People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 129 Day 129 of Survival: Too Young

Xu Zhijian thought he had heard it wrong, but he listened carefully and found that it was right.

It was indeed his own voice.

If he had just entered the new stage of Horror Town, he would be scared when he encountered this situation.

Now he was mostly curious.

He listened carefully for a while, and finally heard clearly what that "self" was singing.

He was surprised.


(Mary Shaw with eyes staring)


(Dolls always embrace their children)


(You children need to remember this)


(Don't scream if you see her in your dreams)


Oh my goodness.

It turned out to be the horror ballad in "Dead Silence"!

And he found that his voice was quite magnetic, especially low in this foggy dark corridor.

Speaking human language is creepy.

If he sang something else, he might think about what he was trying to do.

Now that he could sing this ballad that only he knew, it was clearly a deliberate provocation!

The sound was getting closer and closer, and he suddenly had an idea.

So he quickly turned around and walked into the next room, then hid behind the door and turned off the flashlight.

His vision fell into darkness.

The strange voice soon came over and stopped outside the door!

The sound also became smaller and smaller until it stopped.

While thinking about what it could be, Xu Zhijian was ready to take action at any time.

Five seconds.

Ten seconds.

Fifteen seconds.

After waiting for a while, there was no further movement outside.

It seemed that the thing also wanted to play hide-and-seek?

And just as he was waiting patiently, a black hand suddenly stretched out from the wall silently.

It pinched his neck!

When it was about to touch him by more than ten centimeters, Xu Zhijian suddenly turned around and hit the cross over.

A sharp wail suddenly sounded from the wall.

Then the black hand quickly melted and dissipated until it disappeared along with the sound.

"Kill the evil spirit and get 10 season points"

Xu Zhijian snorted coldly, thinking that I have been through many battles and have seen a lot, do you really think I am an idiot?

This little trick of diverting attention and attacking the west dares to be conspicuous.

It's really too naive.

There was no movement just now, so I guessed that the evil spirit must have come in, and wanted to make a move quietly.

So it was also a deliberate bait to lure the other party into the trap, and then use the trick against him.

He turned on the flashlight and walked out of the room and continued to move forward carefully, carefully observing the lines drawn on the wall before.

Soon he came to the end, and the front was blocked by a wall again.

And the mark was directly broken.

It means that this method is really useless. The changes in the hospital are completely beyond the illusion.

Xu Zhijian let out a long breath, adjusted his mentality and turned to another way.

He thought that he must think of a way to break the situation as soon as possible, otherwise the little prince of ghost movies will fall in the season.

At the same time.

Lance and the others were also groping around, like headless flies, not knowing what to do.

As they walked, the flashlight suddenly went out.

"What's going on?!"

"FUCK... Why can't I turn it on!"

"Where are you? I can't see you, don't leave me..."

They immediately panicked like ants on a hot pot, desperately turning on and off the flashlight.

After about five seconds, it finally lit up again.

"Lance, Houston, Sasha, where are you...?"

TC subconsciously looked around to find his companions, but was stunned when he saw it.

Because they were all gone!

But the layout around him didn't change, it was still the same place as before.

What the hell is going on? !

He couldn't guess the reason, he just felt his heart pounding, his scalp numb, and cold sweat kept flowing down.


After a moment of stagnation, he swallowed his saliva, called out while nervously moving along the corridor.

No matter what happened, find them first.

Otherwise, I would be scared to death.

TC touched the wall with one hand and walked slowly and terribly with a flashlight in the other hand.

Soon, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

He instinctively wanted to look back to see what happened, but he held it back.

Because he really didn't dare to look.

He usually watched some horror movies and was very familiar with similar plots.

It was when the protagonist was in a dangerous place and there was a strange sound behind him, and then he looked back and there was nothing.

When he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back, a ghost face suddenly popped out!

Now... will it be the same? ?

TC's legs trembled slightly, and he felt that he had exhausted all his strength with every step.

After a few seconds, the flashlight suddenly went out again.

And before he could react, he suddenly felt his neck tightened and was strangled by a cold thing!

Then his body actually rose out of thin air.

"Woo woo woo..."

TC's hands, which were terrified and painful, grabbed his neck, and his legs struggled desperately.

However, it was of no use. I just felt it was getting tighter and tighter, and it hurt as if countless needles were piercing into me.

His face began to turn red and purple.

He suffocated instantly.



At this time, another series of whip-like sounds rang out of nowhere.

Every time it rang, TC's back was hit hard, comparable to scissors cutting flesh!

The pain went deep into the bone marrow.

Blood slowly spurted out of his mouth and nose, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

In a moment, he was completely motionless, with his head drooping, and his body swaying slowly from side to side like a pendulum.

The whip-like sound continued for a while and then disappeared, and the corridor returned to silence.


The other half.

Houston wiped his tears while trembling and moving forward carefully.

Facing the situation where his teammates suddenly disappeared and he was left alone, he was really going to collapse.

He had no idea why this happened.

He didn't know what to do.

At this moment, he really hoped that he really had psychic abilities.

In this way, he could talk to those evil spirits and beg for mercy.

What a pity.

After walking in panic for a while, a room without a door suddenly appeared on the left in front.

He walked over with a flashlight and took a look.

His mind went blank and his legs went limp, and he sat on the ground again.

He widened his eyes and sweated.

Under the flashlight, there was a little girl in a hospital gown sitting by the bed, combing her long black hair with her head tilted to one side!

When she saw him, she stopped what she was doing.

Then she murmured, "Hey, can you accompany me... Can you play with me?"

"Maybe... Roar!!"

As she spoke, the girl suddenly raised her head and turned into a hideous face similar to a skull!

She rushed over quickly.


Houston was so scared that he got up and ran away immediately driven by the instinct to survive.

The ghost chased him from behind.

After running for a while, another room appeared in front of him, and the door was still open.


He rushed in directly and closed the door from the inside and locked it.

Then he hid in the corner and shivered, his legs shaking like sieves, and his crotch immediately became wet.

He was actually scared to the point of peeing.

Thanks to the book friends of Yijian, the young man who read quietly, Shen Gu Wen Huang Piaomiao, Xiao Fanyun, and JINGUANGHAO for their monthly tickets.

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