
Mabi burped.

The lower abdomen is high and bulging, as if seven or eight months pregnant.

More importantly, gourmet cells are much stronger.

The strength has improved a lot.

"Mr. Lin Yun, I'm sorry, I ate too much at once!"

Mabi said.

In fact, he didn't want to do that, but Lin Yun's cooking was so delicious that he was addicted to eating it, and he couldn't stop at all.

If you don't pay attention, you will eat.

Lin Yun smiled: "It's okay!" "

"By the way, listen to King Ma, the Demon Food Village was destroyed, what's going on?"

Hearing this, Mabi's eyes showed anger, and he suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "It's Blue Nitro!" "

"Blue Nitro?" Lin Yun's eyes narrowed.

In the original work, there is no plot of Blue Nitro attacking the demon food village!

Mabi said, "Blue Nitro not only attacks the Demon Food Village, but also attacks humans in other places. "

Lin Yun asked, "What is the purpose?" "

Mabi said, "Capture humans." "

"There are so many people in the Demon Food Village, except for me who escaped, all the others were captured by Blue Nitro."

"I'm afraid Blue Nitro is going to carry out the plan of the year again!!"

Hearing this, Lin Yun's eyes moved slightly, and he connected with the failure of the four beasts to invade the human realm, and after thinking about it, he knew what was going on.

Blue Nitro failed to capture humans in the human world, and chose to capture humans in the food world instead.


At this moment, Blue Nitro and Joya and the others have entered Blue Greer, thinking that they will encounter Don Slime's attack and there will be a vicious battle, but they found that Don Slime is not in Blue Greer, and things will be easy all of a sudden.

The strength of the ten bei five people is not weak, but in front of the blue Nitro, it is not enough to look at at all.

It didn't take long for Blue Nitro to control the entire Blue Greer, and Joya launched "Dark Cuisine, Change the Taste" to control countless people.

"There are so many people, and they are all cooks, that's enough!"

"yes, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly!!"

"Didn't you say Don Slimee is here? Why didn't you see anyone? "

"Leave it alone! While he hasn't come back yet, let's withdraw first! "


Mabi had nowhere to go, staying on the Lost Island, Lin Yun didn't say anything.

In the next time, Lin Yun cooked the ingredients and ate delicious; Eat delicious, cook ingredients...

Occasionally, it also sends a wave of regenerative energy to the divine tree.

Mabi had already noticed the existence of the Divine Tree, and her heart was shocked.

However, seeing Lin Yun delivering regenerative energy to the Divine Tree, making the Divine Tree look radiant, he was even more shocked.



At this time, there were birds chirping and monkey calls overhead.

It was King Bird and King Ape who returned.

When the two fell, they sent Lin Yun a large number of ingredients.

Subsequently, the Horse King, the Octopus King, the Storm Eagle and the Booming Demon also captured the ingredients.

The ingredients piled up into a mountain were collected into the system space by Lin Yun.

There must be 600,000 perfect flavors of this batch of ingredients.

Mabi saw that the Horse King, the Bird King, and the Ape King all became Lin Yun's slaves and petrified on the spot.

It is also incredible that the ruler of the food world should be a slave of a human imp.

You know, even Blue Nitro doesn't dare to provoke the Eight Kings easily!

Mabi felt the destruction of the three views.

Before, the village chief of the Dharma Immortal mentioned to the people in the village that the Bird King and the Horse King were Lin Yun's slaves, but no one believed it, and now Mabi believed it!


"It turns out that what the village chief said is true!!"

After the bird king, ape king, horse king and other fierce beasts put down the ingredients, without other orders from their owners, they obediently lay down near the sacred tree to absorb delicious energy.

Mabi wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, and the whole person was numb.

One night of silence, the next day.

Atassino and the Strange Queen return in a diluto.


Before it fell, Atassino shouted happily, with a smile in his eyes.

The Strange Queen also exclaimed happily: "Master! "

The two fell.

Atacino immediately talked to Lin Yun about what had happened recently in the human world.

Finally, he said with great admiration:

"Master, you are so bad!"

"You are already known as the Chef God!"

"Rated as the fifth national treasure of gourmet mankind!"

Chef God?

Gourmet mankind's fifth national treasure?

Lin Yun was stunned: "I don't seem to have done anything.!" "

Atassino's talking eyes flickered: "Master, although you are on the Lost Island, the contribution you have made has influenced the entire era of food. "

"Your Cooking Compendium shocked the world and made a huge contribution to the culinary world; The medicinal rice balls you have researched have saved countless people! "

"You said you didn't do anything??"

Lin Yun was dumbfounded.

The "Compendium of Cuisine" was written by Atassino based on his explanations, and he just moved his lips.

Also, Yaozen rice balls are just an ordinary dish.

How did it shock the world?

