"Ah! What is this? "

"Danger. Rewind! "

"Retreat, smack, just a vine, watch me blast it to smithereens!"

The three new GT robots react differently.

One of the new GT robots opens its mouth and prepares to attack.

However, before the attack could be sent, it was rolled up by a barbed vine.

The rigid appearance made of metal was directly pierced by the barb, and even the entire new GT robot was twisted and deformed under the restraint of the barbed vine, and the core equipment inside it was instantly shattered.

The remaining two new GT robots were stunned, and then quickly fled.

However, there is no step forward yet.

The inverted vines roll them up.

Click, click~

Two GT robots exploded.

GT robot control room at the headquarters of the food club.

Sedoru, Bukiwuz, and Balikamun were dumbfounded.

Just landed on the Lost Island, thinking that I would investigate the situation well and complete the task assigned by the boss, but before it started, it was over!

Too humiliating!!

However, thinking that the vine could easily deform and break the new GT robot, the three of them felt numb in their scalps.

Fortunately, it is the GT robot that controls the past, and if I go there in person, I am afraid that I will die in an instant.

The inverted vine doesn't look good, but it's really terrifying.

When Alfaro learns of the defeats of Cedoru, Bukiwuz, and Balikamon, he also learns an even more startling piece of information.

Without saying a word, immediately go to Sanhu to report the situation.

"Boss, something has happened!"


"Failed to investigate the Lost Island, but know that there is a powerful vine that can easily destroy the new GT robot. I think iGO cultivates and regenerates ingredients, and that's it! "

"Hmm! Say big things! "

"Boss, according to reliable intelligence, Acacia Life Western-style full-meal salad air has been... Captured! "

"Huh? Captured by someone ?? Is it an IGO shot? "

Yilong that old man doesn't talk about martial virtue, he came secretly, right?

"Boss, it's not Igo to shoot, according to witnesses, it was Ma Wang who personally took off the salad air and sent it to the Lost Island..."

"And this kind of thing?"

"Boss, I want to go to the Lost Island myself and investigate it clearly. If you can, bring the salad air back! "

"Hmm! Pick a few strong ones and go together! "

"Yes! boss! "


Lost Island.

"Master, it's these three weird things!"

The Cosmic Devil Tree threw three scrapped robots in front of Lin Yun.

Lin Yun said: "This is a GT robot, you can destroy it directly when you see it in the future." "

The Cosmic Devil Tree nodded: "Understood!" "

Ji Ji said, "Master, will those guys come over to harass you again?" "

Lin Yun said: "They noticed the situation here, and the success of the salad air here will definitely attract the attention of the food." "

"But it doesn't matter."

"Anyway, as long as they dare to come and cause trouble, kill them!"

There are many members of the food club, and many of them are also very terrifying.

Like what

Chief Chef, Head Chef Assistant, Alfaro, Gourmet Cell Activation Member, etc.

Of course, the strongest is the Three Tigers.

It's just that no matter who comes, in the field, Lin Yun can make the other party either die or be injured.

Ma Wang stood next to the Lost Island, smelled the delicious energy released by the divine tree, and the food cells in his body became active, and his heart was surprised.

"Sure enough, that tree is not simple!"

"Even if you can't eat it, just absorbing that delicious energy is good."

"No wonder that guy from the Bird King was willing to become a slave of his master early, it seems that he has known this for a long time!"

"However, I know it now!"

"In short, the master's thighs are held!!"

In its opinion, as long as it is close to the Lost Island, absorbing the delicious energy of the Divine Tree every day is a great thing.

In this way, the gourmet cell grade can go further.

Cool crooked.

Suddenly, his eyes moved, he wanted something, looked at the child who was having fun on him, and then summoned over and said a few words.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Wang transmitted a message to Lin Yun: "Master, can I let my child stay with you??" "

Children are to inherit the throne, and if the strength is not good, then the process will be difficult and potentially dangerous.

Although the child inherits its ability, it is not enough, it needs to be stronger.

And the delicious energy of the divine tree is of great help to the child's strength.

If the child can absorb more delicious energy from the divine tree up close, the strength will increase faster.

Lin Yun said, "Yes!" "

The pony cubs are beautiful and lovely.

It is also very good to ride it in the field.

Ma Wang was grateful: "Thank you master!!" "

The corners of Lin Yun's mouth raised, and the horse king and pony cubs would all be Lin Yun's.

Soon, the pony cub landed on the Lost Island and came to Lin Yun with happy steps.

The second generation Melk and Rei saw the ponies, their eyes shining.

"What a cute horse!"

