People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 16 Survival Day 016: Collecting Relics

The shadow was very tall, at least two meters tall, and it was dark from head to toe, so he couldn't see it clearly.

Quinn was startled and hurriedly turned back to check.

But the back of the corridor was empty, except for a nurse passing by, and nothing else.

He turned back to look in the mirror, and the shadow was gone.

Is this... an illusion?


Absolutely not!

If it was before, she would definitely think that she was dazzled and saw it wrong, but now it is not so simple.

The head nurse who walked away found that there was no one behind her.

So she turned around and shouted unhappily: "Quinn, what are you doing, come quickly!"


She came back to her senses and let out a long breath, gently patting her cheeks twice with both hands.

Steady, steady!

You will know the result at noon.

Now you have to focus on your work and don't think about other things for the time being.

Otherwise, because of your own mistakes, it is very likely that another medical accident will occur, harming others in vain.


Time passed in anxiety and busyness.

Unknowingly, it was finally time for a lunch break.

After a detailed investigation, the police determined that Evan's death was an accident and closed the case.

Quinn didn't even bother to change her clothes, and left the hospital in her nurse's uniform and went straight to the restaurant.

She walked in and took a look, and saw Xu Zhijian had arrived long ago, sitting in the last row playing with his mobile phone.

She walked over and sat down and asked directly: "Xu, what solution have you thought of?"

Xu Zhijian took a sip of the drink: "I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry, let's eat and talk."

"You eat, I'm not hungry, now I just want to know how to solve it."

"Well, actually the solution is very simple..."

Xu Zhijian looked around, deliberately lowered his voice, and told the only solution he could think of.

After listening, Quinn felt surprised, but also felt that it could still be operated like this? ?

In short, the solution can be summarized in one word: drag.

Just drag it hard.

It is basically the same concept as the countermeasures in "The Clown".

There are several reasons.

First, the god of death will modify any bugs that take advantage of loopholes.

So these methods cannot be used.

Secondly, the movie clearly shows that some items can cause harm to the devil, or resist it.

For example, salt.

Why this thing became a holy object for exorcism is unknown.

Anyway, it is useful.

Finally, the devil did not kill people for venting anger or fun.

This is fundamentally different from the clown Art.

It is purely for the correctness of the countdown APP, or to maintain the gypsy legend.

It can be understood as an emotionless law enforcement machine.

Once the target successfully exceeds the predetermined time, even if it is only 1 second, the curse will be broken without attack.

The devil will also disappear.


The premise is clear.

Then the best solution is to find a way to get an effective holy object to protect the body, so that the devil can't take action.

Delay as long as possible until the countdown ends.

That will naturally succeed.

But this countermeasure is only feasible in theory, and it is unknown how it works in practice.

But there is really no other way.

Unless God takes action himself.

Quinn asked, "Does this holy object really exist? How can we get it?"

Xu Zhijian nodded, "Of course there is, and many of them are easy to get, such as the most common salt."

In the movie, when she went to the priest for help, the other party gave this method.

Then they drew an exorcism symbol with salt and stood inside, and the devil really didn't dare to get close.

You can only stay outside.

"Salt will do?"

Quinn was very surprised, wondering if he was making fun of himself.

Xu Zhijian smiled, "Yes, there are also crosses, holy water, etc., which can all be used."

"By the way, this method has a huge hidden danger."

"Although the devil cannot get close to the holy object, it can confuse people's hearts and make you have all kinds of true and false hallucinations."

"So you have to have a strong willpower, and then you must unconditionally obey all my orders. Can you do it?"

Quinn thought for a while, then nodded heavily and agreed.

Unconditional obedience sounds terrible, but she believes that the other party will definitely not do anything out of line.

Let's take a step back.

Even if he deliberately takes advantage, he can only agree. After all, nothing is more important than life.

As long as we can get through the difficulties, we can do anything!

Xu Zhijian nodded with satisfaction: "GOOD, let's study the details carefully..."

One hour later.

Quinn returned to the hospital to continue working, while he went to find a suitable holy object.

The two sides met at the door after get off work in the evening, and then stayed at Quinn's house temporarily.

The battle horn was officially sounded.

Xu Zhijian went to the nearby church according to the map.

Most people were at work or school during this time, so there were only a few citizens who came to pray.

The empty and gorgeous church seemed particularly quiet.

There was also a chill.

Because the roof was too high, even talking could echo.

It was a good place to escape the heat in summer.

He found a chair and sat down, silently watching those who were praying in a low voice.

Maybe it was because of the influence of the environment.

His mood unconsciously became very calm and peaceful.

After sitting for more than ten minutes, he got up and wanted to find someone to ask how to get a cross.

It turned out that it was given away for free.

And it was baptized with so-called holy water.

He took two without hesitation, one for Quinn and one for her sister.

At the same time, he asked: "Hello, Father, is this really effective against demons?"

The priest nodded with a smile: "Yes, as long as you believe in God sincerely, you will definitely be blessed."

"Okay, thank you."

Before crossing, he was indifferent to most religions.

At most, he was a little interested in Taoism.

He felt disgusted with a certain religion.

Although he is still not interested now, he will not despise it directly.

Because where there are real demons, there will naturally be gods.

It's better to be polite.

Maybe you can get help from others at that time.

Leaving the church, he walked and thought that now there are crosses and salt, but they are still not enough.

At this time, the more holy objects, the better, and it's not troublesome.

It's better not to use it than to want to use it when the time comes.

But what else?

Traditional Western exorcism items usually also include silver bullets and garlic.

But this thing is for vampires.

As he thought about it, his thoughts began to spread.

He thought that whether it was an Eastern ghost or a Western ghost, they were essentially the same substance.

Just like all kinds of cats.

Whether it was a Persian cat, a rural cat, a calico cat, a silver shaded cat, a golden shaded cat, etc.

They were all essentially cats.

So it can be inferred that domestic exorcism methods and instruments should also be effective against Western demons?

Now there are more things to choose from.

Let's give it a try.

He stopped and looked around, then walked straight into a small supermarket not far away.

First he went to the department store and picked out a bundle of plastic wrap.

Then he went to the snack area and bought a box of chocolates.

He got two more "holy objects".

Does it look familiar?

Yes, it's the way to reproduce the classic domestic horror film "The Night of the Returned Soul".

Thanks to Gou Bi for sending 2 monthly tickets, and thanks to China Strong and Book Friend 7533 for 1 monthly ticket. Muah.

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