Atacino smiled and said, "Master, I want to remind you that if you return to the human realm, you must protect yourself. "

Lin Yun asked, "Why?" "

Atacino smiled even brighter: "Because... There are countless girls who want to have children with you. "

"If you appear in the human world, I am afraid that you will be stripped away by girls."

Lin Yun raised his hand and knocked on her brain: "Nonsense!" "

Atacino covered his head and smiled: "Don't believe it!" "

"If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer a loss in front of you!"

"No, no, no! Yes, if you don't listen to the beauty, you will suffer a loss in front of you!! "

Lin Yun was too lazy to talk to her, took out the ingredients, and threw them to her: "Go, cook the ingredients!" "

Atacino took the ingredients and went to cook them with a grin.

The Strange Queen didn't speak next to her, and kept laughing.

She was a little envious of Atacino and Lin Yun talking and laughing, fighting, not wanting to master and apprentice at all, but like...

In the next second, wanting to hear those voices on the night, apricot eyes flashed slightly, and his face turned red.

Lin Yun looked at the Strange Queen: "What are you giggling?" You also go to cook the ingredients! "

A slap on her ass.

The Strange Queen exclaimed strangely, and her face turned even redder: "Yes... Master! "

Two women cooking ingredients.

Mabi walked over to greet Atassino, apparently the two had known each other before.

After a while, Atassino prepared the ingredients and sent them over.

"Master, where is Sister Melk?"

"Is she home??"

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm." Been home for 2 days. "

Hearing this, Atassino looked at Lin Yun with a pair of strange eyes, and a strange smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yun frowned: "Why?" "

Atacino smiled and quickly replied, "!!" "

Lin Yun was stunned.

Atassino smiled even more.

Lin Yun thought, lying groove, this old driver!!

"Hee-hee!" Atacino smiled, "Master, your reaction is a little slow!" "

Lin Yun raised his hand to knock her again, and she quickly slipped away when she saw this.

But, soon, she came over again: "Master, why is there an extra monkey??" "

Lin Yun said, "That's the Ape King!!" "

At this time, the Strange Queen also walked over, looking surprised: "Ape King? Could it be that it is also one of the eight kings of the food world? "

She knows that there are eight kings in the food world, and they are the rulers of the food world, but it is not clear which eight kings they are.

Atacino said, "Junior Sister Queen, you still don't know the Eight Kings, do you?" "

"I'll popularize it with you."

"The eight kings of the food world refer to

Area 8 Horse King, Heracles;

Region 7 Ape King, Bambina;

Area 6 Whale King, Muen;

Area 5 Deer King, Sky Deer;

4th Domain Serpent King, Mother King Serpent;

Area 3 Bird King, Imperial Crow;

Zone 2 Wolf King, Ginees;

Zone 1 Dragon King, Dirous. "

Hearing this, the Strange Queen nodded: "So it is!" "

This can also be regarded as filling the knowledge gap of the eight kings.

"The Ape King lives in the 100g mountain range in Region 7, it stands to reason that it will not leave there, how can it be tamed by the master?" Atassino muttered, and then asked, "Master, could it be that the Ape King was also attracted by the delicacy of the Divine Tree?" (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lin Yun shook his head: "No." The ape king was captured by the Cosmic Devil Tree, then beaten by the horse king, and then tamed by me. "

Atassino's eyes flickered, and he thought of something: "According to the IGO survey, the ape king rarely leaves the 100 mountain range, it is to protect the fruits on the tree next to it, and according to speculation, those fruits are the Acacia Life Western-style whole meal soup pair!" "

Lin Yun said, "The fruit on the tree of the first cry is indeed a soup pair, but it is not the most perfect. "

"The perfect soup dish is on the ape king's body."

Area 7 is very large, second only to Domain 4, and in the central area, near the 100g mountain range, there is the largest tree in the food world, called the Hatsuki Tree.

It bears a lot of fruit.


At a glance, it looks like the stars in the dark are blinking.

And those fruits are soup dishes.

But, it's not perfect.

Why do you say that?

At that time, Blue Nitro cultivated the soup pair, and its essence was drunk by the ape king, and some of the remaining soup dregs were absorbed by the Chuchi Tree and grew into the way they are today.

That's why the fruit of the Hatsuki Tree is not a perfect soup pair!

After listening to Lin Yun's explanation, Atassino's eyes lit up: "Master, the soup is on the ape king, is it its blood??" "

Lin Yun shook his head: "It's not blood!" "

"It's its two eggs!!"

The strange queen frowned, and continued: "Master, no, the ape king is not a hen, how can he lay eggs?" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "I'm not talking about eggs, but eggs!" "

At this time, the old driver Atacino glanced at the ape king, and immediately understood, and his eyes lit up: "Master, are you talking about the ape king's two things?" "

The two eggs in the lower body are very obvious.

