"Here it comes!"

Lin Yun smiled.

The second-generation Melk blushed slightly: "Hmm! "

Lin Yun said, "Today we will continue to learn the eighteen styles of Ah Wei!" "

Second-generation Melk nodded: "Okay!" "

At this time, another voice sounded: "What Ah Wei XVIII style?" I want to learn too! "

The door was pushed open.

Atacino walked in with a bad smile!

The second-generation Melk was stunned: "This? "

Lin Yun said, "Then come and learn together!" "


Gourmet Club Headquarters.

“boss!" Alfaro knelt in front of the door of the secret room again, his face ugly.

"Talk!" Sanhu's unsalty voice came out.

Taking a deep breath, Alfaro said: "There is a very strange tree on the Lost Island, which releases delicious energy and can strengthen gourmet cells..."

"The igo 0th Eco Garden clerk gourmet surgeon Atassino is there, as is Gijikaka and Kiki, known as the Taste Immortals."

"In addition, there has been a lot of noise recently, Lin Yun, known as the God of Chefs, is also there, and the entire Lost Island seems to be his territory."

"Salad air should be cooked by him!"

"In addition, fierce beasts such as the Bird King, the Horse King, and the Asura Dragon also appeared there, and they were all Lin Yun's slaves, obeying Lin Yun's orders!"

"Bayer and the Faceless Man landed on the Lost Island with me, and it was Lin Yun who ordered the King of Horse to kill the two of them."

"He seems to have asked me to come back and send you a message on purpose!"

In one breath, tell everything you see, hear, and feel on the Lost Island.

Hearing these words, Sanhu was stunned!

Alfaro could feel a cold aura coming from inside, and his heart trembled, and he secretly said:

"Boss, is this angry??"


You know, since he followed the boss, he has only seen the boss's indifferent look of indifference to everything, and has never seen the boss show other emotions, happy, sad, lost, angry... None at all.

But soon, that icy aura disappeared.

Alfaro's gaze moved slightly.

At this time, the voice of Sanhu came out: "Got it!" You don't have to worry about it. I will personally go to the Lost Island. "

Since there are bird kings and horse kings there, letting the food meet others over is to give away people's heads.

Only if he does it himself, can he pay 04.

"Yes, boss!" Alfaro replied, startled again.

I didn't expect the boss to go out in person.

However, after thinking about it, at present, only the boss can crack it.

Sanhu added: "How many people can enter the food world at present? "

Alfaro said: "In addition to several chefs, three assistant chefs, the head of the first branch, members of the gourmet cell activation team, bartender Limon and some others are also eligible to enter the food world, and others are still worse!" "

There were originally a few more, but they fell on the Lost Island.

Sanhu said, "Too little!" The process is too slow! "

Alfaro did not dare to make a sound.

Sanhu said, "How is the research on gourmet cell fluid?" What is the success rate? "

Alfaro said: "The gourmet cell fluid is still being perfected, and the current success rate is only five percent. "

"Next month, the success rate will increase to 10 percent."

Forcibly fusing gourmet cells is risky.

This technique was also obtained from Nitro.

It is still being improved.

However, a lot of testing has been done and the success rate has improved.

Sanhu said: "The success rate of ten percent is enough, let the gourmet cells be activated and injected at that time, and others can also inject if they want to inject." "

"Improve your strength as soon as possible!"

He vaguely felt that things had gone off plan.

But no matter how things change, as long as there is strong strength, it can cope with it.

Just by eating delicious ingredients, the improvement is too slow!

If you eat ingredients suitable for gourmet cells, it's okay, otherwise eating other ingredients is equivalent to strengthening the body.

If you forcibly and successfully integrate the gourmet cell, you can easily find the ingredients suitable for this gourmet cell and eat the ingredients in a targeted manner, then the improvement will be much faster.

Alfaro nodded: "Understood!" "

It seems that the research and development of gourmet cell fluid will be stepped up.

Sanhu said again, "How is the gray juice beast studied?" "

Alfaro said: "There is a breakthrough, and the success rate is more than 50%. "

"A batch has been researched so far!"

Sanhu said, "Hmm. Get more out of it! "


NEO organization base.

"Qiaoya, the four beasts can invade the human realm in ten days."

"Good. Things are also arranged here, as long as the humans are sent over, the plan can be implemented. This time, I hope to be able to catch more people. "

Regenerating the Acacia Life Western-style whole meal requires a lot of manpower.

So, pay attention to humans.

You know, there are tens of billions of people in the human world.

More than 200 years ago, the four beasts invaded the human realm and captured countless humans, which was launched by Blue Nitro.

"But Joya, the four beasts invaded the human world, and IGO will definitely make a move. The four beasts are camping monsters, and their strength is okay, but they will still be killed! "

Qiao Ya smiled in his hand: "Don't worry, igo will be very busy that day!" "

He has already subdued many beasts with "dark cuisine, change the taste", as well as many gourmet thieves.


