People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 228 Survival Day 228: You are a motorcycle

Xu Zhijian took off his shirt and pants, wearing only a pair of knee-length sports shorts and slowly walked into the water.

Don't dare to go deeper until it's almost to the waist.

The girls gathered around and said, "The first step in swimming is to learn to float on the water."

"This skill is very important, even if you don't know how to swim but you know how to float on the water, you can do it."

"This way we can better save our lives, and we can die in the open and be discovered immediately."

"Boss Xiaoqiang, please follow my steps now..."

Floating on the water looks simple, but actually it requires a lot of skill.

First, take a deep breath to fill your lungs with air and increase your buoyancy.

Then he lay flat on his back in the water, lowered his head, and looked towards the bottom of the pool.

If you raise your head, your body will naturally sink.

At this time, the whole body needs to relax, open the arms, and relax the legs naturally.

Stretch your body as flat as a coffin board as far as possible.

Keep your spine as straight as possible by contracting your abdominal muscles and tightening your navel.

Learn to straighten your spine through core tension and keep it that way.

Keeping your core stable, lean forward at your chest, letting your hips and legs rise toward the water.

Xu Zhijian did it slowly according to the key points. At first, he couldn't float and fell into the water frequently.

However, with the help of the girl, I quickly mastered the key points and succeeded.

While lying flat on the water, he asked: "Girl, how many times have you participated in dungeons in total?"

"It's okay for a woman to persist until now."

The girl also lay down and replied: "No, I've actually just been to Horror Town for one day."

He yelled: "So that's it, then which dungeon is your qualifying match for?"

The girl said: "It's "Scream"!"

Xu Zhijian was happy: "Really? Then you are very lucky. This film is super simple."

"Scream" can also be regarded as a classic plasma film.

Among them, the butcher ghost face can be said to be the shame of the horror world. He needs combat power but not combat power, and needs superpowers but not superpowers.

He can even be easily killed by a weak woman.

If he enters the competition, he can strangle all the ghost faces in Liubu with one hand.

The girl also laughed: "Yes, I was very lucky. I saw your recruitment immediately."

Xu Zhijian chuckled and said, "The tone of your words is very motorcycle-like. Could it be that you are a Taiwanese girl?"

"No, I just got infected after watching sex videos."

"I guess so, have you seen Brother Jie?"

"Of course, I'm super brave, okay~ Let me know your French is not normal."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The two of them were talking and laughing very happily.

Mainly because this girl also has a funny personality, which is quite interesting.

The day was spent in training, and soon it was night.

At this time, Xu Zhijian has mastered the technique of floating on the water, and he can take the next step tomorrow.

It's already dark, pay 5 points of reward, and get out of the way.

After lunch the next day, the two came to the same place for training again.

Today we are going to learn ventilation techniques.

Girl Zhao Enchen explained: "Remember, you must use your mouth to exhale and inhale, and it is forbidden to use your nose."

“When paddling, your elbows should be tucked in toward your chest so that your head is more out of the water.”

"By practicing kicking, you can bring your body closer to the water's surface, making it easier to breathe."

"When exhaling underwater, you must maintain a certain rhythm, and at the same time, exhale when you raise your head and come out of the water..."

Zhao Enchen explained and demonstrated at the same time, and Xu Zhijian also followed the practice seriously.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon, we sat on the lawn drinking drinks and chatting.

Xu Zhijian tried his best not to talk about the dungeon to avoid affecting the atmosphere and emotions.

But in the end it came down to it.

There was a hint of fear in Zhao Enchen's tone: "I will have an official competition in a few days. I don't know what will happen."

"I've seen very few horror movies, oh ho, I'm probably going to die in them."

Xu Zhijian said comfortingly: "Don't say any depressing words, you are so lucky, you will definitely turn the danger into safety."

Zhao Enchen laughed: "I like to hear this. Yes, I have been very lucky since I was a child."

"What about you? How many competitions have you participated in in total?"

He took a sip of his drink and said, "It's five. It looks like I'm very lucky. I pushed it all the way."

Zhao Enchen said in surprise: "There are so many, it's really amazing! Can you tell me what kind of movies they are?"

He picked a few answers: "The Ring," "The Last Day," "The Mist," "Ghost Ship," and "Dangerous Laughter."

"How about it, have you heard of it?"

Zhao Enchen shook his head in confusion: "No, I have only heard of the name of the Midnight Ring."

"Haha, it's normal. Horror movies are a small genre after all."

"Indeed, many of my friends and best friends never watch this kind of movie."

"Well, were they dragged into Thriller Town?"

" present, I am the only one selected."

"All right."

"Boss Xiaoqiang, can you teach me some life-saving skills? I'll take a small notebook and write it down."

Xu Zhijian has a good impression of her, but it's certainly not the kind of relationship between a man and a woman.

But I think it is very interesting, funny and cheerful. If possible, it would be good to be a good friend.

It would be a pity to die early in the dungeon.

So he decisively said that there was no problem, and sincerely taught him a few secrets to increase survival.

1: Don’t mind your own business.

Whether they are the protagonist group or passers-by, they will immediately run away once they encounter something they cannot solve.

It is better to die as a fellow Taoist than to die as a poor Taoist.

2: Gou.

You can survive as long as you can. If you can't survive, run away immediately if you can.

Not even any reward.

3: Eat and drink when you should, without any psychological burden.

No one can guarantee that 99 books can be successfully completed. The more anxious you are, the more your mentality will explode.

While remaining bold and cautious, be open-minded and enjoy yourself while you are still alive.



Zhao Enchen listened carefully and actually took out his notebook to record these words.

Then she said gratefully: "Thank you, Boss Xiaoqiang, for teaching me. I will repay you in the future."

Xu Zhijian waved his hand: "You're welcome, I just said something and I understand the truth."

"You must remember not to be cowardly, don't be afraid, don't be greedy, and don't be nosy."

"You are so lucky, I think you will survive until the end."

Zhao Enchen nodded repeatedly: "Yes, I can definitely succeed!"

He smiled and added: "By the way, the most important thing is to take the opportunity to watch more horror movies. This is the most effective."

"As long as you know the characteristics and weaknesses of monsters, that's half the battle."

Zhao Enchen said a little depressed: "But where should I watch it? And which one should I watch first?"

He thought for a moment: "Don't worry about this. I have saved some resources and can send them to you. Just read it from the beginning."

"Really? Thank you, Boss Xiaoqiang~!"

Zhao Enchen cheered happily and almost kissed her.

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