
At this moment, many terrifying beasts were attracted by the amazing delicacy of the Divine Tree, and they landed on the Lost Island one after another, drooling and roaring.

Even though they sensed danger on the lost island, they landed without hesitation.

Lin Yun stood there, his eyes looking ahead, and he saw countless fierce beasts appear in the distance.

The "god-level perception" was launched, and it was found that there were fierce beasts entering the field in all directions, approaching madly.

This time, there were more beasts than the pure gold peanuts attracted by the ingredients of the gods last time.

Jijika Kakiki Atassino and the others noticed the appearance of countless fierce beasts, densely packed, and their faces changed greatly.

So many beasts, how to deal with them?

The Cosmic Devil Tree didn't expect so many fierce beasts to come, and that inverted vine attacked madly, poisoning one fierce beast after another.

However, there are too many fierce beasts, coming from all directions, and even if the Universe Devil Tree is powerful, it can't be cared for.

As a result, many fierce beasts broke through the attack of the Cosmic Devil Tree and approached Lin Yun's side.

That roar was about to shake the sky down.


At this moment, a huge figure fell from the sky and landed in front of a group of fierce beasts in the east, the Asura Dragon.


The Asura Dragon roared, and the group of crazy beasts were shocked and stopped one after another.

The beasts in the south rushed up as always, looking crazy.

Suddenly, eight huge tentacles rushed over, and all the beasts running in front were rolled up by the tentacles and strangled alive.

That's right.

It was King Octopus who shot.

Seeing the octopus king, there was a look of fear in the eyes of the fierce beast.

Countless fierce beasts in the west did not hinder and rushed up in a mighty manner.


Suddenly, a huge storm appeared, rolling up many fierce beasts and shattering their bones.


With a strange cry, the storm eagle fell.

At this point, there is the Asura Dragon in the east, the Octopus King in the south, the Storm Giant Eagle in the west, and the Cosmic Devil Tree in the north, stopping the beasts that surround them.

However, many flying beasts above their heads looked at each other and swooped down towards the divine tree.

In the next second, a strange shadow shrouded down, and the group of beasts that flew down all tilted their heads, fell from mid-air, and fell to the ground with unknown life and death.

The shot is naturally the king of birds.

It unleashed the "Shadow of Death" on the beasts.

In this way, the beasts coming from all directions did not dare to easily approach the Divine Tree.

However, no beast was willing to leave, staring at the divine tree one by one, drooling.

At the same time, countless fierce beasts absorbed the delicious energy emitted by the divine tree, and the gourmet cells in their bodies were strengthened, and they were even more excited.

Even if you can't eat the Divine Tree, it is very rare to absorb a few mouthfuls of the delicious energy of the Divine Tree.

At this moment, there was another roar from the north, and the beasts were terrified and quickly retreated to the side.

I saw two terrifying horses approaching me.

It is the Hell Steed and the Dharma Steed.

"Pretend to be forced?"

The Cosmic Devil Tree didn't pay attention to that much, launched an attack, and the inverted vine flashed up, rushing towards the Hell Horse.

The hell steed's gaze sank, as if he felt the danger, and quickly withdrew from the thug.

However, it was still a beat slower.

The inverted vine wrapped around one of the legs of the Hell steed.

In the next second, the hell horse was poisoned and fainted.

The poison of the Cosmic Devil Tree is very terrifying, and anyone caught by its inverted vine will be poisoned.

As soon as it is poisoned, it will faint to death.

According to the strength of the strength, the stronger the strength, the shorter the time to faint, otherwise the longer.

Take the three of Jijika Kakiki, who were poisoned by the Cosmic Devil Tree, because their strength was not strong, they could wake up for three hours.

The strength of the hell horse is good, but it will not wake up for half an hour.

After the Cosmic Devil Trunk stunned the Hell Horse, he immediately attacked towards the Dharma Horse.


However, at this moment, a white energy light wave bombarded, and the inverted vine was directly smashed.

The Cosmic Devil Tree was in pain and screamed, knowing that a strong enemy had appeared.


A terrifying coercion enveloped him.

I saw a huge horse's head appear in the sky, flashing a pair of icy eyes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun knew that it was Ma Wang coming.

Horse King, Hercules!

Height 22,000 km.

Weight 2 megatons.

The body length is 30,000 meters.

The capture level exceeds 6200.

The one who just blasted the inverted vine of the Cosmic Devil Tree into smashes was the "Horse King's Jet".

The horse king naturally came for the divine tree.


When the bird king saw the horse king appear, he immediately flew over, and appeared in front of the horse king in the next second.

Also the king of the food world, the relationship between the bird king and the horse king is not good, but it is not very bad.

"Ma Wang, what's going on with you here? Don't mix! "

"King Bird, what are you doing in my territory when you're not in Area 3? If it weren't for something, I would have asked you to settle the score! "

"Although this is in Area 8 (CHCD), this island is not your territory, it belongs to my master. We have no grudges in the near future, and I advise you to leave quickly, otherwise my master will be angry and will not be able to eat and go. "

It has heard that the snake king came here last time to cause trouble, and was almost killed by the owner.

