People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 175 Survival Day 175: Lady Luck is Smiling

After reading it carefully, Xu Zhijian finally knew what David and the others had encountered, and he breathed a sigh of relief silently.

It turned out that Amanda entered the realm of Star Color, and then her life and color were absorbed and merged into one.

Ollie encountered a boundless darkness, and then jumped into it and disappeared completely.

I don’t know which ancient god this is.

David and Billy also encountered an unknown realm.

Fortunately, under the power of family affection, he finally regained some sanity and did not strangle his son.

Then because of the forced completion of the copy, the two of them were teleported to a safe range outside the fog.

Lying on the grass and falling into a coma.

As for the portal, it was also sealed and closed.

Thinking of this, he went out and walked quickly to the trading area to carefully check all the items.

Its shape is boundless darkness.

This old ruler is still "kind", and he rarely kills people directly and cruelly.

In this way, there is hope.

But it will spread a strange curse disease, infecting and mutating all plants and vegetables.

Because we don’t know what the guaranteed probability is, and we don’t know how many times we have to draw to trigger an increase in probability.

Even if we get it in the box, we will only use it ourselves, and it’s worthless.

How is this like drawing cards or opening packs in games, and it’s tempting here, right? ?

But this is a very good phenomenon!

If it can increase the probability by 1% every three times, or there are higher and better effects.

It’s a bit interesting.

But the way to summon it is very simple, just ring a special bell.

Even 50,000!

Hmm... Why does it feel like a loan?

Give you the reward first, and pay it back when you have the ability in the future.


The only problem is how to get the exchange points?

Xu Zhijian thought of the double card at the first time, but it’s a pity that this thing is hard to come by.

Simply put, it will turn into a monster with a human body and a rabbit head.

The red fruit David saw was the fruit that had been infected by the curse. If you eat it, you’re done.

"-1000 exchange points, failed to draw"

The Lord God knows how to play.

It will be reactivated one day in the future, and everything will return to the moment when the dungeon was finished.

David and Billy probably encountered the "Green God".

Good guy, I said good guy.

Now the players are generally low level, and few people have the opportunity to obtain it.

These creatures are called the sons of the Green God.

Of course, it is temporary.

Humans can't see what its body looks like, so there is no description of its appearance.

Even if the basic probability is only 0.1%, it can definitely be drawn within 100,000 points!

Accidents are accidents, but he still resisted the urge to draw.

Once someone eats these foods, they will mutate rapidly.

His eyes lit up directly, and he didn't expect this to happen.

After reading it, Xu Zhijian started the last draw and stopped.

How much can it increase at most?

These are all unknowns, and there are still 7,000 exchange points left, so I don't have the strength to test it.

Then the endless darkness will turn the world black.

"Trigger the mysterious effect, increase the probability by 1% based on the current probability"

After all, my own luck has always been very good, so I have this confidence.

Xu Zhijian complained silently, and then searched for related keywords.

Finally, he realized that the darkness that Oli encountered should be called the Ancient Night - Dark Silent - Zu Xiekun.

He also had to return and solve the remaining sealed contents by himself.

After it left, all he could see were the twisted and terrible human corpses on the ground.


Unfortunately, as expected, there were no similar props for sale.

Tsk, this is difficult.

Finally, there is hope, but there are not many exchange points at the moment, which makes people feel itchy.

While thinking and turning around for a while, he found a vending machine selling a coin.

"Lucky Coin - Auxiliary"

"Effect: You can randomly obtain an auxiliary buff from the primary to intermediate level"

"Price: 1000 exchange points"

This thing is similar to a random card and is a low-level substitute.

Basically, you can only draw out the primary effect.

And they are all dispensable auxiliary, and can even cause negative effects.

For example, it increases the player's appetite by 50%.

It is indeed a good thing for anorexic patients, but it is useless for most people.

It belongs to the category that experts look down on, and newcomers want to buy but can't afford it.

It is tasteless to eat, but it is a pity to throw it away.

So the seller has been selling it for almost half a month. Many people want to buy it, but they are reluctant or don't have 1,000 points.

Xu Zhijian thought about it carefully, and then bought it without hesitation.

Activate, flip a coin.

"The favor of the goddess of luck"

"Because of the exclusive favor of the goddess, the funds spent will be returned"

"Level: Primary"

"Effect: When you draw, the redemption point cost -5%, the success rate +1.25%"

Xu Zhijian: ...? ?

Ah this!

He was shocked directly, not because the effect was not good, but it was beyond imagination!

Originally, I thought that now I can afford the redemption points, whether it is attack or auxiliary, it is a necessary ability.

Even mosquito legs are good, and they may come in handy at critical moments.

The more the better.

Unexpectedly, I can actually flip one of the best effects from thousands or tens of thousands!

And it’s the most useful effect right now.

Spend less.

Success rate increases.

This is another step forward towards the goal!

And the 1,000 redemption points spent were returned, which is pure free prostitution.

Double happiness.


Xu Zhijian couldn't help laughing happily, like a fool.

Other players passing by couldn't help but look at him, wondering what was wrong with him.

I laughed for a long time before calming down my excitement, and at the same time I thought of a question.

Through this ability, it is possible to infer back.

The highest god level can achieve -20% cost and +5% chance.

This effect is so powerful!

Meizizi returned home, carefully planned his assets, and then smoked five more times.

Keep 2000+ as spare, which is almost enough.

On the fourth time, as expected, another amplification effect was triggered.

"The mysterious effect is triggered, and the probability is increased by 0.2% based on the current probability."

It seems that it is not 1% every time.

Since it floats randomly, it also means that there will be a higher probability!


1.25% skill effect + 1.2 cumulative chance.

Not counting the guarantee, it is considered high.

The dimensional portal is waiting for you, brother, I will beat you hard!

Xu Zhijian turned off the message with satisfaction, and then continued to refine the infinite bullet pistol every day.

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Alchemy failed"

"Successful alchemy, gain attack bonus: mastery"

"You can fuse another weapon with it to gain a new ability with the same effect."

Xu Zhijian stopped immediately, read it carefully, and then smiled happily again.

Oh my god.

Finally got a useful effect.

What happened today? I can’t stop my luck, hahahaha~!

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