People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 306 Survival Day 306: Exciting Gameplay

But as she chased, the footprints disappeared.

This was bad.

Jiang Youmei looked around, and could only see the vast woods and weeds.

She had no idea where she was now.

"Isabella... Isabella?!"

She had to raise her voice and continue to shout, but the only response she got was silence.

Faced with this dilemma, she had to find a place to rest first.

Let's talk about it after she recovers her strength.

She sat on a flat place and let her breathing and heartbeat gradually calm down.

At the same time, her brain was working fast.

Now thinking carefully, it seems that something is wrong.

That Xu had been fine before.

How come he suddenly disappeared, and there was a green light in his eyes?

The change was too fast and too hidden.

It was really strange.

Could it be that the monster was disguised, trying to play hard to get and let the long line catch the big fish?


What did Royce and the others see?

If they saw the same situation, why didn't they run together, but separated?

One question after another made Jiang Youmei feel overwhelmed and terrified.

She rubbed her aching temple, her mind was in a mess.

At the same time, she suddenly realized that it had gotten dark without her noticing.

This forest was already dim.

Now it was almost pitch dark.

Time passed so quickly? ?

She looked at the dim surroundings timidly, and a strong fear surged again.


Dark forest.

Dangers lurked everywhere.

This situation was really frightening.

She shuddered a few times and hurriedly took out a lighter from her pocket to light a bonfire.

It illuminated a few meters.

The light and the crackling sound made people feel a little relieved.

She curled up with her back against a big tree, her eyes kept looking around.

Her heart couldn't help but pounding.

This inexplicable fear was completely uncontrollable, and she always felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the depths of the darkness.

It seemed that countless eyes were staring at her.


At this time, the stomach made a sound, and the feeling of hunger came.

However, there was no food, so he could only endure it.

At the same time.

On the other side, Joet was still running in the dark.

He didn't dare to stop at all.

Because the scene he just saw was too weird and terrifying.

He could never imagine it.

The skin of Xu Zhijian and others began to peel off and turned into another kind of monster.

It was similar to the iron-blooded hunting insects he encountered before.

In other words... They were actually insects covered in human skin? !

This truth was too explosive.

It was simply unacceptable.

So he could only run away quickly, the farther the better.

However, while running, Joet suddenly heard a sound coming from behind him.


It sounded like something was stepping on leaves or grass.

He turned around and took a look.

But it was pitch black and he couldn't see anything.

After watching for a while, he thought he was hallucinating because he was too nervous.

So he continued to run.

However, the strange sound became more and more obvious, and closer and closer!

It was definitely not as simple as hearing it wrong.

"Damn bastard, who is it?! Come out!"

Jot turned around again and couldn't help cursing.

This was also to give him courage.

Rustle... rustle.

No response.

But the sound was so clear and approaching.

He swallowed his saliva and slowly retreated with cold sweat on his forehead.

He wondered if it was those iron-blooded hounds or insects that caught up with him?


It should be Xu Zhijian and the others.

As he was thinking and retreating, his back directly hit an object.

It was obvious that it was not a tree.

Jot's scalp suddenly numbed, and he subconsciously turned around to check.

Something weird happened.

Originally, the environment was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

But at this time, you could vaguely see the appearance of the thing behind you.

It turned out to be... a scarecrow? !

Made of dry grass, but only the upper body, and no head.

The arms were raised, and the hands were not fingers.

But something similar to deer antlers.

Why would such a thing appear in such a place? ?

Jot was very confused.

And the more he looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Because it looked like a scarecrow, but why did the structure feel like muscle tissue and blood vessels?

Just when he felt something was wrong, he suddenly felt something new behind him!

Although he didn't know what it was, his sixth sense sent a warning.


Jot thought of the mysterious sound before and swallowed his saliva.

Then he turned around slowly like a machine.


A hysterical scream sounded, and then it returned to silence.


At this time, Ivanov, who was lying on the ground and unconscious, suddenly woke up.

He was stunned for a while to recall what happened, and then sat up quickly.

When he was running away just now, he fell down because he was not paying attention.

