Looking at the smug look of the mutant frightened apple, Lin Yun smiled at the corner of his mouth, didn't say anything, and directly plucked it.

"Hey, why did you pick it directly?"

The mutation scares the apple into a daze.

Thought that this human would do everything to frighten her and make the taste better, but did not expect that this human did not play cards according to the routine.

Really speechless.

"I don't know how the mutant frightened apple doesn't frighten and tastes!"

Lin Yun muttered.

Said, one bite down.


Very crisp.

Very sweet.

There is also a special fragrance inside.

Every time you chew it, the sweet juice in the pulp bursts out, and the taste is super good.

After eating a mutant scare apple, there are 8 delicious points.

Unexpectedly, the 0 fright degree tastes so good, it is simply against the sky.

You know, ordinary frightened apples, 0 frightened degrees, have no taste, the same as drinking water.

Next, start catching the mutant scare apple.

Another horror story, another cruel threat, another fright...

After some time, capture several mutations to startle apples, and the maximum fright is 30.

Shaking his head, he wasted no more time catching other fruits.

Gigi and Kiki are still studying mutant fruits, from mutated pears, mutated sweet fruits to mutated scary apples, etc., and they are busy and happy.

Lin Yun walked back while eating the delicious fruit.

Downslime was still absorbing the delicious energy from the Divine Tree, and its body was shrouded in a faint light.

The second-generation Melk no longer looked at the black god kitchen knife, but sat there, closed his eyes, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Lin Yun did not disturb the two, sat on the residence of the gods, and continued to eat deliciously.

It is getting closer and closer to 80,000 delicious points.

Not surprisingly, after eating the fruits in the system space, you can upgrade the system.


At this moment, a figure fell from the sky.

The man who came was a strong man.

Not tall, but very muscular and wearing only a pair of pants.

Behind him was a black cloth.

The hands are so long that you can touch the ground even if you stand and hang down.

Full of fangs.

Above his head lies a strange insect.

Seeing the person coming, Lin Yun immediately recognized the other party.

It was none other than the Gourmet Gourmet Cell Activation Group, Berrain.

The capture level exceeds 500.

At this moment, Berrain looked at the fruit trees around him, smelling the amazing aroma around him, and the whole person was stunned.

"This is the Island of Lost?"

"How is that possible?"

"When did it become like this?"

In memory, Lost Island is a desolate place!

"What kind of ingredient is that?"

"Sweet fruit? Spray pears? Crystal pineapples..."

"Haha! What a great place! "


It's like discovering a new continent.

Subsequently, he intends to pick the fruit.

Lin Yun said, "Hey, my ingredients, you'd better not move!" "

Hearing this, Berrain turned his head and looked, only to find that there was someone not far away.

At the same time, Gigi and Kiki on the other side should have heard the movement and also walked over.

Lin Yun, the second generation Mel and Dons Slime, Burrein did not know, but after seeing Gigi and Kiki, his eyes shrank: "It's you..."

Said, no more nonsense, quickly fled.

The situation here must be reported to the boss.

In his opinion, it must be Gigi and Kiki who cultivated ingredients on Lost Island, and successfully cultivated many powerful ingredients.

If nothing else, just smelling that amazing delicious energy, the gourmet cells in the body are active.


However, at this moment, a knife qi that tore through the space flashed.

In the next second, Burrein was stunned in place, and fear appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a blood stain symmetrically separate the body.


Before the words were finished, the body fell to the ground, turned into two halves, and died on the spot.

Even the insect above his head was split in two and died tragically.

His strength is okay, he has good ability, but he has no chance to show it.

Of course, he didn't expect that one day he would be stabbed by someone.

The person who made the move was naturally Lin Yun.

The second-generation Melk was shocked: "Mr. Lin Yun, who is that?" "

Lin Yun said, "People who will meet the food!" "

If you let Berrain leave, the other party will definitely bring more people over, and it is better to hack him to death directly.

Although this will also attract the attention of the food club, there will still be people looking for trouble.

However, early killing and late killing are all to be killed.

After all, with the urine nature of the gourmet food, when you see good ingredients, you will rob it.

Kiki came over and said, "Little one, that's the person from the food club, right?" It seems that this place has attracted the attention of the gourmet club. "

"I'm afraid the food party is going to act!"

Lin Yun looked as usual: "It doesn't matter, anyway, you can cut as much as you come." "

This situation has long been thought of.

Not only the food party, but also the people of the NEO organization will probably notice here.

Whether it is a food party or a neo organization, Lin Yun is not afraid.

As long as they dare to cause trouble, no matter who it is, they dare to kill.

Almost at the same time, a humanoid monster appeared hundreds of meters away, looking at all this, his eyes showed shock.

"There really is something wrong with the Lost Island!"

"With such rich delicious energy, there must be super powerful ingredients in it!"

"Joa must be notified!"

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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