People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 296 Survival Day 296: Dream Core

Fuck you! !


What the hell is going on? !

Xu Zhijian's worry turned into anger. He was not afraid of why he touched a face.

Instead, he immediately switched to punching wildly.



When he hammered for the fifth time, the strange face disappeared and fell on the concrete floor instead.

At the same time, his vision finally recovered without any signs!

He hurriedly glanced at the ground and saw nothing.

Then he scanned the surroundings.

He became interested in the situation in front of him because he did not fall on the street or return to 1408.

Instead, he entered a strange space.

It was very wide, like a rough house, without any furniture or decoration, and no windows.

Only the walls were covered with yellow wallpaper.

The roof was lit with fluorescent lights, illuminating the room with a dim yellow color.

"Where is this?"

Xu Zhijian stood up and looked carefully, thinking that there was no such situation in the movie.

It seemed to be a new encounter.

Although it is not clear what the haunted house is trying to do, it is certain that it must be anxious.

Now the new round of means is obviously more fierce and powerful than the first round.

From the room to another room, this operation must be said to be really awesome.

Very good!

The more anxious it is, the more advantageous it is for me. The advantage is in my hands.

He took his weapon and began to move cautiously, exploring first.

There are several forks in the road ahead. Since I don’t know where they lead to and what I will encounter.

Then just choose it at random.

Go straight into the corridor on the left.

The same scene, the same color, the same rough, everything is like copy and paste.

The structure is completely irregular.

Various corners, passages, twists and turns, it seems to be a huge maze with no end.

Very dream core.

After passing another corner, the first thing finally appeared in front.

A mirror more than two meters high.

Located in the middle of the room.

As the distance got closer and closer, Xu Zhijian suddenly found that there was no reflection of himself in it? !


He snorted disdainfully, a trick without any new ideas.

Just as he was about to move forward, a black shadow suddenly fell from above in the mirror.

Looking closely, it was a man who was hanging.

His body was hung in the air by a rope, his head, hands and feet were drooping, swinging left and right like a pendulum.

Then, the man raised his head directly.

Oh my goodness.

It turned out to be Xu Zhijian himself!

His face in the mirror was purple, his eyes were bleeding, and he looked like a hanged ghost.

At the same time, he murmured: "It's you... you killed me!!"



Xu Zhijian was too lazy to study what was going on, and raised his hand to shoot the mirror.


However, at the same time as it was broken, a situation that finally surprised him appeared.

I saw a bullet shot out from the wall behind him in an extremely strange and magical way, flying past his left ear!


Feeling the heat and pain from his ears, his scalp was numb.

What the hell is going on? ! !

He looked at the broken mirror, the bullet hole on the wall, and turned his head to look at the bullet embedded in the wall behind him.

It was obviously the same bullet!

In other words, the bullet was bounced back by some force? !

Or is it a circular space? ?

He analyzed it quickly with a gloomy face, and secretly congratulated himself for his good luck.

He didn't shoot at his head in the mirror just now, but shot it casually.

This is how he could just pass by the ear.

Otherwise, he might be killed by it!


Finally, it's a bit interesting.

Xu Zhijian adjusted his mentality and continued to move forward and explore vigilantly.

After turning seven or eight times, he suddenly heard a clattering sound coming from behind him.

Like footsteps?

He turned around immediately to look, but there was nothing.

A trace of contempt flashed in his eyes, and he deliberately remained unmoved, turned around and continued to walk.

As he walked, he suddenly turned around again without any warning.

This time, he finally saw something behind him, following him silently.

Human form.

About 1.7 meters tall, naked and charcoal gray, with spikes all over its body and limbs.

Its claws are long and sharp, ridiculously large, and one claw can crush a person's head.

What's even more bizarre is the face.

It has no eyes, nose, ears, etc., and is occupied by a big mouth full of sharp teeth!

What the hell is this thing?

Xu Zhijian couldn't recognize the specific name of the monster. It felt strange but familiar.

According to the setting of "1408 Phantom Murder Room".

The haunted house can materialize the things that people are most afraid of, terrified of, and unwilling to think of.