"Eight kings, it's a shame that the ruler of the food world is a human slave! I don't know how you embarrassed to say it! "

I can't figure out that the Bird King would do such a humiliating thing.

"Ma Wang, you don't understand!"

At first, it was also the same idea as the horse king, but since becoming Lin Yun's slave, it found that it was really fragrant!

"I'm too lazy to take care of your troubles. King Bird, if you're here to stop me, try it! "

The horse king doesn't want to talk nonsense with the bird king, he wants to take away the divine tree as soon as possible, and he has to guard the salad air when he goes back!

"With me, you want to take away your master's things! Unless you step over my corpse. "

The Bird King didn't want to persuade either.

"If that's the case, then let's fight!"

Ma Wang Road.

In the next second, the Bird King and the Horse King went to war.

If it weren't for the gastronomic realm system binding the Lost Island, the entire Lost Island would have been shattered in a moment.

Lin Yun ignored the Bird King and the Horse King, after all, the two were fighting outside the realm, and it was useless to reason, and immediately ordered the Cosmic Devil Tree, the Asura Dragon, the Octopus King, the Storm Giant Eagle, and the Bombarding Demon who had no sense of existence to begin capturing the fierce beasts around them.

It was not so easy to come and retreat.

Not to mention capturing all the beasts, even if you capture a third, it is a very huge delicacy!

How can such a good opportunity be missed?

The Cosmic Devil Tree, the Asura Dragon, the Storm Giant Eagle, the Octopus King, and the Booming Demon heard Lin Yun's orders and immediately took action.

And Lin Yun didn't talk nonsense, quickly launched the "god-level stealth", carried the black god kitchen knife, and cooperated with the "god-level displacement" to start hunting.

Poof, poof~

In an instant, one after another blood arrows shot out, one head after another fell to the ground, and one fierce beast died.

Many beasts sensed the crisis, but before they could escape, their heads were cut off.

What's even more frightening is that it is not yet known what happened.

In an instant, fear enveloped the hearts of countless fierce beasts around them, so they fled one by one.

How crazy it was when it came, how embarrassing it is now.


At this moment, another figure fell.

It is a hideous-faced, ugly monster, covered in sarcoma, looks like a man, a beast or a beast, with an open mouth and dense fangs inside.

A pair of triangular eyes, very ferocious.

As soon as it appeared, it launched an attack on the fleeing beast.

Its attack is as simple as opening its mouth to bite.

Poof, poof...

All of a sudden, many beasts were torn to pieces.



"I'm going to eat more!"

This monster's mouth was full of blood, but it was extremely excited.

It feels like a demon crawling out of hell.

Countless fierce beasts around them felt the extremely dangerous aura and fled faster.

The Cosmic Devil Tree, Asura Dragon, King Octopus, Storm Eagle, and Bombardment Demon also felt the danger and their expressions changed.

Lin Yun also discovered the situation, and the "god-level perception" was launched, and he immediately locked onto the monster, his eyes narrowed.


"This is ... NEO isolate! "

Unexpectedly, this monster also came.

Without being wordy, he immediately ordered the Asura Dragon, the Octopus King, the Storm Eagle, and the Booming Demon to hurry back.

At this time, except for the NEO separation in the field, all the invading beasts ran out, and even left the Lost Island.

However, the entire lost island is full of corpses of beasts.

Rivers of blood!!

At this time, the neo separator grabbed a fierce beast with a broken leg, and while gnawing, he walked over, his mouth full of blood, cruelty, blood-devouring, crazy.

Atasia, second-generation Melk and Ling saw neo isolates tingling in their scalps.

"What kind of monster is this?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What an evil breath!"


Gijikaka and Kiki recognized the NEO isolate and their faces changed drastically.

"How did this guy get here?"

"Shhh! This is trouble! "

"Master, it's a neo separation!"

Lin Yun lifted the "god-level stealth" and stood there, watching the NEO separator come step by step.

NEO is the Acacia gourmet cell demon, and the NEO isolate can be understood as the doppelganger of NEO.

According to Lin Yun's knowledge, Acacia and Blue Nitro currently have an agreement and are arranged in the planetary kitchen.

If it weren't for the delicious attraction of the divine tree, it wouldn't be here.

Jiji reminded: "Master, that's a neo separation, be careful!" "

He was well aware of NEO's origins.

Otherwise, Blue Nitro would not have come to Earth from a distant planet for NEO, and also cooked eight delicious ingredients from the Earth to lead NEO.

Of course, Lin Yun knows the horror of NEO, if it is outside the realm, there is no way for that NEO, even if the eight kings join forces, they can't help NEO.

In the original book, Dons Slime and NEO fight, and the former launches its strongest attack, "Star Explosion", which does not kill the latter.

