People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 322: Survival Day 322: The Soul Prison

It is precisely because of this characteristic of being full of weirdness and horror elements that the movie "Catacombs" was created.

Realistic existence + pseudo-documentary format.

Plus some folklore.

An unbeatable combination.

After Xu Zhijian watched the movie that year, he really wanted to see it in person. Take a turn.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t leave without money and a passport, so I had to give up.

I didn’t expect that this wish would be realized in this way, and that there really would be an evil ghost version.

Now it's fun.

Isabella asked at this time: "Xu, do you know what is going on??"

"Let me think."

He did not name the movie immediately, but began to think carefully about the specific plot and clues.

It's been a long time since I watched "Catacombs", so some details are already blurry.

But I won’t forget it either.

It takes some recalling to remember.

I remember that in addition to the real tomb elements, the movie also has legends such as the alchemist and the philosopher's stone.

By the way, it’s also linked to Dante’s masterpiece “The Divine Comedy”

But I haven’t read this book.

I only know roughly that the content has something to do with hell.

Thinking about it, he asked: "Which of you has read Dante's work "The Divine Comedy"??"

Jiang Youmei and Isabella shook their heads at the same time: "I've heard of it, but I haven't seen it."

Leon said: "I have read it! Xu, does this have something to do with the content in the book?"

His eyes lit up: "Really? Do you still remember the specific content?"

"Well, I can still recall about 70% to 80% of it."

"Is it related to the theme of hell?"

"Yes, it does describe the story of the nine levels of hell."

"Okay, please describe the specific content..."

Leon recalled carefully while narrating, trying his best to tell the truth as much as he could still remember.

Xu Zhijian listened carefully and wrote down everything bit by bit, while recalling whether there were any relevant plots in the movie.

Jiang Youmei and Isabella also listened very carefully, trying to find out and fill in the gaps.

After the communication is completed.

Xu Zhijian continued to think deeply and analyze silently.

They were very sensible and did not dare to interrupt. They waited silently while thinking about various possibilities.

Soon, he finally figured out the basic plan.

So he said seriously: "The place we are in now is called the Paris Catacombs."

"It really exists in the real world, and it's a pretty famous attraction, so I can recognize it."

"And there are many strange legends about this tomb."

"One of the most widely circulated and terrifying theories is one of them."

"This is actually the hell described in "The Divine Comedy". The waterway we passed just now is the River Styx."

"That's why it's so cold, like a knife."

"In other words, we have unknowingly entered complete hell and there is no turning back."

According to the setting in the movie.

This tomb hell has a total of 9 levels, which exactly matches the content of "The Divine Comedy".

The structure is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, resembling a funnel shape.

Each level represents the nine cardinal sins of mankind, with specific horrific punishments.

The only way to escape is counter-intuitive and full of philosophy.

That is: down is up.

To put it simply, as long as you keep moving towards the depths of hell, you will be closer to the exit.

It is the same concept as the old saying of living toward death.

As for which is the first floor and which is the ninth floor, it is impossible to tell with the naked eye.

We can only think of ways to open up the ground and see if we can find a hole or something.

After listening to Xu Zhijian's explanation of the cause and effect, Jiang Youmei and the others frowned, feeling shocked and unbelievable.

This place is actually the legendary hell? ! !

Although there are indeed endless piles of bones, it is not so outrageous.

I was shocked, but I still believed it was true.

Because I have been surviving for so long, I have experienced jungle murder, pyramid escape, etc.

Whatever happens now is normal.

Jiang Youmei asked: "But how do we find that kind of entrance?"

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "There is no other way but to search patiently. OK, let's go."

Everyone adjusted their mentality and started moving forward.

As he walked, he silently opened the ranking list and took a look.

"1st place: Player code-520 (3966) points"

"2nd place: Player ID -111 (3300) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (3000) points"

"4th place: Player ID -16 (3000) points"

"5th place: Player ID -55 (2900) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (2500) points"

"7th place: Player code-1856 (2500) points"

"Participating players: 8201"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 3966"

"You can choose to unlock 7 existing props/abilities"

"Current armament: 4-Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)-Rebound Stance"

"Current level: third level"

The people behind were chasing pretty fast, but the numbers jumped a bit.

After 2900, it is 2500 points.

Why are the middle 8 to 6 not ranked?

Is it because no one has reached it yet, or the player at this position died in an accident?

Xu Zhijian did not study too much, but opened the exchange library and selected some food to exchange.

It’s been a day since I came to the haunted house on the third floor, and my physical strength has called the police.

It’s time to replenish your energy.


Food falls from the sky.

Jiang Youmei and others were immediately happy when they saw this. In this situation, both body and mind need to relax.

And food is the best placebo.