Lin Yun nodded: "Hmm! "

Worthy of being an old driver!

The Strange Queen also reacted and looked at the ape king: "Master, is it really fake?" Those two things are Acacia Life Western-style full-meal soup dishes? "

"I read less, don't lie to me!"

How could the ingredients so tall as the Acacia Life Western-style Whole Meal be that kind of thing?

If so, how to drink it?

Is it cut open, and the inside is full of soup?

At this time, Mabi came over and said, "It is indeed true. The egg of the ape king is the Acacia Life Western-style full-meal soup dish pair! "

As a former slave of Blue Nitro, he has been involved in handling many ingredients and also knows the intelligence of some important ingredients.

For example, the eight ingredients of the Acacia Life Western-style whole meal have been heard.

It's just that I don't know how to cook it!

Atacino grinned, "'~ I guess the soup dish pair is white, Master, are you right??" "

Lin Yun raised his hand and knocked her.

How can this old driver speed anywhere?

The Strange Queen said, "If those two things are really soup dishes, how do you capture them?" How to cook? "

Mabi shook her head: "I don't know about this!" "

Atassino said, "I don't know about this. However, with Master here, Master must know!! "

So, the eyes of the three fell on Lin Yun.

Lin Yun said, "I know the capture method. "

"It's a bit of a hassle, though!"

"Need to dance with the ape king and kiss."

Hearing this, Atassino, Queen Strange, and Mabi were all stunned.


The capture method of soup dish pair is dancing and kissing?

Atassino said, "Master... If that's the case, it's not too much trouble! "

Lin Yun smiled: "Otherwise, I'll teach you, you go and dance with the ape king and kiss." "

Upon hearing this, Atassino immediately shook his head: "Don't, don't..."

Lin Yun knocked on her brain: "You just want to, you can't do it!" "

"Because, there are 1,000 fixed dance postures for dancing, and when dancing, it must be consistent with the movements of the ape king, and it is not fast or slow."

In the original work, after cultivating the Ape Martial Mystery, the Four Heavenly Kings can barely keep up with the Ape King's movements by working together.

Mabi suddenly realized: "It turns out that this is how to capture the soup pair, what a strange!" "

"No wonder I can't think of a headache when I think of it."

The Queen of Strange Wonders also felt the novelty, and did not expect that there were ingredients captured like this.

It's unheard of!

Atassino smiled and said, "My strength is too different from the Ape King to keep up with its movements. "

"Master, you can definitely do it."

"I'm optimistic about you!!"

"Come on!"

She wanted to watch Lin Yun dance and kiss with the ape king.

Lin Yun knew what the old driver Atassino thought, and said with a smile: "The capture method of the soup dish pair is not the only one. "

"Just now, I just said one of them."

"There is also a simpler one!"

Mabi was surprised: "What?" And a capture method? "

Atassino's eyes flashed: "Master, what is the method??" "

Lin Yun smiled and said, "Meat dumplings!!" (Zhao is good)

As soon as these words came out, Maby and the Strange Queen were stunned.

Meat dumplings?

What is this capture method?

Unheard of!

The old driver Atassino immediately understood, his eyes shining, and he said with a smile: "Master, is it really fake?" "

"Is the soup really white??"

My God, isn't this soup set serious?

If that's the case, don't drink it to death!

She only drinks Lin Yun's!!

The Strange Queen was very curious and said, "Senior sister, what kind of capture method is this meat dumpling?" "

Atacino smiled and whispered a few words in her ear, causing the strange queen's face to turn red for a while.


"It's not serious!!"

"How can there be such a capture method?"

The Strange Queen was stunned.

At this moment, she finally understood what the hell "meat dumpling" was!

I couldn't help but think of the meeting when I first visited the teacher, and if I wanted to learn "meat dumplings" with Lin Yun, my face turned even redder.

Atassino smiled and said, "Master, is that trying to catch a female monkey to cooperate with the ape king??" "

If you want to make meat dumplings, don't you want two buns?

Lin Yun shook his head and said, "Don't bother so much, just let the ape king come by himself." "

"Let's have a hardcore version of the meat dumpling!!"

The principle of capturing the soup dish pair is such that the ape king will be very excited by dancing with his lover, and the soup dish pair will continue to mature.

Finally kissing, more excited, the soup dish pair will be fully ripe.

In general, it is to make the ape king excited.

When the ape king is excited, the soup dish will ripen.

Therefore, making the ape king's "meat dumpling" excited can also make the soup dish mature and then fall off.

Atacino thought for a moment and nodded: "It makes sense!!" "

"Master, then let's start now!!"

"I want to see the hardcore version of the meat dumpling!"

"Next time... Here you go! "

Lin Yun raised his hand and knocked on Atassino's brain door.

This old driver drove again!。

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