Pure golden peanuts are indeed the ingredients of God.

13.7 billion years ago, before the explosion occurred in the residence of the gods, there was a place where the ingredients of the gods were stored, called the Space Food Library.

However, a large explosion occurred in the expansion of the gourmet energy of the God's dwelling place, and the space food library disappeared.

Kiki took a deep breath: "I didn't expect to regenerate pure golden peanuts, the ingredient of God." "

"In this way, there are two god ingredients on earth!"

"I don't know, will this cause disaster?"

He knew very well how attractive the ingredients of God were.

It is not at all surprising that for the sake of God's ingredients, it is not surprising that it will cause world war.

Jiji said, "Kiki, you're thinking too much!" "

"What could be more attractive than the dwelling place of God?"

"The ingredients of the gods are very powerful, but the dwelling place of the gods is even more terrifying."

If there is no dwelling place of God, the birth of pure gold peanuts, the ingredient of God, is indeed enough.

Downslime nodded: "That's right. Even if the ingredients of the gods are born here, their light will be covered by the divine tree. "

Lin Yun didn't think so much, he was thinking about how to quickly grow the pure golden flower and blossom and bear fruit.

Pure gold peanuts quickly absorb all the "regenerative energy" in his body, but the growth is very slow.

In this way, I don't know what year or month it will take to eat pure gold peanuts.

At this moment, there was movement around him.

I saw that the surrounding fruit trees were rapidly withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Lin Yun saw it, his heart was dripping blood.

"I'll go, my delicious order!"

Wanted to recover a little loss, but it was too late.

All the fruit trees dried up and turned into dust.

Pure gold peanuts shine brightly and seem to have grown a little.

Needless to say, it is pure golden peanuts that absorb all the nutrients of the fruit tree.

Even within a radius of several kilometers, except for the Divine Tree, where the gods live, the nutrients in the land are absorbed.

Gigi said, "The growth of God's ingredients requires a huge amount of nutrition. "

"The Lost Island cannot withstand its growth."

"But fortunately, there is a divine tree!"

If there is no delicious energy of the divine tree, I am afraid that the moment the pure golden peanut is born, the entire lost island will turn into ashes.

Lin Yun sighed: "I'll go." This is a new daddy! "

There is a divine tree absorbing the ingredients, and now the pure gold peanut also wants to grab the ingredients with him.

However, if you can cultivate pure gold peanuts, it will be more delicious.

Take the worst god ingredient, God, its capture level is 10,000, and after Lin Yun's cooking, it will exceed 10,000 delicious points.

And the pure gold peanut grade is much higher than God.

In addition, the fruits of pure gold peanut trees are pulled out from the ground one by one, a pure gold peanut fruit delicious point is more than 10,000, a pure gold peanut tree, bearing 20 pure gold peanut fruits is normal!

If cultivated well, more than 30 pure gold peanut fruits are not a problem.

At this time, Lin Yun remembered that there were still bones in the system space that ate many remaining fierce beasts, and these should also be used as fertilizer.


Remove a pile of bones and place it next to the pure gold peanut tree.

The fruit, the pure golden peanut tree, was absorbing the nutrients of the bones, and I saw those bones turning into dust piece by piece.

There is a play!

Lin Yun looked delighted.

In this way, the pressure to cultivate pure gold peanut trees is not so great.

However, the pure gold peanut tree is still fragile and needs to be protected.

Lin Yun ordered, "Old Tang, give you a task!" "

"Help me take care of and protect the pure gold peanuts!"

Don Slime nodded and readily agreed: "No problem!!" "

Pure gold flowers grow up and can be tasted at that time.

Next, Downslime directly sat a stone bench next to pure gold peanuts, absorbing the delicious energy of the divine tree while guarding pure gold peanuts.

Pure gold peanuts are guarded by Tang Slime, and Lin Yun can be completely relieved.

However, Lin Yun has to deliver regenerative energy to pure gold peanuts every day to ensure its rapid growth.

Of course, the divine tree also needs to be nourished by regenerative energy every day.

At this moment, the octopus king ran back in a panic: "Master, help!" "

Lin Yun looked at it and saw that the octopus king was embarrassed and had many injuries on his body.

Can seriously injure the king octopus, the opponent's capture level is definitely not low.

Who the hell is it?

In the next second, you can see clearly.

It was a terrifying shark.

A terrifying black aura bloomed all over his body.

The mouth is large, and inside are densely packed fangs, and the saliva inside is flowing like a waterfall.

A pair of red eyes are like lanterns, releasing a murderous light.

Mansam's eyes narrowed: "Waterfall shark! "

That's right.

It was the waterfall shark that hunted down the king octopus.

Capture level 4800.

Don Slime opened his eyes: "Little one, do you need me to make a move?" "

Lin Yun shook his head: "No need. Your mission is to protect the pure gold peanuts. "

Dons Slime said nothing more.

The waterfall shark's combat power is very strong, if he does not make a move, the person he can deal with is probably Lin Yun.

He also wanted to see Lin Yun's ability.

Jiji and Kiki said, "Master, we are a little good at cooking ingredients, and we can't do the work of capturing ingredients." "

Although the two are red Nitro, their strength is really not good.

Mansam took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Little fellow, this beast, the old man can't do it." "

He was telling the truth.

Although he seals the power, even if it is all unsealed, he will not be able to capture the waterfall shark.

Lin Yun said, "I didn't expect you either!" "

"Waterfall shark, I'll catch it!"

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