"Brother Octopus King, how do you feel?" Asura Dragon asked.

"Hmm!" King Octopus replied, "That's so cool! "

"Such a good thing, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Asura Dragon said, "You didn't want to be your master's slave just now!" "

The octopus king said: "That's me not sensible!" "

"Don't say it, I'm going to absorb more."

After a few breaths, the gourmet cells showed faint signs of strengthening.

If this continues, the gourmet cells become active, and it is only a matter of time.

Once the gourmet cell is activated, then the strength will increase, and among the seven beasts of the Black Triangle, it will be able to firmly sit first, and even wrestle with the whale king.

Damn, what a fragrance!!

Lin Yun processed the ingredients as quickly as possible, cooked them well, and then started eating.

Seeing Lin Yun grasping the tentacles and nibbling, the octopus king walked up and smiled: "Master, are the tentacles enough?" If it's not enough, I still have it here, you can cut it at will! "

Compared to the delicious energy of the divine tree, what are the tentacles worth?

Lin Yun smiled and said, "I'll talk about it later!" "

I didn't expect this octopus king to come!

Slap the horse so quickly.


King Octopus was delighted: "Yes, master. "

After pleasing the master, continue to absorb the delicious energy of the sacred tree.

Lin Yun didn't talk nonsense either, and continued to eat and drink.

Atassino and the second generation Melk are naturally no exception.

Every time I eat Lin Yun's ingredients, it is a pleasure.

At this time, four figures appeared on the Lost Island.

"Yilong, are you sure this is the Island of Lost Paths?" Kiki was surprised.

Gigi was also shocked: "How is this possible? The Lost Island is the land of the dead with almost no plant growth. "

"But now, how do you grow so many trees? And those trees exude an amazing delicacy. "

"What's going on?"

He doubted coming to the land of God.

However, Yilong was also surprised.

I came to the Lost Island a while ago, and the Lost Island was desolate, and I haven't seen it for a while, and now there are so many fruit trees.

And the fruit trees look familiar, but not fully recognizable.

Don Slime also noticed that the fruit trees were not ordinary, but what made him more concerned was that there was an amazing delicious energy in them: "This is?? "

Yilong said, "Xiao Tang, did you find something?" "

Don Slime said, "I'm not sure yet... Let's go, let's go over and see. "

The four walked forward.

The delicious energy ahead is even stronger.

There are more fruit trees around.

Lin Yun, who was eating barbecue with relish, noticed that someone was coming, turned his head to look, saw the person coming, and was stunned for a moment.

All four people know each other, except for Yilong, the other three are very good.

Especially Don Slime!!

"I lean, why are these guys here?"

"It's not going to be here to eat, is it?"

Atacino also noticed the person coming, turned his head to look, and was shocked: "It will... President?! "

"Hahaha!" Ichiryu laughed, "Atassino, you're still here!" "

"Yo, your gourmet cells are active again!"

"Good, good!"

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, Atacino gourmet cells were activated, and its strength improved a lot.

Atacino smiled and said, "This is all the credit of Master. "

After eating Lin Yun's dishes, the gourmet cells are constantly strengthening.

Yilong's gaze fell on Lin Yun and said with a smile: "Haha, little fellow, the old man is bothering you again!" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "It's okay. "

A little lively, also good.

Yilong, Gigi and the other four sat down and noticed that the Asura Dragon and the Octopus King were honestly lying on the side, and several people were surprised again.

Kiki muttered: "Dare to love the octopus king to leave the Black Triangle to come here!" "

Then his gaze fell on Lin Yun, and he couldn't see what talent Lin Yun had, he was an ordinary human being, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

Jiji took off his sunglasses and stared at Lin Yun with those wise eyes, and he couldn't see Lin Yun's talent and strength, and he was puzzled.

As for Tang Slime, his gaze kept falling on the Divine Tree, and his brows were locked.

Yilong remained silent, picked up the dish and ate: "Delicious, delicious!" "

Then, there was a rush.

Gigi and Kiki's eyes also fell on the cooking, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

Trying to take a bite, the two were completely shocked.

Kiki exclaimed, "How is that possible? "

It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious dish.

You know, he is a taste immortal, and his cooking ability is not to be said, but he can't cook like Lin Yun.

Jiji said in shock, "Whoops... I didn't expect such a delicacy. "

As a golden fairy, I have eaten countless dishes, but I have never eaten such delicious dishes.

Ichiryu laughed: "Kiki, Gigi, how?" Not bad, right? "

Kiki and Gigi nodded, admiring.

On the way here, Yilong said that Lin Yun's cuisine was very good, the two did not believe it, now taste it, believe it!

Yilong said, "Xiao Tang, how?" "

Don Slime shook his head: "It's not easy, but I don't know what it is. "

At this time, Lin Yun's eyes narrowed and said, "President, you are here for the Divine Tree, right?" "

He noticed that several people's eyes were staring at the Divine Tree.

It seems that last time Yilong noticed the unusual of the Divine Tree, went back to investigate, and couldn't find an answer, so he asked Downs Slime and others to come over.

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Yilong, Tang Slime, and the other four had slightly moved their faces...

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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