It was impossible to faint with such a degree of fall + grass.

But it was ridiculous that he lost consciousness.

"Where am I now?"

He looked around the dark surroundings while thinking about the cause and effect.

He soon remembered.


Why…why did all those people suddenly turn into monsters? ?

They were fine at first.

But in an instant they turned into bloody corpses without skin!

And they even pounced on me.

It was unbelievable.

Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would be dead now.

Ivanov stood up and didn't know where to go for a while.

It was too dark and I couldn't see anything.

How about resting here?

I haven't noticed them chasing me for such a long time, so I should be safe.

After thinking for a while, he decided to do it.

Ivanov reached out and groped around, trying to find a bush to hide in.

However, he touched something cold and hard.

Hmm... What is this?

Before he could figure it out, his body was suddenly grabbed by a huge force.

Then his brain went blank and he lost consciousness.


At this time.

Jiang Youmei was still sitting by the campfire in fear, looking around frequently.

I always felt that there seemed to be something lurking in the dark distance.

Once I let my guard down, it would attack directly.

After a while, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly sounded in the distance.

It was getting closer and closer, and it was getting clearer and clearer.

Then, a figure ran over from the darkness.

She thought she would see a ghost or something scary.

She was scared to death.

But when she saw clearly, she found that it was Isabella!

She was panting and bending over to support her knees, wiping the sweat from her head from time to time.

She looked very tired.

She was startled at first, and then said in surprise: "Isabella! Great... I finally see you!" Isabella panted and said: "You... Why are you here? Why didn't you catch up with me?"

She hurriedly said: "I fell just now, and you disappeared when I got up."

"I thought you deliberately got rid of me, but fortunately it wasn't the case."

Her tone was a little indignant and aggrieved.

Isabella nodded and said, "So that's how it is. I was wondering why I couldn't see you while running."

"I'm sorry for that. I didn't notice you falling down right away."

"Fortunately, you were smart enough to light a bonfire, so I saw it in time."

Jiang Youmei said, "It's okay, it's okay. You didn't mean it. I understand. Come and rest."

Isabella walked over and sat opposite.

The two kept a distance of five or six meters.

She said desperately and puzzledly, "Isabella, what's going on?"

"Why did Xu suddenly become like that? What did Royce and the others see?"

Isabella shook her head, "I don't know either. Maybe they saw that he had no shadow."

"So Xu is really a monster in disguise?"

"It's very likely. After all, this is an alien hunting ground, which is beyond human knowledge."

"Then...then why did it pretend to be mixed in? It could have killed us directly."

"This is simple. It's just for fun. Think about what Xu said before."

Jiang Youmei began to recall and soon remembered.


What Xu said before was the concept of hunting grounds and arenas.

This is a stimulating way to please the audience or individuals.

What is needed is a huge disparity in power, full of challenges and unknowns.

Then it makes sense that he pretended to be a human and mixed in, seemingly helping, but actually playing tricks.


I didn't expect the truth to be so terrifying.

It's hard to guard against.

The two fell into silence, feeling very depressed.

After a while, Jiang Youmei habitually glanced around.

Then suddenly saw that there was no shadow under Isabella's feet? !


Her brain suddenly buzzed, and she was dumbfounded with wide eyes.

This... this? ?

Thinking that she was dazzled, she quickly blinked and looked again twice.

There was indeed no shadow.

WTF? ! !

Jiang Youmei's goose bumps all over her body, her heart pounding.

If Xu was a monster in disguise.

Then what happened to her?

Could it be... Isabella in front of her is also a monster?

Or maybe, this Isabella who suddenly came back is not Isabella!

This guess made her feel cold all over.

But she didn't dare to show it, so she could only suppress her fear and think about what to do.

How can she get out?

This is really like just getting out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den again!

Thinking about it, she deliberately tried to ask: "Isabella, let me ask you something."

"Do you... do you remember how we met?"

This question can confirm two things at once.

1: If the answer is correct, it means that the other party has been pretending to be a human.

2: If the answer is wrong, it means that the other party is not the same person!

