Converge the breath, return the body to its normal form, take out new clothes, and put them on.

When you enter the system interface, the capture level outside the field exceeds 600.

A satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Put away your good mood, walk over, and deliver ~ a wave of regenerative energy to the divine tree.

The divine tree emits bursts of light, and delicious energy is released - more.

Form a special environment around it.

Lin Yun's eyes lit up, and he carefully examined the divine tree, only to see a touch of green appear on it.

Apparently, sprouted again!

In this case, it is also related to the absorption of soup dishes by the sacred tree.

After all, soup dishes are very nutritious.

You know, the species in the entire 7th region, except for the 5 billion ape monkeys, are very large.

Caterpillars, for example, are like a train.

Gigi, Atassino, Mabi and the others all gathered around, and one by one, their eyes showed shock.

Atacino was pleasantly surprised: "The delicious energy of the Divine Tree is even more!" "

In such an environment, the gourmet cells have been nourished, which is really good.

Gigi wondered: "The divine tree seems to have grown a lot!" "

"Why did you suddenly grow so fast?"

Lin Yun said, "It's sprouting again!" It is related to the soup dish that absorbed yesterday. "

Gigi nodded: "Soup dishes?" No wonder! "

He also knows that soup dishes are very terrifying.

Look at the state of species in Region 7 to see the clues!

Hearing this, Sani and Coco's eyes lit up, and Sani quickly said: "Big brother, you said soup dishes?" Is it the Acacia Life Western-style full-meal soup pair? "

Lin Yun nodded, did not say anything, and directly took out some soup dishes.

In the next second, a terrifying aura erupted from Sani and Coco, and a gourmet cell demon phantom appeared behind them.

"Oooh, is this a soup pair?"

"What a great ingredient!"

Can't wait, the two immediately started drinking.

As a result, the two turned into women, frightening both of them pale.

After cooking the effect of the soup pair, I let go of it.

Even more unexpectedly, the right arm of the gourmet cell demon was revived and gained great power again.

The salad air and the soup dish pair on the drink atom, the eight ingredients I dreamed of, have now eaten three.


It's so cool!!

For a while, Sani felt like he was hanging on.

Coco was also very excited.

He also didn't expect that he would follow Sani to the Lost Island, originally wanted to meet Lin Yundao, inquired about the information of the drink atom, and now not only drinks the drink atom but also eats salad air and soup pair.

It feels like a dream!

The two were excited to test their strength.

Here, Lin Yun took out the soup and dish pair for the divine tree to drink.

Enough drank another bucket, but nothing seemed to change from the Divine Tree.

Lin Yun shook his head: "It seems that the soup dish pair has little effect!" "

Ignoring the sacred tree, he ordered Gijikaka and the others to continue cooking the ingredients.

Mabi had nothing to do and also learned to cook with Gigi and the others.

Lin Yun ate and drank frantically.

Delicious points soar.

At this time, the Asura dragon appeared.

It's the second generation Melk who is back!

"Lin Yun!" Second-generation Melk laughed, "I'm sorry, it's a little late to come back!" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "It's okay! "

"Nothing happened at home, right?"

"How is your master?"

The second generation Melk said: "There is nothing wrong at home, my master is very good." "

"It's just, Lin Yun, there are many people who want to learn to sharpen kitchen knives from you."

"Those people are in Melk Fang every day."

Just deal with these things early, otherwise you will come back long ago.

She thought that if she made things clear, she could send those people away.

However, the more they were sent, the more those people did not leave.

He said that he had to see Lin Yun before he was willing to leave.

Hearing this, Lin Yun was stunned: "Worship me to learn kitchen knives for the teacher??" "

What the hell is this?

He doesn't know how to grind at all!

There must be some misunderstanding here!

The second generation Melk told the ins and outs of the matter, and finally said:

"I said my grinding technique was learned from your kitchen knife."

"Those people say that you are the god of the sword and want to worship you as a teacher."

"Lin Yun, blame me, I revealed your information without your consent..."

Some self-remorse.

Lin Yun smiled and said, "It's okay. "

"Just ignore those people!"

The second generation Melk smiled: "Hmm! "


The human world.

Institute of Gastronomy.

"Miss Ling, when are you going to find your brother?" Komatsu asked with a smile.

Since he heard that Lin Yun was on the Lost Island, he dreamed of going over to find Lin Yun to sign his autograph.

If it weren't for the self-knowledge that the strength of the chicken is too weak, I would have gone to the food world alone.

Ling Wu said angrily: "Chef Komatsu, you have asked 10 times!" "

"Don't worry, when my work here is finished, it will pass."

