That night, the king arranged an extremely luxurious private room for Lin En, but Lin En was not in the room.

In Sleeping Beauty’s room, Sleeping Beauty blushed and stammered:

“Can licking this really eliminate the sequelae of sleep?”

Lin En straightened his waist,

“Well, how can I lie to you… Your father is already arranging our wedding, and soon, we will be able to live a happy life…”

“But before that, we have to solve your sequelae, otherwise you won’t be able to have a baby…”

Sleeping Beauty was a little unconvinced, but soon, Lin En struck while the iron was hot:

“Did you feel a slight pain in your lower abdomen after waking up?”

Sleeping Beauty nodded vigorously.

Not only that, she seemed to have pain in her chest, but Sleeping Beauty was too embarrassed to ask.

“That’s the baby’s room. If you don’t treat it in time, it will never be cured…”

Seeing that Sleeping Beauty was still hesitating,

Lin En used his trump card:

“Don’t you want to live happily with me and raise a baby?”

Looking at Lin En’s handsome face and his perfect body like a sculpture,

Sleeping Beauty made up her mind!

“I cure it!”

Lin En hugged the slender waist of Sleeping Beauty, still thinking.

Although continuing to do it will strengthen the attributes, it is far less than the first time!

If Lin En is a person who lives in a cowardly way, he will be excited instead.

The system asked me to copy the notes, and I will be invincible by copying, but Lin En is eager for adventure.

It’s okay in my original world.

I don’t have the ability and the world is boring.

But in this world, indulging in the hotbed of Sleeping Beauty every day is too negative!

Even if I copy every day and improve slowly,

Lin En has a better way!

If the quality is not good, then increase the quantity!

Of course, Sleeping Beauty can only be upgraded once no matter how many times I do it in one night , but a Sleeping Beauty can only add a little attribute to myself at a time, so what about ten? What about a hundred? Becoming a superman overnight is not impossible!

The kingdom of Sleeping Beauty is a monogamous system.

It will be troublesome if I say I want to take a concubine, so it’s better to go out by myself!

However, before going out, I have to hold a wedding with Sleeping Beauty first, and settle on the name, and then find a reason to explore this world!

At this time, the whole kingdom was busy preparing for the wedding!

But the king frowned, not knowing what to do!

According to his character, he should invite twelve fairies, but he didn’t know what to do with those eleven!

If he invited them, it was because of them that his kingdom was in a slumber.

If he didn’t invite them, they might make trouble in the palace again!

The king was in a dilemma!

But Lin En didn’t know the king’s suffering, and he was fighting every day to become stronger!

Soon, the wedding day was approaching, and Lin En was also a little emotional.

He had lived in his original world for more than 20 years, and there was no sign of getting married.

He had only been in the fairy tale world for a few days, and he married the princess.

In the palace, the king had been thinking for several days but still hadn’t made up his mind.

He invited Lin En to

“Lin En, there is something that has been bothering me for a long time.

Lin En smiled.

“My Lord, what troubles you?”

“The wedding is just around the corner. Do you think I should ask the fairies to bless me?”

The king considered, looking at Lin En with hope.

Hearing this, Lin En frowned.

Those fairies were just background characters in the original story!

Their abilities were described very rarely, so much so that Lin En had not even thought of this!

Seeing the king’s embarrassment, Lin En quickly understood his dilemma!

Should he seek safety at the cost of embarrassment, or should he save face instead of substance?

However, this might be an opportunity for me…

Lin En looked up and asked:

“King, what power does the fairy have? Our army is so powerful…”

The king shook his head bitterly.

“Fairies are honorifics! They practice magic and master great power. The army is nothing in front of them…”

Practice magic and master great power!”

Lin En suddenly thought, is his magic power used to release magic?

But he didn’t have any magic secrets…

He stroked his chin,

“Never mind, my king, the eleventh fairy.”

“The last time you were ambushed was because you didn’t expect it and were caught off guard!”

“This time, we are well prepared, so why should we be afraid of her?”

After hearing this, the king pondered for a moment.

“You are right. This time, I will not let them bless me. I will keep all of them to deal with her!”

Seeing that the king had made up his mind, Lin En smiled and said:

“King, how do you contact them?”

The king looked at him for a long time, then handed him a colorful conch.

“This is a conch shell that transmits sound. Each colored button corresponds to a fairy!”

“Remember, don’t press the purple one! She represents the eleventh fairy!”

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