People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 316 Survival Day 316: The Secret of the Third Floor

Xu Zhijian held a plasma mine in one hand and a gun in the other and continued to shoot.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and whoever can be killed is a good one.

At the same time, he browsed the exchange library, thinking quickly about the props or skills that could be used.

The Alien Queen roared, eager to try, and obviously couldn't hold back.

He stared and continued to browse.

This one won't work, it can't be used.

This one won't work either, it doesn't fit.

This one is even worse, it can only deal with monsters like evil spirits.

This one... is a little bit good, but the benefits are too small, and it may not achieve the goal.


At this time, the Alien Queen finally couldn't help but attack.

He hurriedly pretended to throw the mine, scaring the opponent to stop and then quickly jump away to avoid it.

In fact, it was a feint.

Delay as much time as possible.

After scanning the props and abilities he had again, he finally had a new idea.

That's right!

This may be a breakthrough!

Exchange immediately.

At this time, the Alien Queen also rushed over again. After being deceived just now, she was even more fierce this time.

Bang! !

The huge body hit the wall, shaking the whole space slightly.

Xu Zhijian, who had just dodged, was hit by the tail that followed before he could stand firmly.

His body flew three or four meters away.

"Hiss... Fuck!"

He grimaced in pain, feeling that the bones in his shoulder should be broken.

But he couldn't care about these now.

Instead, he immediately activated the props he exchanged.

All the aliens that rushed over stopped moving, some were running, and some were flying in the air.

It was as if time had stopped and was frozen.

In front of him, there was a control surface with an extremely familiar zoomed view of the room.

It was "1408 Phantom Room"

The ability to be exchanged was naturally "Phantom Room"

"You can create a controllable haunted house and put the selected target in it, limited to once"

This ability only needs to select the target, not limited to evil spirits.

And it is a type of space transfer.

Although it is a little weaker than other props, it is just right for the moment.

Then, he selected the Alien Queen along with other minions.

These things disappeared directly out of thin air and appeared in the room.

Then lock and start!

The Alien Queen, who had stopped in time, returned to normal and found that she had come to a strange room for no reason.


It instinctively hit the wall hard, trying to break it open.

The other minions also jumped up and down, trying to escape from this place.

In the end, it couldn't destroy anything anyway.

At the same time, the TV placed at the head of the bed suddenly lit up.

The Alien Queen immediately turned around to check, and saw a burly figure coming out of it!

The height reached about 3 meters, and the burly was extremely exaggerated.

Crab-like facial features and head, wearing armor, shoulder cannons on shoulders, majestic.

It is the mortal enemy Iron Blood Warrior!

And it is not an ordinary level, but an extremely powerful elite level.

That is, the level of the lone wolf, a battle-hardened alien who can destroy a city by himself.

1408 can materialize the things that the target least wants to think of and fears the most.

Why was the Alien Queen sealed in the pyramid? Is it because she likes it?


It was raised in it as a container after being beaten by Iron Blood.

So when it saw the mortal enemy with explosive combat power, it couldn't help but feel uncontrollable fear.

I don't know why it appeared in this room, why the Iron Blood Warrior walked out of a small device.

I only know that danger is coming!

The Alien Queen took the lead in swinging its tail to attack, but it directly pierced a younger brother.

And the Iron Blood Warrior appeared behind him strangely.


It let out a roar, announcing that the massacre was about to begin!

Xu Zhijian hurriedly checked his hit arm and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no fracture.

Huh…Finally, we have dealt with these aliens!

Finally, we can go to the third floor!

He stood up and called out: "Let's go, let's leave here."

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon came back to their senses from the shock and ran over to ask.

"Brother Xu, where are those monsters?"

"Yes, why did they suddenly disappear?"

He shook his head: "I don't know, maybe some mechanism was triggered, this is not important."

"This is a great opportunity, hurry! Take the opportunity to leave."

The three of them also knew the priorities, and without asking any more questions, they immediately followed him to the stairs going down.