"Yes, cute and beautiful!"

The two couldn't take their eyes off anymore.

"Brother, can I touch it?" Ling said.

In the past, when she dealt with fierce beasts, they were some fierce and terrifying beasts.

Of course, there are cute looks, but they are definitely not as cute as horses.

Lin Yun said, "Touch it if you want!" "

The horse has been told by the horse king, and it will be fine.

Ling touched the horse with her hand, full of joy.

The second generation Melk was watching from the side, her heart itching, and she also wanted to touch.

Lin Yun said with a smile: "Touch it if you want, it's okay!" "

The second generation Melk nodded and walked over to caress, very happy.

After thinking about it, Lin Yun walked up, directly turned over on the horse, and said to the second generation Melk: "Go, take you for a walk!" "

The second-generation Melk was stunned, and then showed a sweet smile: "Okay!" "

Lin Yun reached out and grabbed the small hand of the second generation Melk, and as soon as he pulled it, he pulled the second generation Melk up and sat in front of him.

The second-generation Melk blushed and was a little embarrassed.

Ling said, "Brother... I'm going to ride a horse too! "

Lin Yun said, "Okay." You sit in the back. "

So, the three of them galloped across the field on horseback!

Ma Wang saw it and had no opinion.



"President, according to intelligence, Sarah Air has been captured!" Food astronomer Lala reports on what she has learned.

Yilong was not surprised at all: "Hmm. The old man knows, don't bother! "

Before the salad air spewed out majestic air, scattered the endless clouds, and the delicacy spread to the human world, he naturally knew.

Moreover, he also knew that the person who cooked the salad air was definitely Lin Yun.

No one but him could cook salad so well.

Hearing this, the food astronomer Lala was stunned and was surprised: "President, did you already know??" "

Yilong smiled and said, "Didn't I tell you?" Whatever happens in the future, don't fuss! "

"There will be even more horrifying things ahead!"

"If there is nothing to do, go to the Lost Island when you have time, it will be good for you!"

Food astronomer Lala's eyes moved slightly: "President, I understand!" "

The president often mentions the Lost Island consciously or unintentionally, saying that there is something very powerful there, and today I mentioned it again!

It seems that I have to find a time to take a look.


Atasinocheng quickly returned to the human world while sitting in the perspective, and the first time was to update the "Cooking Program", which caused a sensation again.

There are also many chefs waiting for updates, waiting for them to go crazy!

So, when Atacino went out to buy clothes for Lin Yun, he was blocked again.

Food journalists, chefs, G7 members... People from all walks of life have it.

It took Atassino quite a bit of time to send it all away.


"It seems that being too famous is not a good thing!"

"Heehee, if Master returns to the human world, I'm afraid the scene will be even more terrifying!"

Atacino smiled and went to the department store to buy a lot of clothes, pants and other things, ready to go to the food world.

"Miss Atassino!"

"Finally found you!!"

However, suddenly a voice came.

Atacino looked back and saw a young and beautiful girl approaching.

The hair is numerous and long, covering the entire back.

Everything else is also excellent.

Moreover, wear less. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But it feels like it's not pretentious at all, it's not messy at all.

Atassino recognized the person and was slightly surprised: "You are... Queen of Strangeness, chef of "Melon Scoop"! "

The Queen of Strange Wonders is a very powerful chef, ranked 24th in the gourmet human chef, and is young and beautiful, it is difficult not to know her.

Queen Strange said: "I am Copley, the chef of the melon restaurant, and the Queen of Strange is a title given to me by others." "

Atassino said, "Then... Chef Queen, what are you looking for me?? "

Queen Strange said: "I am very interested in the "Cooking Compendium", and the cooking method mentioned in it is unique, which really benefited me a lot!" "

Atacino smiled and said, "Did you say the Compendium of Cuisine?" The cooking method inside is really powerful. However, it was not my research, it was my master!! "

The Strange Queen said, "I want to meet your master, is that okay?" "

That's what she's for.

Atassino's eyes lit up, and he immediately stepped forward, took the strange queen's hand, and said enthusiastically: "Of course!" "

"Let's go, we'll go now."

The Strange Queen was stunned.

She didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

And Atassino is so welcoming!

However, Atassino had another idea in mind: "Heehee, such a beautiful girl, Master will definitely like it!" "


Shadow kitchen.

The atmosphere is dull.

"I didn't expect Air to be killed!"

"As long as it's not eaten by neo, it doesn't matter if you die, you will be resurrected anyway. Now the problem is that salad air has been captured and cooked to perfection, but not among us we have gone to pull r! "

"After all the calculations, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Our plans were all disrupted! "

The original plan was for igo and food to compete and then reap the benefits.