NEO's strongest point is his appetite, which can not only eat endless ingredients, but also eat damage.

If Lin Yun only relied on the "Different Dimension Galaxy Light Slash", he might not be able to kill him, but now that there is a "god-level illusion", it will be different!

Lin Yun looked at the NEO separating body eyes, and then launched the "god-level illusion".

Suddenly, the neo separator who walked over fell to the ground, blood gushing out of every pore on his body, unconscious.

Seeing this scene, Gijikaka and Kiki were stunned.

"What's the situation?"

"This is ... The same condition as Dons Slime?! "

"Did Master make a move?"

Atassino, the second generation Melk and Ling were also shocked.

The Asura Dragon, King Octopus, Storm Giant Eagle and Boomer Demon were all ready for battle, but they didn't expect the NEO Separation to fall without warning!

The Cosmic Devil Tree was also surprised: "The master is awesome!" "

"Silently put down such a powerful enemy!!"

However, what they didn't know was that the NEO Isolate suffered inhuman torture in the Illusion Realm after being hit by the "God-level Illusion".

In the fantasy realm, the NEO separator is hoisted and ridiculed and spat on by the endless beneficial beasts (monsters).



"it, useless thing!"


After hundreds of millions of years, it finally desperately collapsed.

Speaking of which, NEO itself is a beneficial beast, which is a delicious ingredient used by blue Nitro, and when it is a beneficial beast, it is often ridiculed and insulted by other beneficial beasts...


At this moment, another figure flashed out and appeared in front of the unconscious NEO separator, grabbed the NEO separator with one hand, and disappeared instantly.


Lin Yun's eyes narrowed.

On the other hand, the three people next to Jijikaka and Kiki showed a look of fear in their eyes.


The creature that just appeared to take away the neo isolate was Blue Nitro.

Speaking of which, Gigikaka and Kiki were originally slaves of Blue Nitro!

Naturally knowing the blue Nitro, it is precisely knowing that it is the fear that is felt.

That's right.

The one who just appeared to take away the neo isolate was Blue Nitro, and it was also known that its code name was Pair.

The eight blue Nitros on the earth are the names of the eight ingredients of the earth's Western-style whole meal.

Jiji took a deep breath and walked over: "Master, the creature that appeared just now..."

Lin Yun said, "Hmm. I know, that's Blue Nitro, codenamed Pair! "

"Leave them alone!"

The purpose of Blue Nitro is to resurrect Neo by cooking eight ingredients for cooking Earth Western Whole Meal.

As long as the other party didn't come to cause trouble, Lin Yun didn't bother to care.

Hearing this, Gigi opened his mouth, he never expected that Master would still know Blue Nitro.

The Bird King and the Horse King are still fighting outside the Lost Island, which is very fierce and terrifying.

A good plain is shrouded in terrifying poisonous gas, forming a poisonous plain, which is caused by the poisonous tornado of the bird king.

A nice hill, in which everything dies, like hell, is caused by the "extinction breath" of the horse king.

In addition to this, quite a few plains and hills were destroyed.

Countless fierce beasts suffered even more, shattering their bones.

Lin Yun ignored this, and was very excited in his heart, and ordered the Cosmic Devil Tree, the Asura Dragon, and others to pick up the beast of death.

The corpses of the beasts were piled up in a mountain.

There are not 1000, there are 800.

Fortunately, the system space is infinite space, otherwise there are so many beast corpses, where to put them?

Collect most of the corpses of beasts into the system space to keep them fresh, safe, and not hinder the place.

Next, it was time to instruct Gigika Kakiki and Atassino to start cooking and cooking.

This time is a big bonus!

Gotta celebrate!

It didn't take long for the Bird King to return!

He suffered a lot of injuries, especially a blood hole in the chest, and his flesh and blood were blurry.

But, not fatal.

"Master, I didn't take down the horse king, I'm sorry! Please punish! "The bird king please sin.

Lin Yun said, "No problem!" Go and rest! "

In fact, the strength of the horse king is much stronger than the bird king, if it is not for the horse king who is pregnant and is going to give birth, it is estimated that the bird king will be beaten.

"Thank you host!" The bird king secretly breathed a sigh of relief, decided to absorb the delicious energy of the divine tree, activated the gourmet cells, and improved his strength, and once again sought revenge on the horse king.

Bird King, Asura Dragon, Octopus King and other fierce beasts obediently lay on the side to absorb the delicious energy of the divine tree.

Lin Yun, Jiji, Atassino and others cooked and cooked countless ingredients, and the second generation of Meier and Ling also helped, bringing the ingredients to the table and placing them.

After the ingredients are cooked, it is almost dark!

Everyone sat down together, illuminated by the light-bulbed pumpkin, and began to enjoy the delicious meal.

From time to time, the Cosmic Devil Tree stretches out the inverted vine to steal food!

However, it wasn't long before a giant appeared....

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