"At that time, I will definitely inform you and Ah Yu!"

Komatsu was very happy: "Miss Ling, you must inform me." I stayed at Yumei Hotel! "

Ling said, "Got it!" "


"Director, are you looking for me?" Atta finds Mansani.

"Haha!" Manzani laughed and took a sip of wine, "Ah, how is the injury?" "

Ah Yu said, "It's already delicious!" "

Last time I was punched by the four beasts and went to half a life.

These days, I ate a lot of delicious ingredients and went through some treatment before recovering.

It's just that what makes him a little unacceptable, and even a little blow, is that Ling can kill the four beasts with one punch.

You know, when capturing gem meat some time ago, Ling was still a person with no chicken power, and he was protected by him throughout the process.

However, after a while, Ling's strength soared like a rocket, and it had far surpassed him.

Mansam said, "Ah Yu, do you know why Ling's strength has increased so quickly? "

Ah Yu said: "Ling told me that you took her to the lost island of the food world, where she ate a lot of delicious dishes, and the gourmet cells were activated. "

"Director, is that guy named Lin Yun really that strong??"

Mansam took a sip of wine: "Very strong, very strong." "

"Even if it is the president, it is not necessarily his opponent."

"What's more terrifying is that Lin Yun is not only strong, but also terrifying in his cooking ability, and even the regeneration technique is very perverted..."

"Seriously, I've never seen a young man as powerful as him!"

Hearing this, Ah Yu was silent.

Before, he had listened to President Yilong talk about Lin Yun, and he was also full of praise.

Mansam took another sip of wine and said, "It's time for you to go there too!" "

Originally, the guild leader's plan was to let Ah Yu and the others grow in cultivation, but after the invasion of the four beasts, this plan was changed.

I think it's better to let Ah Yu and the others grow up as soon as possible.


Now many things are out of the control of the president.

Hearing this, Ah Yu was excited: "Director, are you going to take me over?" "

It is said that Lin Yun's cooking is awesome, of course, he also tasted it.

Mansam nodded: "Hmm. Let's go prepare some wine, bring some ingredients, and then go over. "

He understands people!


At the same time, Ichiryu appeared near the Hive Prison.

"That bastard deliberately stayed here to practice, right?"

"I wonder if his temper has changed?"

Ichilong muttered.

Suddenly, a huge shadow of a human head appeared in the sky overhead.


Rotten mouth.

It's a little scary.

"Hey, old man, are you talking about me?"

"I heard you!"


...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gastronomic Zone 6, Giant Bay, Blue Greer.

Inside the Spirit Eating Gate, the soul world is a void.

Suddenly, countless figures appeared, only to see a hideous-looking monster, extremely ugly.

These are the Spirit Eaters who live in the soul world.

They frantically rushed towards the Spirit Eater Gate.

The Yan Demon King Squid who was standing not far away and managing the entire soul world saw this scene, his face solemn.

"Did that guy Downslum have an accident?"

"Spirit eaters leave the soul world wave after wave, and Blue Greer is afraid of chaos?"

At this time, a bright light came from afar, illuminating the entire soul world.

As the light comes, so does the deliciousness.

The light falls on the body, and the delicacy also enters the body.

The eyes of the Yan Demon King Squid enlarged: "This... This is..."

And other crazy soul eaters also noticed this scene, stopped one by one, turned around, looked at the place where the bright light was, and drooled!

In the next second, the spirit eaters rushed over.

However, before they got closer, the energy in the soul world fluctuated, and the golden light disappeared, leaving only bursts of aroma around!

These aromas are also crazy for the Spirit Eaters.

The Yan Demon King Squid was stunned in place, and only reacted after a moment: "Can't be wrong, that's Yubao Another!" "

"Shhh! I didn't expect it to come out!! "

"What happened out there actually led it out."

As far as he knew, Yubao escaped into the Soul World in order to avoid the Whale King's pursuit, and he had never seen it in the world since he took charge of the Soul World.

Unexpectedly, Yubao came out today!

He knew very well that something must have caught Yubao's attention, otherwise it would never have appeared.

The Yan Demon King Squid looked around: "Yubao should leave the soul world!" "

Meanwhile, the 6th zone of the gastronomic world, the bottom of the Black Triangle.

A pair of huge eyes suddenly opened, revealing a hint of excitement inside.


"Finally left the soul world?"

"Let King Ben wait!"

"This time, I must swallow you!"


The headquarters of the gourmet club, a secret room.

Alfaro knelt there again.



"The turmoil in the human world is the invasion of beasts in the food world, and it is man-made. At present, only Mo Yang Xia Xia has been found. "

"Gourmet human national treasure Mo Yang Xia Xia?"