Carefully go down step by step.

As they walked, they suddenly felt empty under their feet and began to fall completely out of control.


Jiang Youmei and the others exclaimed.

Although Xu Zhijian did not expect this situation, he was not too nervous.

Because since it is the entrance to the next level, it must not be a fatal trap.

Just thinking about it, he landed safely and easily on the ground.

It took about 2 seconds.

This method reminded him of Super Mario Drilling, exactly the same.

"Enter the third level and get 50 season points"

After standing firm, he hurriedly opened his eyes and looked around carefully.

Now he is at the end of a dark, narrow, damp and corrupt corridor.

Because of the passage of time, the walls have peeled off and are covered with twisted vines.

There were oil lamps emitting a dark yellow light hanging on both sides, and there was a sign hanging on the top.

You can vaguely see the words Haunted House.

Xu Zhijian immediately had an idea. It seemed that the third floor was a haunted house, amusement park, escape room, etc.?

There are quite a few horror films that contain this element.

It’s not easy to directly guess which ones they will be.

Thinking about it, he took the opportunity to quickly check the ranking information.

I haven't had a chance to watch it for a while.

"1st place: Player ID-520 (3886) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-111 (2550) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (2300) points"

"4th place: Player ID -16 (1800) points"

"5th place: Player ID -55 (1800) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (1500) points"

"7th place: Player code-1856 (1500) points"

"Participating players: 9865"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 3886"

"You can choose to unlock 7 existing props/abilities"

"Currently armed: 3-Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)"

"Current level: third level"

After reading it, he calculated the specific data.

It used to be 2300 points.

I spent 14 points to redeem some food and flashlights.

Enter the pyramid and beat it all the way, defeating the Alien Queen for a total of +1000 points.

11 aliens +550 points.

Entering the third level +50 points.

That adds up to exactly 3886 points.

Facehuggers and scarabs are not included in the calculation.

That's understandable.

This kind of small but abundant thing is a magical tool for boosting points. If there were no restrictions, everyone could get several thousand points.

There are 7 redemption opportunities in total, and I have used them 3 times.

4 times left.

It’s stable now!

No matter what horror movies you encounter on the third level, there are 4 life-saving methods you can use, which is absolutely easy.

The difficulty and rewards of Season 2 have indeed been upgraded.

If it was the first season, I would probably have just saved less than 2,000 points.

At this time, Isabella wondered: "What is this place? Have we escaped from the alien planet?"

Jiang Youmei and Leon had the same idea.

I thought I would fall to my death when I landed, but nothing happened.

And the sign above the passage says Haunted House, which is very strange.

From the pyramid to this scene suddenly, I really don't know what happened.

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "I don't know, we probably haven't left yet, the hunting game is still going on!"

"Let's take a rest first, and then we can continue exploring."

After experiencing the battle just now and having little food to eat, the four of them were almost at the end of their physical strength.

He would definitely exchange it for food supplements.

But I picked it up by "coincidence" before, how should I take it out this time?

After thinking for a moment, the plan immediately came to mind.

So I opened the exchange warehouse and selected the food to exchange, and let these things fall directly from my head.

Season points -20.


Food and mineral water fell to the ground without warning.

Jiang Youmei and the other three were stunned for a moment when they saw this, and then showed smiles of disbelief and surprise.

Oh my god!

How is this going? ! !

Leon said in shock: "This... God, how could this happen?"

Xu Zhijian deliberately explained: "I understand. Hunters who want to play hunting games must not let their prey starve to death."

"So every time a certain time comes, those alien monsters will deliver energy to us at fixed points to replenish it!"

The three of them nodded repeatedly. This made perfect sense.

And what the heck.

No matter what the reason is, as long as you have something to eat and drink!

Everyone picked up their things and started distributing them.

This time I changed three items in total.

Three bottles of 550ml mineral water.

Four bags and one half bag of 120 grams of instant noodles have about 450 calories per 100 grams.

Three 250g cans of lunch beef, 500 calories.