The human world.

Gourmet hotel top floor.

"Xiao Yi, you've already been to Lost Island, haven't you?" Setsunai said.

Yilong smiled: "Hmm. Been there! Setsuna, you've been there too, haven't you? "

Setsuna smiled, "Of course. Otherwise, how can I brew my authentic century soup? "

"Boom... Speaking of which, I haven't seen Xiao Lin Yun for a long time, so I have to send him some century soup to drink. "

When it came to Lin Yun, she had a smile in her eyes.

Yilong smiled and said, "Yes." I haven't seen the little one in a while. Setsunai, call me when you go! "

At present, things are arranged almost the same, you can go to the lost island to relax.

Setsunai shook his head and said, "Xiao Yi, not yet!" "

"Kojiro told me that the four beasts are gone!"

"I'm afraid something will happen again."

200 years ago, Ichiryu drove away the four beasts, and Jiro set them to the point.

Now, the four beasts are gone!

It is clear that someone is working on things.

Yilong's eyes narrowed: "Huh? Did those guys move ahead of time? "

He knew that in addition to the food party, there was a terrible force in the shadows.

"Shh "

Setsuna leaves.

Ichiryu sat there, his hands on his cheeks, his gaze deepening.

"It seems that some preparations still need to be made."


Lost Island.

And the second generation Melk and Atassino played all the Avi XVIII styles.

Cool crooked.

When he woke up in the morning, Lin Yun ate two more breakfasts.

The mood of the day is good.

Get outside.

I ran into the Strange Queen, and her look was a little strange.

She also slept in a room in the palace snail yesterday night, she should have heard something.

“...... Master, good morning! Stunned, the Strange Queen opened her mouth to say hello.

Lin Yun smiled: "Good morning!" "

Then, go to check on Don Slime, who is still in a coma and does not know when he will wake up.

I have to say that the "level technique" is really terrible.

Even a powerful gourmet cell demon like Don Slimee couldn't wake up for days.

Shaking his head, he came to the side of the Divine Tree.

"Good morning, master!"

"These are the ingredients caught yesterday night!"

The Cosmic Devil Tree came over.

There are also many fierce beasts next to it.

Lin Yun nodded, and then looked at the situation of the Divine Tree, and nothing changed.

Directly sending a wave of regenerative energy, the Divine Tree still has no change.

Ignore it, sit down.

Gijikaka and Kiki delivered the ingredients immediately.

"Master, this is my drink Atom, see how it tastes this time? Is there any progress? "

"Master, this is the Jin Pingxing of my cooking, please use it slowly."

"Master, this is my cooking all thorny zucchini, please use it slowly!"

It has to be said that these three people are very active in researching the cooking of ingredients.

The endless cooking ingredients during the day, not even sleeping in the evening, discussing and summarizing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course

The effort is also rewarded.

Lin Yun ate the food, and then commented:

"Gigi, the drink atom cooking is perfect enough, there is a faint smell of poisonous gas in it, if you can remove it, it will be even more perfect. 98 points. "

"Kaka, Jin Pingxing is an ingredient from space, and it is better to use one-third into the knife method when cooking, so that even the breath of molten slurry can be removed. 95 points. "

"Kiki, prickly zucchini, is a poisonous ultra-special cooking ingredient, and you use the three-in-three-out knife method to handle it very well. 99 points. "

When the three of them heard this, their faces showed excited smiles.

"Thank you Master!!"

After that, continue to cook the ingredients.

Sani, Coco and Ling came over from the castle turtle, greeted Lin Yun, and sat down to eat breakfast.

Lin Yun spoke, "Sani, after breakfast, go and help me grab an ingredient." "

Yesterday, another ingredient figure appeared in my mind, needless to say, it is an ingredient suitable for gourmet cells.

Sani nodded: "Big brother, no problem, leave it to me." What are the ingredients? "

At present, the strength has been greatly improved.

Learn several new skills.

Yesterday night, I also deliberately practiced it, which was very good.

Get in and out of the food world without worrying about security.

Now there are means of attack, means of defense, speed, etc.

Lin Yun said, "Meteorite garlic!" "

Hearing this, Sani was stunned: "Meteorite garlic? "

Obviously, he didn't know the ingredients.

However, Coco next to him narrowed his eyes slightly: "Meteorite garlic? That's where the meteorite falls. "

"As far as I know, there is in the Gourmet Casino of the Kingdom of Gidal."

He investigates the beverage atom newspaper, finds a gourmet casino, and learns that there is meteorite garlic inside.

Also, meteorite garlic is a stimulant, which is not circulating in the market and is only available in the Gourmet Casino of the Kingdom of Gidal.

