iris, due to excessive water loss, lay weakly on her back by the window, watching Lin En leave.

“Tsk tsk tsk, who says there are no cows that die of exhaustion, and no fields that are damaged by plowing!”

Lin En was quite pleased with himself…

Although he didn’t know whether his exaggerated endurance was due to his physique or strength, he was glad that speed didn’t play a role!

However, it is said that in nature, the shorter the time, the better, which is conducive to the reproduction of the next generation…

Lin En took the magic scroll, thinking about the origin of all things while looking for directions!

The magic map that Iris gave him was quite magical.

Not only was the specific location marked, but his own position was also displayed on the scroll!

Simply put, it was like the Amap, and even a fool could see it!

“Well, first we have to go through the Moonfall Forest, and then through the Windswept Plains… Damn, it’s so far!”

Lin En was a little helpless!

If only he had a car!

Fortunately, among the magic that Iris taught him, there are simple levitation and flying techniques.

Although the speed is not too fast, it is much better than walking all the way!

Lin En used his magic power to break free from the constraints of gravity and flew towards the Moonfall Forest…

After about half a day, Lin En arrived at the Moonfall Forest.

Removing the magic, he landed on the soft land and couldn’t help but marvel!

The Moonfall Forest is full of tall ancient trees, lush and green.

Only scattered sunlight can enter the forest, and the rest is blocked by the treetops.

Removing the flying technique, it’s not that Lin En’s magic power is almost exhausted, but that the Moonfall Forest is not like the outside, There are werewolves here!

Flying in the air, firstly, there are too many branches in the sky, and flying is not smooth.

Secondly, if you are attacked, you will have nowhere to get support in the air, and you may get hurt!

Lin En has never seen a werewolf. Although he thinks their strength is only about ten times that of ordinary people, but what if it is not?

Don’t be arrogant, be careful!

Breathing the fresh air, Lin En followed the index of the scroll and walked out of the Falling Moon Forest.

Not long after, Lin En felt a burst of hunger.

Although the attributes such as strength and physique are as high as more than thirty points, unfortunately, Lin En does not have the ability to fast!

Picking up a piece of gravel,

Lin En set his target on the wild Kun that can be seen everywhere……………………………………………..

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