People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 278 Survival Day 278: Life and Death, the Endless Cycle

Xiao San looked and asked: "What did you see? What can I do..."

Before she finished her words, her neck was pierced by the iron sheet.

Pedersen stabbed her neck with one hand, and took out a poisonous nail with the other hand and stabbed the editor-in-chief quickly.

After a series of events, the editor-in-chief had actually been on guard for a long time.

Because this woman can kill others, she will definitely kill herself in the end, so she has to be on guard.

So she jumped away quickly and avoided the attack.

He cursed viciously: "You damn bitch, I knew you would definitely attack me!"

"Hmph, then take out your life!"

Pederson snorted coldly, pulled out the iron sheet, and rushed over waving two weapons.

Xiao San covered her neck and slowly collapsed on the ground, shedding tears of unwillingness and despair, and soon she was out of breath.

The editor-in-chief fell down again in pain.

He covered his mouth and screamed in pain, his brain buzzing, and he tried to get up in a hurry.


He fell heavily on the ground with his face, his chin cracked and bleeding, and two teeth flew out.

"Hu... Hu!"

"Please don't kill... Ahhhh...!!"

Pedersen stood up panting, his eyes flashing with ferocity and his mouth showing a smile.

The editor struggled desperately, while punching and fighting back.



Pedersen was hit by a punch before he could dodge, and his nose bridge cracked with a crack.

Pedersen rushed over and attacked frantically.

While running like this, he was tripped by the body of the mistress without paying attention.

At this time, her facial features were distorted, extremely cruel and creepy.

The editor took the opportunity to get up and immediately raised her foot and kept kicking hard.


However, how could she, who was so cruel and ruthless, give in? Instead, she grabbed the other's leg and inserted the nail into it.

A moment later, the editor-in-chief was lying on the ground with blood gushing out of his body, foaming at the mouth and slowly being poisoned to death.

She was hit and couldn't get up for a while.

The editor-in-chief didn't dare to be arrogant, after all, he was unarmed and could only run away.

But it didn't break directly.

But at this time, Pedersen had rushed over, waving his weapon at his neck, and stabbed his back frantically.

She couldn't help but groan and fell down, and her nose was sore that she couldn't help closing her eyes.

Three minutes had passed.

Time was running out.

She quickly threw away her weapon, lifted Xiao San's body with force, and then stuffed her opponent's hand into the hole.

The mechanism was directly triggered, and the extremely sharp blade began to run rapidly.

Xiao San's hand was immediately cut off, and blood flowed from the wound to the glass container below.

Pedersen thought the speed was too slow, so he stuffed Xiao San's other hand in.


However, at this moment, the last door suddenly opened gently.

She immediately turned her head and looked, very surprised and confused.

The blood that had flowed out was estimated to be less than 200 ml, so how did the door open? ?

But now is not the time to think so much, he left Xiao San's body and ran over quickly, escaping first!

He pushed the door open and entered a square space of three or four square meters.

It was very simple, there was a blocked window on the front wall, and there were many round holes on the ground that were larger than fingers.

There was nothing else.


The door was quickly closed.

Pedersen knocked and knocked in panic, and a bad idea came up.

Isn't it the last level? Why is it not the outside, but the room? !

At this time, the window shield suddenly opened.

She subconsciously took a step back, and then stared nervously at what was about to happen.

Then, she saw a figure slowly approaching from a distance.

When she saw the person clearly, Pedersen's eyes suddenly widened to the maximum, his brain buzzed, and his lips began to tremble.

Fear and confusion reached the extreme.

OMG... This... is impossible.

This is absolutely impossible! !

The reason why she was so insane was that she lost her SAN like seeing Cthulhu.

Because she saw someone who couldn't possibly appear in the world.

The person who came was a thin old man with white hair and beard, sitting in a wheelchair.

Although he looked very weak, his eyes were like an eagle, firm and cold.

She had seen this look many years ago.

And it was deeply imprinted in her mind, never to be forgotten.

It was Jigsaw!

It was the Jigsaw who was known as the legendary Jigsaw killer and had been dead for several years! !

The person who should have become a skeleton long ago actually appeared alive again at this time.

Impossible... Impossible!

Jigsaw said in a hoarse and low voice: "Hello Pedersen, we finally meet again."

"After so many years, you are still engaged in fraudulent activities and are not grateful for your second life."

"I can punish you once, and I can punish you a second time, even if I am dead."

"Since you are so ungrateful for life, this time, I will also satisfy your desire for fraud."

"It seems that I have won. You have no doubt about the authenticity of the last level. Liars will be deceived in the end."

Pederson stared at Jigsaw blankly, and the CPU was burned out of shock and fear.

The dead person was resurrected.

Really resurrected...

This is more terrifying and shocking than any game.

After a moment, she suddenly came to her senses and shouted: "No! You are definitely not Jigsaw, this is not true!!"

Although the facts are right in front of me, I just can't believe it.

Jigsaw said calmly: "YES, I'm not Jigsaw, I'm your guide to hell."


After saying that, he raised his hand, and then the window baffle slowly fell, as if closing the door of hope.

"No!! No--!!!"

Pederson rushed over and knocked hard, screaming hysterically.

She didn't believe it was true, she just wanted to escape, not die.

However, the room was extremely solid and could not be opened by knocking.


At this time, bursts of white smoke came out of the small holes on the ground.

Pedersen trembled all over, and immediately thought of the experience of being locked in the room and almost killed by poison gas.

Now, is this a repeat? ! !

She hurriedly covered her mouth and nose, and continued to knock on the wall and window, and she was so anxious that she was going crazy.

"Cough... cough cough cough... vomit..."

After a while, white smoke covered the entire space.

She couldn't help but cough violently, feeling her throat as if it was cut by a knife and burned by fire, the pain was unbearable.

Her skin also turned black visibly.

"NO... NO... Save me..."

She collapsed to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, twitching constantly, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Her movements became lighter and lighter.

There was only endless despair, unwillingness, and regret.

Why... why did Jigsaw come back to life, why was he found again.

Why did he have to kill himself this time.

It obviously wouldn't do this... It should have been given a chance!!

Two minutes later, Pedersen spit out white foam and blood, staring with bloodshot eyes and died in pain.

He died of the poisonous gas he encountered at the beginning.

The cycle of life and death never ends.

Jigsaw lives, the villain dies.

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