In other words, this monster once scared him.

The monster saw that he was discovered, so he didn't pretend and rushed over like lightning.

He instinctively raised his gun and wanted to shoot, but immediately thought of the situation just now.


Can't take risks, if the bullet is rebounded again, it will be bad.

So he immediately opened the equipment library, took out Jason's machete, and turned the back of the knife.

To be on the safe side, do a test first.

If it doesn't rebound again, you can kill it without any worries.

The monster rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye, waving two huge claws to attack.

He easily stepped back to avoid it, and then hit it with the back of the knife.


It hit the opponent's shoulder directly.

Xu Zhijian waited for a second to feel it carefully. Very good! The attack was not bounced back.

That means at least it is okay to use the knife.

So he quickly turned the blade and controlled the strength to cut it.

A wound appeared on the monster's shoulder.

And he was still intact, which made him more relieved. He immediately took the opportunity to cut several times with force.

The monster screamed, stood firm and continued to attack crazily.

Xu Zhijian dodged and counterattacked at the same time, with the human body's extreme level + Sanda fighting experience.

Let it deal with it with ease and completely beat it.


Soon, the monster's head was directly beheaded.

The head rolled to the ground, and the body fell softly, and then disappeared like the corpse of a monster in an online game.

No trace was left.

Xu Zhijian thought carefully about what the monster was and why it looked so familiar.

Why would he be afraid of such a thing?

But he couldn't remember it for a while.

Then he simply stopped thinking about it.

He held a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, and randomly chose a corner to continue his journey.

After a while, an open door appeared in front of him.

He carefully approached and looked inside. It turned out to be a classroom? ?

The tables and chairs were neatly arranged and very clean.

"What's this?"

Xu Zhijian looked at it carefully, and the more he looked, the more familiar it looked.

Wait... Isn't this my class in high school? It's exactly the same.

He couldn't help but walk to the last row of seats on the left and saw the three characters SK8 engraved on the table.

Even the details are the same!

As he was thinking, he suddenly froze, and then sat down on the chair silently.

Then, a wave of familiar, complaining, and vicious words emerged in his mind.

"You can't even answer such a simple question, what do you do every day?"

"All the other students have bought it, but you don't. You drag the class down every day, don't you?"

"Why don't they bully others, but you? Isn't it because you have a problem!"

"Call your parents tomorrow!"

"I work hard every day to make money for you to go to school, and you just want to make trouble, right?"

"It's not your fault? Then whose fault is it? You just want to play computer games every day! You'll be killed!"

"Why did I give birth to such a useless thing like you!"


The vicious words that my parents and teachers used to say kept appearing in my mind at this moment.

Each time was stronger and more real than the last.

Xu Zhijian listened blankly, as if he saw them really appear in front of him, pointing fingers at him.

Even if it wasn't his fault, it was his fault to them.

Good things don't count.

Bad things are all to blame.

Regardless of being bullied or misunderstood, parents only know how to complain, and never think of believing and comforting their children.

Faced with this situation.

He thought about committing suicide countless times to end it all and be completely free.

Disappointed and numb again and again, he became more and more introverted and lonely.

Xu Zhijian's eyes became a little dim, no longer high-spirited, only tortured by painful memories.

And the whispers of those demons became sharper.

Crazy attack.

At this time, his eyes regained their brilliance in an instant, and he grinned with a sneer.


Then he stood up, swung the machete and directly split the table in half!

The noise disappeared directly.

Everything returned to normal.

At the beginning, he was indeed bewitched and uncomfortable, but it was only for a while.

He acted very lonely just to play with it.

Like being belittled, bullied, not understood, etc. in school days, most people have experienced it.

But as time goes by, growing up, basically don't care.

Or buried in the heart, unwilling and not actively thinking about it.

Most people can be very indifferent, let alone him, it will not be so easy to be broken by the heart-breaking defense.

First it was a strange monster, and now it's a past event during adolescence.

Haha, it's interesting.

Let's see what new tricks there are!

Xu Zhijian walked out of the classroom and continued to grope forward along the corridor just now.