"What about the purpose?"

"It's not clear! Boss, in addition to IGO, it seems that there is a force that should not be underestimated to hide things. "

"It doesn't hurt. As long as it doesn't get in the way of our plans! Let them fight, we just sit on the fisherman's profit. "

"Yes, boss! Also, recently, the Lost Island has released a richer and more delicious energy, and many beasts have lurked nearby, but they dare not land on the island. I thought, there is something on the islands that terrifies them! Also, our people have seen beasts such as the Bird King, the Horse King, and the Storm Giant Eagle capture ingredients and send them to the Lost Island, and recently even the Ape King has joined in. I think that the ingredients captured by the Bird King, the Horse King, etc. are probably used to cultivate a certain ingredient! "

“...... Well. I will go there! "


Lost Island.

Ziyu, ziyu~

Gulping down delicious ingredients.

Delicious points soar like a rocket.





In just a few days, there were more than 800,000 delicious orders.

During this time, Lin Yun ate a lot of ingredients, but the capture level of most of the ingredients was not very high.

There are even many capture levels that are only one or two hundred.

Speaking of which, there are many ingredients in the food world, endless, but there are not many capture levels above 4,000, and even fewer with capture levels above 5,000.

What's more, there were many beasts with a capture level of more than 00 before.

But, even so, it's not difficult to get 1.5 million delicious points to upgrade the system.

Just take a little more time.

At this time, the voice of the Cosmic Devil Tree came: "Master, someone is coming!" "

"Two of them have seen it before, a bald head, a girl with short hair, and the other two have not seen it, one with blue hair and one with a collapsed nose."

Hearing this, Lin Yunfa "level perception".

After a while, four people were found.

The bald man is Mansam.

The girl with short hair is Rei.

The blue-haired man is Ayu.

The collapsed nose is Komatsu.

Lin Yun said, "Hmm. Let them come! "

It didn't take long...

"Brother, I'm here again!" At this time, a happy voice came.

I saw Ling come over happily, and after greeting Lin Yun, he went to chat with Atacino and the second generation Melke.

"Haha!" Mansam laughed, "Little one, I'll bring you good food and wine!!" "

Saying that, he instructed Ah Yu to put down the two super huge packages.

Lin Yun was naturally unceremonious, walked over, opened it and saw that one package was a variety of fine wines, and the other package was a variety of ingredients, including Mansam's life Western-style full meal.

"Director, I have a heart!"

Lin Yun put it away.

"Haha!" Mansam laughed, "It's good if you don't dislike it!!" "

I used to bring Ling over to eat and drink, but now I bring Ah Yu and Komatsu over, and I don't give some gifts, how can I do it?

At this moment, Ah Yu and Komatsu were looking at Lin Yun, and the two had different expressions.

Taking a deep breath, Komatsu quickly took out the autograph book and pen, walked to Lin Yun, stood with his feet straight, bent over and respectfully said, "Mr. Lin Yun!" "

"I'm a big fan of yours!!"

"Despicable Komatsu!"

"Please be sure to sign me!"



Lin Yun was slightly stunned.

He knew that Komatsu liked to ask for autographs from great chefs.

Lin Yun picked up the pen, took the book, signed it, and returned it.

Komatsu took a look, so excited that he almost forgot the eight characters of his birthday, and tears flowed out of his eyes: "Mr. Lin Yun, thank you!" “

"Thank you so much!!"

Lin Yun smiled and didn't say anything.

Komatsu carefully put away the autograph book, and then noticed Jijikaka and the others who were cooking the ingredients, his eyes lit up, and he quickly ran over.


"That's Gigika Kakiki, who made Yaozen's cooking on the live broadcast last time, and Chef Atassino, Chef Queen of Strangeness!"

"Why are they all here?"

"What are they cooking? So awesome!! "

Here, Ah Yu looked at Lin Yun, smiled, and stretched out his hand: "Hello Lin Yun, I'm Ah Yu, I finally saw you!" "

"It's better to hear than to see!"

He had imagined what Lin Yun looked like, but there was still a big difference between seeing it with his own eyes and imagining it.


More handsome.

And there are no shelves.

Lin Yun stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and also smiled: "Ah, hello!" "

At this time, Sani's laughter came from not far away, very proud: "Stupid Ayu, you are also here?" "

Immediately afterwards, Coco next to him also greeted: "Ah Yu, you are also here!" "

Ah Yu turned around, saw the person coming, and was stunned: "Sani, Coco?!" "

He didn't expect these two guys to be in the mountains!.

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