“You, are you okay?” Dixia couldn’t help asking

“It’s already this late, do you want to see her get into trouble?” Li Yan said

“I……”Seeing this, Dixia had no choice but to do what Li Yan said.

Li Yan laid Dina Zedai flat on the sofa.

He took her pulse and checked her pupils.

He found that the problem was not serious, she was just frightened.

On the other hand, the magic scale disease was a bit serious, her body was not in good condition, and the recent fatigue caused by walking

【Ding, congratulations on your successful treatment of Dina Zedai!】

【Ding, if you want to treat Dina Zedai, you need to do it a hundred times, and each time will consume 10% of your energy!】


This tip surprised Li Yan. He thought he could cure Dina Zedai in one go.

But it makes sense. Dina Zedai’s magic scale disease is very dangerous. It is definitely not easy to cure it. It will take a long time.

After Li Yan treated her once, Dina Zedai opened her eyes quickly. She felt more comfortable than ever before.

But she noticed that many people were staring at her, and their eyes were full of worry. This made Dina Zedai a little shy, and she whispered,”You, why are you looking at me like that?”

Li Yan said,”It’s okay for now.”

“This, that… Boss, I apologize for what happened just now, thank you for saving the lady.” Dixia said to Li Yan very seriously.

Li Yan nodded to Dixia and said,”I can see that you are very worried about her, but her illness is very serious, and it is difficult to cure her in Inazuma. Moreover, she has consumed a lot of energy in the long journey, and her body is still very weak. If she continues like this………”

He didn’t continue talking.

But the meaning was already very clear.

Dixia’s eyes became complicated, not knowing what to say.

Dina Zedai asked:”Mr. Li Yan, I can feel that my body has recovered a lot. Can you, can you save me? Can you……”

“Miss……”Dixia shouted.

Li Yan glanced at Dina Zedai and said,”I can indeed save you, but it will take a long time, at least three months, and you are unlikely to stay in Inazuma for three months, and… that’s all.”

Li Yan originally wanted to say that Yingmei would recover naturally when she went to Xumi, but these words had a sense of predicting the future and were not appropriate to say.

Dina Zedai stood up and was locked up by Li Yan. She raised her head and pleaded seriously,”Boss Li Yan, please save me. As long as you save me, I can pay any price, even myself.”

These words made Li Yan’s face look a little strange. He thought to himself that I have Aren and Xiaogong here, so they won’t target you.

Even if you are indeed very beautiful, but……

“Boss, how about……”Jiuqi Ren said with some reluctance.

Although Qi Liangliang did not speak, his eyes looked at Li Yan.

Li Yan looked at Dina Zedai who was kneeling in front of him, sighed and said:”I have a request for saving you. How about this, you stay and work for a year, and you can leave when the time is up.”

“OK, thank you Boss Li Yan.” Dina Zedai breathed a sigh of relief.

Dixia’s eyes became complicated, and she said;”Miss, I am worried about you leaving alone, um… do you need someone to help you look after the store? I, I can help.”

Li Yan glanced at Dixia and said:”My store is in Inazuma and no one dares to mess with it. If you are worried, you can stay. Um… I will open Mora for you, and you can live in the house next door.”

Qi Liangliang asked in surprise;”The house next door is also yours?”

“The three houses in this row are all mine. I was originally planning to expand the store, but for now I will let them live in them,” said Li Yan

“”Thank you, Boss Li Yan.” Dixia thanked him very seriously.

Li Yan waved his hand and said,”Okay, you can rest here first. The treatment will start tomorrow. Inazuma’s life is different from Xumi’s. You will get used to it slowly.””

“”Yeah.” Dixia and Dina Zedai nodded seriously.

Xiangling breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that Dina Zedai was fine.

Li Yan continued to work in the kitchen. He had left some materials just now, and he had to prepare them.

At this time, Jiuqi Shinobu came in, walked to Li Yan’s side, and asked softly;”When did you learn medical skills?”

“I have always been able to do it, but I just don’t show it very often.” Li Yan wiped his hands, leaned against the wall next to him, and said,”Aren, how about we go out for night fishing tonight?”

“Night fishing?” Jiuqi Shinobu asked curiously.

Li Yan smiled and said,”Just the two of us, take two fishing rods to go fishing, there is a very beautiful place, and the most important thing is that I want to spend the day with you, okay?”

Jiuqi Shinobu blushed, rolled his eyes at Li Yan and said,”You, you must want to take this opportunity to bully me……”

“No.” Li Yan hugged Jiuqi Ren with both hands and said:”I just want to take you to experience something different. Night fishing is actually very interesting, and the most important thing is the process.”

“Well, I’ll go then.” Jiuqi said softly with a red face.

Li Yan smiled, kissed her on the lips, and said,”Then it’s a deal.”

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