People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 146 Survival Day 146: Similarities in Different Ways

If you want to solve this female corpse, you must first start with her identity and origin.

Compared with the previous copies, strictly speaking, she is not a real demon.

So this is one of the reasons why the cross is ineffective.

What should I call her?

Well... forget it, let's just call her a witch.

According to the movie setting, her name is unknown. She should not have been a witch when she was alive. Did she become one after she died?

Or maybe she was a witch when she was alive.

That's why she became one of the victims of the "witch hunt movement".

The so-called witch hunt is an absurd, evil, ulterior motive, and anti-human massacre.

It happened from the late 15th century to the 17th century.

During that time, religious and secular judicial institutions across Europe vigorously hunted down so-called witches.

Then they used unreasonable secret trials and severe punishments to easily convict people.

In this terrifying movement, women were the biggest victims.

At least five figures were judged as witches and burned at the stake.

Large-scale witch hunts occurred twice in total.

The first witch hunt was between 1480 and 1520, when the Inquisition was responsible for hunting down witches.

The witch hunt began with the "Highest Hope" decree issued by Pope Innocent VIII in 1484.

At the same time, in 1487, two inquisitors co-authored "The Hammer of Witches". It can be said to be a "code".

There are many detailed and purposeful ways to distinguish and check whether a person is a witch.

For example, witches often apply special ointments in the middle of the night and ride on witches to specific places to participate in witch meetings.

The so-called witch meetings refer to gatherings of wizards, Satan, and demons.

Witches and demons dance, feast, eat children, etc. at the meetings.

What's even more outrageous is that scars, birthmarks, and even thinness can be used as evidence.

It's outrageous to the extreme.

The second witch hunt took place between 1580 and 1670.

This was also the largest witch hunt.

At this time, the pursuit was gradually taken over by the secular court, and the suppression was more severe, and countless people were persecuted.


And this corpse can be known from the content written on a piece of linen found inside the body.

The time of the murder was in 1693.

However, the witch hunt in North America ended in 1692.

This doesn't match.

Maybe there are other inside stories?

There are basically only these clues about the situation of the female corpse, and it is still very confusing.

Oh, right.

The movie also shows the items that emerged from the body after the autopsy. What are they? ?

A piece of cloth with the date and magic circle written on it.

A tooth.

The internal skin is engraved with strange magic circles.

The internal organs look like they have been burned by a fire.

And the tongue is cut off in half.

Other things seem to be... Oh, there is also a mandragora flower.

The flower language of this flower is horror, death, and blood.

These things + the father and son dissecting the corpse convey the most important setting.

The female corpse cannot be killed physically!

Whether it is hot or cold weapons, or burned by fire, the body can still recover as before.

What's even more outrageous is that it can transfer pain.

For example, if you cut it with a knife, you will suffer the same amount of damage in retaliation.

The harder you hit, the more fierce the counterattack you will receive.

When the female corpse was found and sent to the protagonist for inspection, they first dissected a burned corpse.

There is reason to believe that the deceased should have come into contact with the female corpse before, and then wanted to burn it with fire.

As a result, he was backfired.

And if you want to get rid of it completely, the only solution is to experience all kinds of torture it has suffered.

At the same time, you have to cut off your tongue.

Ordinary people may have to pay this price to survive, but Xu Zhijian will definitely not.

What are you thinking.

With all kinds of abilities and intelligence, let alone cutting off the tongue, even the experience of pain can be avoided.

At the same time, I thought that the female corpse and the rebound position are similar.

Good guy.

Both are rebound damage.

This is a bit interesting. For example, you can slash it with a knife first, and then it will bounce back with its ability.

Your own skills will bounce back its rebound.

What will be the result? ?

Will they cancel each other out directly, or will they double each other?

This question is very curious, but it will not be considered unless it is absolutely necessary.

Let's think about the best solution that can be used first.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian squatted down and grabbed the shoulders of the female corpse, and then dragged it out with force.

Now he has reached the limit of human strength, plus the 10% star map bonus.

The body of more than 100 pounds was pulled out in minutes.

Then he gently put the female corpse on the ground and fully displayed it.

I sighed again, this delicate skin, perfect scar-free body, and long black hair.

Tempting, sexy.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a tortured corpse.

Xu Zhijian squatted down and pried her mouth open with a little force.

The tongue was indeed half cut off.

Buzz buzz buzz...

At the same time, a fly suddenly flew out of the left nostril of the female corpse.

It flew away quickly in a circle.

Then some dark red blood flowed out.

Xu Zhijian didn't feel strange, as this proved that the inside of the female corpse was already in tatters.

"How to solve it?"

He stood up and watched silently, subconsciously touching his chin, thinking of a solution.

How can I kill it without suffering pain and cutting my tongue, and avoid death?

Thinking about it, he suddenly glanced at the time.

It is now 01:25.

Remember this time, then quickly leave the basement, return to the hall and take a look at the outdoors.

It was midnight, there was no rain or snow, and there was nothing unusual.

Does it mean that it has not yet started hallucinations?

Remember that in the movie, the father and son forensic doctors unknowingly entered its field as soon as they started working.

The specific manifestation was that the radio automatically changed channels and some unknown children's songs sounded.

It was originally a peaceful night, but suddenly there was wind, rain and thunder.


Xu Zhijian did not do anything to harm it now, so it was normal for the time being?

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the signal, which was full.

It seemed to be fine.

But he always felt that it should not be that simple, so he subconsciously dialed a number to test.

After all, the signal can be faked.

It looks normal, but it is actually gone.

"Sorry, the-number-you-dialed..."

The receiver came with a prompt that the user did not exist. He glanced at the dialed number and then realized it.

He dialed Jenny's number unconsciously.

No wonder.

But I don't know anyone in this world, how can I test it?

Xu Zhijian thought while walking to the dead body, put on gloves and began to grope in his clothes.

He found the phone quickly.

Theirs also showed a signal, and the two old people had not set the unlocking password, which was good.

So he opened the address book and randomly found a friend to call.

"Beep... Beep..."

It rang for a few times but no one answered. I don't know if it was because it was too late and the other party was asleep, or for some other reason?

He hung up the phone and put the phone in his pocket, and he probably had some idea in his mind.

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