At the same time, he wondered why the rebound position has not taken effect yet. Is it because of bad luck or the triggering conditions are not met?

After walking for a while, a room appeared again on the left in front.

There is no door.

He walked over and took a look. The area is very small, about five or six square meters, and there is a toilet.

Is this a toilet? ?

What does it mean?

As he was watching, something suddenly jumped out of the toilet without any warning.


And it wrapped around his left leg.

He quickly looked down and saw that it was actually a tentacle that was almost as thick as his thigh? !

It was so powerful that it instantly pulled him back and fell down with a bang.

Then it began to shrink towards the toilet.


Xu Zhijian cursed inwardly, while trying his best to pull back to resist, he swung the machete and chopped continuously.

However, the tentacle's defense was very strong, and it didn't break through.

He was quickly dragged and his buttocks hit the side of the toilet.

Seeing that the cold weapon had no effect, he had no choice but to shoot with a gun.


The tentacle was hit twice, loosened its grip around his thigh, and disappeared like the monster.

Xu Zhijian stood up from the ground and smashed the toilet with a knife.

There was nothing inside, not even a drain.

It was just an empty shell.

But why did the tentacle come out of the toilet? ?

After a little search, an answer was immediately found. This scene looked very familiar.

Isn't it the plot in "Deep Cold"? !

Oh~~ So that's it!

Xu Zhijian smiled with sudden enlightenment and understood what the haunted house wanted to play specifically.

Whether it was the original monster, the classroom memory just now, or the toilet tentacles now.

These are all childhood shadows!

When he watched "Deep Cold" that year, he was scared by the plot where a woman was dragged down from the toilet by tentacles.

Now it is a one-to-one reproduction.

Previously, the haunted house used TV to play the unbearable past in an attempt to destroy the will.

It turned out to be useless.

So this time, the game was bigger and more realistic, and the childhood shadow was directly used to reactivate the fear in the heart.

I have to say that 1408 knows how to play.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he calculated, he could not have expected that Xu Zhijian was no longer the same person he used to be.

It was even more impossible to know that this man had personally experienced 20 horror movies!

Let alone the childhood shadow, even if all the evil spirits were pulled in front of him, he would not be scared out of his mind.

Xu Zhijian set off again with interest, and now his interest was completely aroused.

I was looking forward to which horror memory would appear next.

After walking for a while, the fluorescent lights on the roof began to go out suddenly and rhythmically.

That is, with every step, the one passing by would go dark.

So as he walked, he was completely trapped in darkness behind him, and he could not see his fingers.

Usually something would happen at this time.

Xu Zhijian subconsciously turned his head and looked a few times, but he didn't find anything else.

So he continued to move forward vigilantly, always paying attention to the movements behind him.

Usually when walking in a dark and empty space, the more you walk, the more you feel that there is always something following you.

It makes people suspicious.

But now it's just the opposite. The more he walks, the less he feels anything unusual.

Not long after, a space facing him appears in front of him.

And finally there is a window.

But it's pitch black, and he can't see what's behind it, or even if it's a real window.

Xu Zhijian stopped and waited carefully for what would happen.

About a minute later, a short and dazzling light appeared outside the window.

It seems to be thunder? ?

Then, a figure flew quickly from left to right.

At the same time, all the lights on the roof went out.

In a short moment, Xu Zhijian's eyes lit up, because he saw clearly what the flying figure was.

Wearing a black robe, a hat covering his head, and a circle of white bandages wrapped around his face.

Only the big right eye is exposed, almost all white.

He is holding a woman's head in his left hand.


This is the bandaged weirdo in the villa in "Detective Conan".

It's him, absolutely right.

This episode can definitely be ranked in the top 3 childhood traumas.

Xu Zhijian remembers it very clearly. When he came home from school and saw this episode, his mother hadn't gotten off work yet.

And it was winter, and it was already dark after six o'clock.

Then I was so scared that I didn't dare to move. I almost cried. I turned on the light and lay on the bed and waited.

I didn't expect that this kind of non-horror movie memory could also be reproduced!

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