People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 156 Survival Day 156: You do this

Chapter 156 Survival Day 156: You do this...

Xu Zhijian looked at his own shadow, his eyes lit up, and he smiled happily.

Hahahaha~~Got it!

Got it!

Finally I came up with a good idea!

I have to admire my own thinking, it's really awesome, I might as well change my name to the Invincible Detective King in the future.

He glanced at the female corpse: "You were helping me in that scene just now, right? Thank you very much."

After that, he immediately returned to the hall.

Then he moved the four corpses to the basement one by one and placed them side by side with the female corpse.

If the previous inference is correct, then the female corpse is their great-grandparents, right?

The predecessors and successors who are a hundred years apart are lying together at this moment. This picture is really weird and makes people sigh.

He did not implement the plan immediately, but made a serious final inspection and inference.

There is only one chance, avoid wasting it by mistakes.

First do this.

Then do this.

Then do this? should be right, as long as it succeeds, it can basically be done.

Start now...wait!


I almost forgot the most important thing: Side Mission 2.

Xu Zhijian, who was just about to take action, stopped in a hurry and was a little nervous. Fortunately, he remembered it in time.

This mission said there was a potential danger. Who was it referring to? ?

According to the current inference, the female corpse should not be counted among them.

It + the witch behind the scenes = 1.

It can't be 1+1=2.

What could it be? !

While thinking about the content of the movie, he looked at the female corpse and the other four corpses.

Is there something wrong with one of them?

Or something else?

After thinking about it, it seems that there is nothing to be overlooked. Everything that should be hinted in the movie is hinted.

I have basically thought of everything that can be thought of.

Xu Zhijian carefully analyzed it over and over again, don't rush, take your time.

I have been tossing for a long time, and I don't care about the last little time.

Since it is a potential danger, it means that it has not appeared at all, or it only appeared briefly and is not important.

So few people will remember it, pay attention.

Then we can't focus on the main characters such as the female corpse, the forensic doctor and his son.

Who are the supporting characters?

First of all, the girlfriend of the forensic doctor's son can be ruled out directly.

According to the setting and performance, she can't have any problems, just a supporting character.

And because of the hallucination, the old forensic doctor accidentally killed her with an axe when she suddenly returned.

Of course, it was not until the end that it was found out that it was fake, the woman did not go back and did not die.

Because there were only three bodies carried out in the end: the female corpse, the forensic doctor, and the son.

Secondly, the second most popular supporting character is a policeman.

Responsible for investigating the matter, sending the female corpse over, etc.

There are no other characters, only two or three small supporting characters with less than a minute of footage.

Tsk, who could it be?

What could it be?

After thinking about it, there was no good clue for a while.

Xu Zhijian took a deep breath, and then continued to sort it out from the beginning. There must be something overlooked!

Don't be impatient or angry, avoid falling into meaningless thinking.

Generally speaking, according to the setting of horror movies, the least noticeable and most unlikely person may be the foreshadowing.

Could it be the girlfriend of the son of the medical examiner? ?

Okay, let's put her on the suspect list first.

If it is true, we have to find a way to find where she is.

The next suspect should be the police.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up and he reacted.

That's right!

Just now, a suspected policeman came to knock on the door, and he also had the key of this house!

But he suddenly left halfway through the door.

These actions are weird and wrong. There is obviously something wrong.

In comparison, TA is more like a lurking target!

While analyzing, Xu Zhijian suddenly thought of a huge doubt.

Police... Police?

Ha, I understand!

So that's it... I finally guessed it! !

He carefully recalled the plot and the cause and effect again, and he was sure that it was correct.

But how to deal with TA?

It must be unexpected and deal with the other party as soon as possible.

After studying it carefully for a while, he immediately came up with a solution. Well... let's do it!

And there is no need to worry about the other party coming.

Because according to the inference, as long as the female corpse completes the task of killing and sacrificing, he will come and take the female corpse away.

Everything is ready, let's get started!

Xu Zhijian quickly left the basement and came to the hall, opened the equipment bar, and exchanged (Monster Trial Version).


500 exchange points.

Then set himself as the assimilation target.

A figure appeared in front of him instantly.

The same height, clothes, appearance, etc. as him, everything is exactly the same.

Not a single hair is missing.

Xu Zhijian looked at himself with interest, and at the same time, a sense of uncanny valley effect rose.

Don't say it.

I am not afraid of ghosts, but I am a little scared to see another real me.

That feeling is really weird.

Fortunately, the trial version can be controlled at will, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

So he whispered to himself: "Next you do this..."

The fake Xu Zhijian nodded obediently and turned to walk into the basement.

He continued to stay in the living room, hiding behind the door, taking out the "invisible biscuit" and ready to go at any time.

In the basement.

The fake Xu Zhijian walked to the female corpse, squatted down and said: "I am willing to experience any harm you suffer."

"I am willing to complete the sacrifice you need, you can start."

As soon as the voice fell, the gray eyes of the female corpse seemed to flash.


Then, the fake Xu Zhijian felt that his ribs were hit by an invisible force and broke instantly.


He fell to the ground in pain and couldn't help screaming.


Then the wrists and ankles also broke automatically.

The thumb, index finger and middle finger of the left hand broke, showing a 90° bend.

The teeth also fell out inexplicably, and the mouth was full of blood.

"Ah ah ah..."

The fake Xu Zhijian screamed in pain, and the piercing pain almost made him faint.

However, this is not over yet, it is just the beginning.

Then, a clear purple mark suddenly appeared on his neck out of thin air.

It was like being strangled by a rope.

"Ahem... wuwuwu..."

He was strangled and couldn't help but spurt blood, had difficulty breathing, and his whole face turned red and then slowly purple.


At the same time, balls of scorching flames burst out of his body.

Instantly engulfed and surrounded.

Because his neck was strangled and he couldn't breathe or make a sound, he could only twist and struggle hysterically.

Blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and his eyes bulged, and they were completely purple.

The fire quickly burned his clothes, and his skin also quickly reacted to the barbecue.

An unpleasant and strange smell floated up.

This scene was so cruel and bloody that it made people shudder and dare not look directly at it.

The fake Xu Zhijian struggled frantically with all his strength under the instinct of survival, but it was useless.

The fire became more and more intense.

At the same time, a faint scream of a woman also sounded out of thin air, clear and sharp.

It lasted for a long time.

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