On average, each person can supplement 800±.

After eating and resting for a while, they got up and set off.

Walking in the dark and narrow corridors, watching for clues and being wary of things popping up.

Xu Zhijian thought seriously for a while and couldn't remember which movie this corridor had appeared in.

Soon I reached the end safely, and the only passage to the left appeared.

They tested it for a moment and then kept walking.

After walking a few meters, the surrounding situation changed.

There are no oil lamps on the walls, and the road is narrower than before.

There were many black rags hanging on the roof.

And there were rows of bloody skeletons hanging on both sides!

There are upright postures like hanging, some head-down postures, etc.

"Thank you very much!"

"This...are these real or fake??"

When Jiang Youmei and others saw this, their hearts sank, and their hearts beat faster.

Xu Zhijian took a closer look warily and was sure that they were all fake props.

But according to experience, there must be some real ones mixed in.

And it's not just a real skeleton, but a scary evil spirit!

He reminded: "These are all props, but there must be real ones hidden inside, be careful."

The four walked carefully.

These skeletons flickered in the dark environment, adding a bit of horror.

And there were gusts of cold wind blowing from a distance.

The weird atmosphere was full.


As they walked, a black shadow suddenly fell from midair and blocked the way.


Xu Zhijian, who was walking in the front, instinctively shot immediately, and then shone the flashlight over.

It turned out to be a skeleton, swinging like a pendulum.

This is also a common scare method used in haunted houses.

Jiang Youmei and the others also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this. It was a close call, they thought they really encountered a monster.

Xu Zhijian pulled it down and threw it aside, and continued to move forward.

After walking for about another minute, Leon on the left suddenly felt his arm being grabbed by something.


He screamed in fear, subconsciously pulled his arm out and attacked.

Xu Zhijian, Jiang Youmei, and Isabella turned their heads to check.

Sure enough, it was another false alarm.

It was still a skeleton under the control of the mechanism, stretching out its arm to grab a corner of the clothes.

Xu Zhijian frowned, feeling very bad.

Because frequent false scares will continue to consume people's vigilance and spirit.

Just like the story of "Wolf is Coming".

After repeated frauds, people will not believe it at the first time when they encounter real danger.

In that case, they will die without knowing how they died.

After thinking for a while, he took out the machete and chopped while walking, chopping off all the skeletons.

This can reduce false scares.

It can also take the opportunity to force the real thing out.

Leon immediately understood what he meant, and followed suit with a spear.

Walking and walking.

Finally, Jiang Youmei subconsciously turned her head and looked behind her. It was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

She got goose bumps all over her body and cold sweat broke out on her back.

Because, she just heard a voice calling her name! !

It was very real, just like it was right next to her ear.

That's why she didn't have time to think so much and turned back to check instinctively.

But now she finally reacted.


How could this be possible!

She immediately stepped forward to report: "Brother Xu, just now... just now I heard someone calling me!"

Xu Zhijian and others quickly shone their flashlights behind them and aimed their guns.

Then they asked: "Really? Is it an auditory hallucination caused by being too nervous?"

She shook her head affirmatively: "No, I heard it clearly, it was a hoarse man's voice."

Xu Zhijian hummed and walked forward, carefully examining the skeletons that had been chopped off on both sides.

At the same time, he was very pleased with Jiang Youmei's actions, and did not deliberately hide it like a fool.

But after looking at it, he really couldn't see any problem.

If there was a real thing mixed in, then it should have dodged or reacted when it was chopped just now.

Since nothing happened, it means there was nothing real, or it was hidden in advance.

Then why did it deliberately call Jiang Youmei?

Now everyone is not alone, and they are very alert, and their IQ will not be lowered.

According to the conventional setting of horror movies, evil spirits call people's names to kill or take souls.

As the old saying goes, if you hear someone calling you on the road in the middle of the night, don't look back.

Because that is a ghost looking for a substitute.

Now Jiang Youmei has already looked back, why didn't she encounter any danger?

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