People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 221 Survival Day 221: The Flying Dutchman


A crisp sound suddenly sounded.


Then came the sound of a heavy object falling into the water.

Facing the sudden accident, Xu Zhijian was just a little strange and acted very calmly.

This is the confidence given by the rebound stance.

At the same time, he instinctively fired two shots at the dark sea.

The blind thing still wants to sneak attack me, if you don’t die, who will die.

He turned his head and looked at the deck, wondering how many marked evil spirits are there now?

How to lure them all out and kill them all at once?

He really couldn’t think of it for a while.

He walked into the control console and glanced around. The various instruments inside were rusty and unusable.

After searching around for a while, he found a stack of photos and information in the drawer, and he could still see the picture clearly.

The ship withstood the storm and then arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.

"Pirates of the Caribbean" and "One Piece", as long as it is about the ocean, it is indispensable.

Among them is the ship they rescued before: the Lorelon.


The last one is an old ship, marked: The-Flying-Dutchman.

It's all about some other ships.

But when the storm stopped for a while, the black cloud-like ship disappeared.

On the way back to Europe after the repair, they were hit by a violent storm at the same latitude.

It is said that a Dutch warship was wrecked outside the Cape of Good Hope, and no one survived on board.

This is a legendary ghost ship that is destined to never return home.

It drifts forever on the ocean, accompanied by storms and rain, and shrouded in mysterious and bizarre light.

17Barrington first mentioned the Flying Dutchman in the book "Sailing to Botany Bay".

The witnesses who saw it all said it was certain - it really existed.

No one knows what happened to the ship.

One sailor was particularly sure that this was the ship that sank in the previous storm, or her phantom.

Some sailors on night watch saw, or imagined seeing, a ship with full sails coming towards them.

The phantom lingered in the minds of the sailors, and when the ship docked, the story spread like wildfire.

It seemed to sink them.

Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up when he saw it. Wow, isn't this the famous Flying Dutchman?

It can be said to be the representative of ghost ships.

There are also the Grey, the Gesha, etc.

People called it the Flying Dutchman.

An article in the May 1821 issue of Blackwood's Magazine gave a more detailed description.

The Flying Dutchman fought the storm at the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa, and the captain refused to enter the port and dock.

He claimed that he would sail here against the wind until the day of judgment.

He bet his soul on the devil and rolled dice, and was cursed to go back and forth in the North Sea until the day of judgment.

In 1880, the young Prince George of Wales was on a sea experience and was fortunate to be one of the witnesses.

He once wrote: At 4 o'clock in the morning, the "Flying Dutchman" appeared in the direction of our bow.

It glowed red like a phantom, illuminating the masts and sails of the brig hundreds of yards away.

When it approached from the left side of the bow, the officers on duty on the bridge and the trainee officers on the rear deck all saw it.

The trainee officer was immediately sent to the foredeck, but disappeared without a trace when he arrived.

There was no trace of the ship even on the horizon.

But what was even more strange was that they found a person floating on the sea.

This person was lying on a wooden board with three rectangular boxes beside him.

So the crew rescued him.

At 10:45 the next day.

The seaman who was found earlier fell from the top crossbeam in the middle of the foremast to the foredeck and was smashed to pieces.

The rest of the witnesses also died tragically in different ways.

Within three days, the entire ship was empty of living people and became a bloody purgatory.

From then on, his whereabouts were unknown.

Xu Zhijian looked at the photo silently, with a little shock in his heart.

One person was saved.

There were three rectangular boxes next to the other party.

Then everyone on the ship died.

All the phenomena were consistent with the movie and reality.


Does this mean that the "Flying Dutchman" became a ghost ship because of this? ?

Then the people on the ship that saved the mysterious man were killed first, and then one of them became a new member of the mark.

This person was rescued by another ship, and the same cycle continued.

Until today!

"Haha, so that's how it is."

Xu Zhijian stuffed the information back into the drawer with interest, thinking that this was another urban legend that was solved.

It seems that there will be nothing to do in the future, and I can try to write a novel.

Summarize the truths of the urban ghost stories, folk legends, ghost stories, etc. that I have experienced and publish them.

It doesn't matter whether anyone believes it or not, what matters is a process.

Then he took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and sure enough, there was no network.

But this is not a difficult thing, as I have cached a lot of novels, movies, songs, etc. before.

It's enough to kill time.

You definitely can't sleep in such a place, you must be vigilant at all times.

Otherwise, he might be thrown into the sea to feed the fish without any feeling while sleeping.

He cleaned up the dirty recliner, put his phone in a suitable place, and turned on the horror movie.

Then he took out snacks and drinks from the equipment storage, and ate while lying on the chair.

This is a daily life.

I thought it was a vacation.

It seems that it can be developed. It is called the Ghost Ship Seven-Day Vacation Tour. If you are brave, come.

While watching the movie, always pay attention to the movements around.

Time passed little by little.

During the period, there was no accident. Maybe all the evil spirits were scared by his aura and dared not move.

Another moment passed.

Crash... Crash...

He keenly felt that the sound of the waves was getting louder and denser, and the hull was also moving slightly.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Xu Zhijian hurriedly walked out of the control room and came to the deck to check. It turned out that there was a strong wind.

And it became stronger and stronger.

Within five minutes, it was estimated that it had reached more than level 10.

The waves and the sound were N times louder than before, and the hull was shaking more obviously.

Left and right, like a seesaw.

It was originally a ghost ship. There were no lights and evil spirits lurking everywhere, plus the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The horror atmosphere was pulled straight to the maximum, it was simply invincible.


Xu Zhijian was not afraid of such an environment, although the howling of the wind was indeed unsettling.

On the contrary, he felt uncomfortable because of the shaking, dizzy, and wanted to vomit frequently.

He quickly lay down and used both hands to control his head from moving with the rhythm.

He thought that after finishing this book, he must buy some motion sickness medicine or something like that as a backup, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable.

In this way, he kept his head still and breathed rhythmically for a while, and the dizziness and vomiting were much relieved.

But the wind continued, and it seemed that it would not stop in a few hours.

In this situation, there was no way to watch a movie, so he could only endure it while paying attention to the surrounding situation at all times.

Avoid being attacked by surprise.

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