Upon hearing this, Sani said, "Kingdom of Jidar, gourmet casino?" Yes. The younger brother went to take the meteorite garlic over. "

Coco thought for a while and said, "Sani, the gourmet casino is not an ordinary place, and if you want to get ingredients there, you can't use ordinary means. "

If you want to get ingredients at a gourmet casino, you need to gamble, and if you win, you can get the ingredients you want.

Of course

If you don't follow the rules there, use violence to rob, it's okay.

It's just that the average person doesn't do that.

Because, the backstage of the gourmet casino is still very hard.

Coco said, "Sani, I'll go with you." "

Lin Yun gave him so much, he also had to make something in return.

Otherwise, it's too much to say.

Lin Yun said, "Okay." Sani, you go with Coco! "

With the intellectual responsibility of cocoa, meteorite garlic can be obtained 100% successfully.

Ling said, "Brother, I also want to go back and see the situation over there at the Food Research Institute." "

Lin Yun said, "Good." "

After breakfast, the three of them immediately set off for Lost Island.

Don't worry about their safety at all.

Lin Yun had nothing to do and continued to eat delicious ingredients.

The second generation Melk and Atassino went to get busy after breakfast.

One person to sharpen the kitchen knife.

One of them discusses the cooking method with the Queen of Strangeness, and then joins the cooking team.

Lin Yun ate the delicious ingredients vigorously, and the delicious points continued to increase.

By noon, almost 100,000 more delicious points had arrived.

In this case, 1 million delicious points are not difficult to get!

In the process of cooking ingredients, the strange queen encountered many difficulties, and from time to time came to Lin Yun to answer.

Lin Yun naturally explained to her clearly.

The Queen of Strange has benefited a lot.

"Master, I have realized!"

She went to try it right away.


"Sure enough!"

"That's awesome!"

The Strange Queen looked happy.

Lin Yun glanced at it, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I have to say that the talent of the strange queen is really strong, one point can be passed, and one can be inferred.

No wonder he became a gourmet human chef at a young age, ranking 24th.

At this time, a 513 laughter came, "It's so fragrant! "

"Has this become paradise?"

As the voice fell, an old grandmother stepped forward.

Next to him was a little loli with short blue hair.

The people who came were none other than Setsuna and his disciple Bubu.

"Setsuna, you're here again!" Gigi Road.

Setsunai smiled and said, "Xiaoji, Xiaoqi... Oh, and the little card is also ... The three of you are finally together again! "

"Huh-huh... Your cuisine has become even better!! "

Jiji said with a smile: "Learn from the master, no progress, can't talk about it!" "

"How about it, Setsunai, do you want to come to worship the teacher too?"

Regardless of age, Lin Yun is definitely qualified to become the master of Setsunai.

Setsunai laughed, "Oh... Xiao Lin Yun is already his wife's teacher! "

"I came here today to thank the teacher!"

Without Lin Yun, she couldn't brew the authentic century soup.

From this point of view, Lin Yun inspired her and was half a teacher.

Lin Yun said, "Mother-in-law Jie Nai, you said and laughed!" "

"Please sit down!!"

When the strange queen next to her saw it, her jaw almost fell to the ground in shock.

She didn't expect that Ms. Nai appeared here on the Food Human National Treasure Festival, and it was for Lin Yun.

Setsunai sat down and said with a smile: "Xiao Lin Yun, thanks to your blessing, the old woman finally brewed the authentic century soup." "

"I should have sent it to you earlier."

Lin Yun said, "Mother-in-law Jie Nai, it doesn't have much to do with me that you can brew authentic century soup." "

"Even without me, you can make it."

In fact, the century soup made by Setsuna's mother-in-law uses ingredients from the new era, and it is the century soup of the new era, which is authentic in this respect.

Just to reproduce the taste of the ancient century soup, it is worse.

"Whew...," Setsuna smiled happily, "Kobayashi Yun, you don't have to lift your wife. The wife's cooking, the wife knows! "

"Little Bubu, bring the century soup."

Bubu hurriedly handed over the century soup, and a pair of eyes fell on Lin Yun again.

"Xiao Lin Yun, come and taste the century soup!"

"Thank you, Granny Setsuna!"


Beyond the earth, in the endless universe.

The whole universe is not dark.

It is completely different from the cosmic environment in which Blue Star lives.

At this moment, 1,000 kilometers away from the earth, a hideous-faced beast roared.

"That delicious energy is coming from the front!"

"I want to eat it!"

"What kind of ingredients are they, just smelling them, the gourmet cells come alive."

"Be sure to eat it!"

If Lin Yun were here, he would know that this beast was a space cerberus, a beast that traveled through space.

The body length is 8000 meters.

Body height 6500 meters.

Weight 3 megatons.

Capture level 6800.

Its sense of smell is very sensitive and it can smell extremely faint odors in distant places.

It is also this ability that allows it to smell the delicious smell of the divine tree for the first time.

So, he flew from far away at the fastest speed.

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