People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 223 Survival Day 223: She belongs to us

Murphy nodded and exclaimed: "Yes! She is the Antonia Graca, made in Italy."

"Seated from Labrador Peninsula in May 1962."

"But after only a week of sailing, she completely disappeared at sea without a trace."

"No agency or organization has received her distress call and cannot be contacted at all."

"For decades, countless captains and expeditions around the world have searched for her whereabouts."

"I didn't expect...that we would find him now."

As a veteran driver who has been engaged in maritime rescue and salvage for more than 20 years, Murphy has considerable experience.

Especially these well-known ships that disappeared mysteriously are very familiar.

So the identity of the ship was recognized at a glance.

Once upon a time, I dreamed of finding this ship and becoming famous and rich overnight.

Except for the crew who stayed below, the rest of the people boarded the cruise ship one after another using mechanical ladders.

Murphy said as he walked: "All the lifeboats are gone, does it mean that everyone on the ship has escaped?"

Standing on the rusty deck, they looked around with flashlights.

Come to the control room.

Everyone moved forward cautiously.

The bearded man said: "Maybe he encountered other dangers while escaping and sank to the bottom of the sea."

It couldn't be that they were abducted by aliens.

"We'll go to the control room first and then inspect the entire ship one after another, GO."

Everyone glanced around and tried the machine, but found nothing wrong and turned to leave.

Epps subconsciously turned around and asked, "What's wrong with you? What did you find?"

Everyone nodded noncommittally.

After careful identification, it seems to be potato chips?

Now, this dream can really come true? !

He paused and continued: "According to the provisions of the law of the sea, she and everything on it belong to us!"

The rest of the crew immediately cheered excitedly, and Jack was also happy from ear to ear.

At this moment, Jack suddenly squatted down and picked up a light yellow thing from the ground that was half the size of a fingernail.

"But why has there been no report on them for so many years, and why has no one ever come forward to tell the truth?"

"Oh yeah!!!"

Apart from this possibility, there is no second option.

If he thought about it and understood what was going on, it must have been left behind by someone from the team two days ago.

Murphy reminded: "Everyone, watch your step. The rust of more than 60 years can easily collapse."

After having fun, we started boarding the ship.

Jack shook his head indifferently: "Nothing, my shoelaces were untied just now, let's go."

The six people walked into the boat together.

When I came to the hall, I first took a look at the situation, and then separated to check the surroundings carefully.

Bald Nico walked to the elevator and looked down.

Murphy examines the items on the table.

Jack wandered around casually.

Epps walked to the bathroom, looked outside twice, and then walked in.

The area is small, with only four compartments.

Half of the mirror on the sink was broken, and only the lower half was still covered in dirt.

She walked over and looked at it twice, then turned and left.

And at that moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw a dark shadow flashing in the mirror.

She instinctively turned around to check again.

But apart from his own reflection, there was nothing unusual inside.

"Did you see it wrong?"

Epps thought it was just that the environment was too dark and there were reflections of lights, so he didn't think too much about it.


Just as he was thinking about it, a rough voice suddenly sounded from behind.


She was so frightened that she suddenly trembled. Her hand shook and she dropped the flashlight to the ground.

Cold sweat broke out.

The bearded man laughed and said: "Hahahaha~~ I scared you, NICE!"

Epps breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and said angrily in disgust: "Fake Squid! You bastard, go to hell!"

She pushed the bearded man hard, picked up the flashlight and returned to the hall.

Everyone checked around and found nothing of value, so they moved on.

After walking around for a while, we arrived at the swimming pool.

Looking around, it was empty, and the black and red liquid that appeared before was gone.

Epps walked to the edge and looked down, and with sharp eyes he saw some bullet holes in the wall of the pool.

So he asked out of curiosity: "Look, why are there traces of bullets shooting down here?"

Murphy and others took a closer look, and then shook their heads to express that they did not understand.

Although this situation was a bit strange, it was not the main point. Everyone checked around and left.

And just as they turned around and walked out, some red liquid quietly flowed out of those bullet holes.

After walking along the corridor for a few minutes, a closed iron door appeared ahead.

The bearded man stepped forward and twisted the door handle hard, but it didn't move.

He greeted: "Come here and help me, this thing seems to be rusty."

Murphy, Jack and the others walked over and tried it first, and then used their strength to the left together.

Crunch...crack...! !

The iron door was finally opened, and at the same time waves of sea water broke through the door and rushed out.

Because the force was so strong and so urgent, everyone was unprepared and was knocked down and drowned.

As crew members, they are naturally proficient in water skills.

I was just nervous for a second or two, and then I immediately adjusted my attitude and held my mouth and nose.

The sea water comes in quickly and calms down quickly. After all, the body is not that big.

Murphy and Epps swam to the surface easily.

Just as the bearded man was about to come up, he suddenly saw a corpse in front of him!

The body had become indescribably pale and swollen due to the water.

"Thank you for the generous gift!"

He was frightened by the sudden situation and his brain buzzed. He subconsciously opened his mouth and took two gulps of water.

Then he quickly closed his mouth.

One wave after another, the corpse's hand suddenly grabbed his neck tightly.

Then, he suddenly opened his dark eyes!


The bearded man was completely terrified and lost his mind. He opened his mouth and nose and struggled desperately.

Cold water poured into his nasal cavity, and waves of suffocation came up.

"Mond, what's wrong with you?! Pull him up quickly."

"Hold on, man!"

Murphy and his team discovered the situation underwater and rushed to rescue him. They successfully pulled him up.

Fortunately, there were teammates around, otherwise he would have drowned this time.

"Cough, cough, cough--!!"

The bearded man coughed violently, spraying out the seawater from his mouth and nose.

Everyone supported him and checked the situation carefully. Fortunately, there was no serious problem.

After coughing for a few minutes, he gradually recovered.

Murphy asked with concern: "Mond, what's wrong with you? You choked on such a small amount of water?"

He wiped the water off his face and shook his head in fear.

Epps asked: "Why are you so scared? What happened?!"

The bearded man looked around at everyone and said in great fear: "Just now... I just saw a body in the water!"

"It also grabbed my neck and opened its eyes..."

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