Isabella suddenly stopped and kept her head down.

After a while, she slowly raised it.

In the flickering firelight, her silent face was illuminated by flickering light.

There was an inexplicable weirdness.

If she spoke, it would not be too scary.

On the contrary, this silent state, which seemed to be smiling, made people's scalps numb the most.

It was obvious that she had no good intentions!

Jiang Youmei finally confirmed it after seeing this.

Sure enough!

The Isabella in front of her was not the same one as before.

At this moment, she could no longer control herself, she jumped up and ran away.

No matter what happened, run!

Run quickly!

However, after running two steps, Isabella, who was originally behind her, appeared in front of her.


She was so scared that her soul flew away, and her legs went limp and she fell to the ground.

Her wrist was almost broken.


Isabella sneered as she approached, now completely in the dark.

Her facial features were completely invisible.

It added to the horror factor.

Jiang Youmei desperately crawled backwards, so frightened that she couldn't speak.

Her heart was pounding.

Her lips were trembling.

Isabella approached step by step, and then suddenly roared and pounced on her


She threw Jiang Youmei to the ground and opened her huge mouth to bite her neck.


Jiang Youmei screamed hysterically.

Then, her eyes suddenly opened.

She found that the terrifying Isabella had disappeared, and instead there was a person holding a torch standing next to her.

She was so scared that she shook a few times as if she had been electrocuted, and then she saw clearly that the person who came was actually Xu Zhijian? !


She widened her eyes and crashed directly. What... what was going on? !

Oh my God!

Could it be that Isabella was actually Xu Bian? ?

Just as she was thinking, Xu Zhijian suddenly stretched out his hand with a gloomy face and covered her mouth.

At the same time, he stuffed the thing he was holding into her mouth.


Jiang Youmei's instinctive struggle was useless. The bitter thing went directly into her throat and slid towards her stomach.

She couldn't help but shed tears of fear and despair.

It's over.

It's completely over.

This time she's going to die.

And Xu Zhijian continued to cover her mouth, while controlling her limbs to avoid moving.

A few minutes later.

Jiang Youmei was suddenly stunned, and her desperate eyes began to return to normal, with more doubts.

Because it was obvious that her brain and thinking were much clearer in an instant.

Like a rhinitis patient smelling mint, it was directly transparent.

The Xu Zhijian in front of her was real, with a shadow under his feet, but the bonfire he had just lit was gone.

"Rescue your companions and get 20 season points"

Xu Zhijian let go of his hand and said first: "Awake, all the pictures you just saw are fake!"

Jiang Youmei frowned blankly.


What does it mean?

Does it mean that seeing no shadow, the weird Isabella, etc. are not real?

She asked weakly: "Who... who are you? What do you want to do..."

"I am me, it's very simple, in fact, we are all hallucinating!"

Xu Zhijian patiently explained the cause and effect.

It turned out that he actually saw a very strange and terrifying scene just now.

He found that the other six people did not run away, but pulled their heads off at the same time!

Then the body melted quickly like an ice cube.

It turned into a pool of meat paste!

This situation is simply incredible and unpredictable.

In addition to being shocked, Xu Zhijian also maintained his rationality and believed that this was definitely not true.

There must be some mistakes.

But what is the problem? !

He tried hard to figure out the reason, but his brain thinking became more and more vague and heavy.

When he was about to lose consciousness, his left hand accidentally touched the bottle of psychiatric drugs in his pocket.

Then, relying on his survival instinct, he took out two pills.

About ten minutes later, the chaotic consciousness gradually recovered.

At the same time, the points message came.

"Escape from the illusion and get 20 season points"

Then he lit the bonfire immediately, and then he found that Jiang Youmei and others were gone.

And there was no melted meat paste on the ground.

So according to the points message, it was easy to think of a possibility.

I was actually hallucinating? !

Otherwise, it would be impossible to see that kind of picture.

This is also a common method in ghost movies, and I already have experience.

But what is the trigger?

After thinking about it, I suddenly thought of the most likely and only possibility.

The fragrance I smelled just now!

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