But now...

"Things have happened and all we have to do is remedy it. Say, what now? "

"Kill it directly, grab the salad air! Seven of us shot, it must be fine. Moreover, if the other party can perfectly cook salad air, then the rest of the ingredients of the earth's Western whole meal will definitely be able to cook! According to intelligence, the drink atom is perfectly cooked! "

"'~Inappropriate! The other party can kill Air, and Air doesn't even have a chance to escape, which shows that the strength is not simple. We cannot act rashly, otherwise the whole army will be destroyed! At least, before doing something like this, we need to know who the other person really is! "

"It's very risky to go out en masse. Moreover, the situation in Acacia is getting worse and worse, and if you don't keep an eye on it, Neo is afraid that he will escape again. "

"Salad air is the only ingredient, yes, but we are also cultivating and regenerating at the moment, and it is already bearing fruit, and I believe it will not be long before it succeeds. We still have a chance. "

"It's just that even if it is cultivated and regenerated, it is a problem to cook perfectly!"

"There's no need to worry about that. Joya said that she has found a way to cook salad air, and the probability of success is 70%! "

"Joa found a way to cook salads? Did he find the book that was left in the food pyramid? "

"It's not. Joa was inspired by a book called The Compendium of Cooking. "

"Cooking Compendium? Who wrote this? "

"I don't know. When Joa comes, ask him again! "

"When is Joa coming?"

"He is now arranging the regeneration and resurrection of the four beasts, and he will come over when he is done."

"Okay. Then take a look, and if it really works, then go all out to regenerate the salad air. If we fail, it's never too late for us to go to the Lost Island! "


Lost Island.

Lin Yun took the second generation Melk and Ling to ride around the field, and after returning, there was nothing to do, sat down and continued to eat delicious ingredients.

By the next day, the system was finally ready to be upgraded again.

[Ding. There are more than 600,000 delicious points, and the system in the food field can be upgraded, is it upgraded? 】

Lin Yun was overjoyed in his heart and silently thought: "Upgrade!" "

[Ding. The system upgrade in the field of gastronomy has been successful! 】

[Ding. The current system is level 13. 】

[Ding. Field 19,000 meters. 】

[Ding. Reward God's Cuisine Different Dimensional Limit Thunder Slash, which can be cultivated! 】

System prompt.

Lin Yun's eyes moved slightly.

This system upgrade, the field increased by 4,000 meters to 19,000 meters.

System 10 levels, field 10,000 meters.

System level 11, field 1 (Qian Wang's) 2000 meters.

System 12 levels, field 15,000 meters.

System 13 levels, field 19,000 meters.

The regularity is +2000 meters, +3000 meters, +4000 meters...

If the analysis is correct, if the system does not need to reach level 20, the field will exceed 50,000 meters.

It's still very promising!

Of course

Actually, you have to take one step at a time.

The system is good, but there is a bit of a mental disability in this regard, do not say anything, all rely on guesswork!

Shaking his head, his gaze fell on the reward.

"God's Cuisine Different Dimensional Limit Thunder Light Slash", this is a very violent skill, and its lethality is even more terrifying than the "Different Dimension Galaxy Light Slash".

Let's put it this way, the "Interdimensional Galactic Light Slash" requires two swords to kill the blue Nitro Air, but to launch the "Interdimensional Limit Thunder Slash", only one knife is required.

What's even more terrifying is that the "Extreme Thunder Slash of Different Dimensions" can also destroy some gourmet cells.

As we all know, gourmet cells in this world are very awesome existences, even if the living body is dead, but as long as the gourmet cells are still alive, then they can be regenerated and resurrected.

And it's very difficult to destroy gourmet cells.

Take neo, for example, in the original work, it was left with only one gourmet cell by the "reverse world" of the deer king, but it was resurrected, and the gourmet cell evolved stronger.

"Different Dimensional Limit Thunder Light Slash" can kill some gourmet cells with one sword, if you come with a few more knives, won't you be able to kill all gourmet cells?

As long as the gourmet cells are all destroyed and want to be resurrected, it is impossible!

"Extreme thunder light slash in different dimensions", awesome!

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yun silently said: "Cultivation!" "

[Ding. God's Cuisine Extreme Thunder Light Slash Cultivation Success! 】

System prompt.

In an instant, there was an extra stream of information about the "Extreme Thunder Light Slash of Another Dimension" in his mind.

The corner of Lin Yun's mouth hooked a satisfied smile.

No verbosity, enter the system interface....

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