After a nice meal and drink, everyone felt a little more relaxed and continued to set off.

After walking along the curve for a while, a wellhead suddenly appeared on the ground ahead!

There is a situation.

Everyone carefully walked over and looked down, but the flashlights could not reach the end and the depth was bottomless.

Leon asked: "Is this just an ordinary wellhead, or...?"

Xu Zhijian recalled the plot of the movie.

According to the settings, every hole and wellhead here is useful.

Especially at the last moment, the protagonist decisively jumped into the well to complete a whole set of experiences from bottom to top.

Successful escape.

So this one must be useful.

But I don’t know if it’s a good aspect or a bad aspect.

Xu Zhijian pulled out a bone from the pile of bones next to him, then threw it down and let it fall freely.

But after waiting for a long time, no sound was heard.

It seems to have disappeared directly, or is still missing.

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon frowned and looked at Xu Zhijian silently, waiting for instructions.

And he was a little unsure for a while.


Or continue to look for another way?

According to the movie, it is best to jump, this is the right choice.

But now no one knows if there is any accident. What if I jump and fall to my death.

After hesitating for a moment, he immediately had an idea.


I now have three opportunities to redeem, including the god-level item of the editor.

Just let one of them jump and try.

Whether it lands successfully or falls to death, you can resuscitate it by going backwards.

He said seriously: "This is probably the entrance! But one of you needs to jump down and test it."

"Because I have a secret method that can guarantee that you won't die, so I can't go into battle myself."

"Then...who of you is willing?"

Jiang Youmei and the three looked at each other and hesitated.

It's not that I don't believe it and I'm unwilling to take risks, but I'm curious about what the secret method is?

It can actually guarantee that people will not die?

After thinking for a few seconds, Leon said decisively: "OK, I'll do it!"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, if you don't die or enter another space after jumping, just wait where you are."

"If it exceeds my scheduled time, I will rescue you as soon as possible."

Leon hummed without saying anything else, took two deep breaths and jumped into the well.

This courage is that of a man.

Xu Zhijian silently kept time on it.

1 second.

2 seconds.

3 seconds.

4 seconds.

5 seconds.

His mental budget is 30 seconds, which is neither too much nor too little.

You can find out anything you encounter.

10 seconds.

15 seconds.

While counting, I suddenly heard Leon's voice coming from the well: "Xu, I'm safe to the end!"

Xu Zhijian perked up and immediately replied: "Really? What's going on below?!"

"There is only one passage in front of me and nothing else."

"OK, let's go down right away!"

He turned to the two women and said, "It seems that there is no problem. Let's jump down together. I will take the rear."

Jiang Youmei and Isabella nodded, held hands, closed their eyes and jumped together.

Xu Zhijian continued to wait above.

About 15 seconds later, their voices also came: "I was scared to death...I really fell to the ground."

"Xu, we are done. You can come down now."

Now he felt that there was probably no danger, but he still kept a cautious eye.

After preparing his escape route, he jumped into the well.

The body fell rapidly.

His eyes could see nothing, only endless darkness.

After a moment, it landed on the solid ground with a clatter, and it actually landed safely.

He glanced around quickly.

Leon, Isabella, and Jiang Youmei are around.

In front of him was a dark and deep passage, with a skull graffiti painted on the entrance wall.

The ground was covered with older, blackened bones.

As if embedded in stone.

Xu Zhijian asked: "Leon, what is the name of the first level of hell?"

Leon replied: "It's Limbo!"

Limbo is a place in Christianity where mortals live after death.

Catholics view it as the first level of hell, where guilty souls are judged.

In the Divine Comedy, Limbo is the first circle of hell, located beyond the River Styx.

But before the judgment seat of Minos.

This is where the so-called neutralists or opportunists exist.

To put it bluntly, they are non-Christians and non-believers.

Any soul that enters here cannot be said to have been guilty or good during their lifetime.

Xu Zhijian reminded: "Let's go, our first journey into hell has officially begun!"

Jiang Youmei and others were wary, curious, and nervous as they slowly walked into the passage.

Click... click... click.

Because the ground was full of broken bones, it didn't take long for the soles of their feet to hurt.

Even with the thick soles, it was still very uncomfortable.

There were also some graffiti on the walls on both sides.

There were various patterns painted, but the portraits were basically without eyes.

After walking for about ten minutes, the bones on the road ahead finally became fewer.

Huh... I can finally slow down.

Everyone deliberately stopped to rest for a while, and continued to move forward after the pain in their feet eased.

However, after walking for an unknown period of time, Xu Zhijian, who was at the front, suddenly stopped.

And he made a puzzled sound.

Leon and the others immediately walked forward curiously to check, and their hearts suddenly skipped a beat.

Because the road ahead was suddenly full of broken bones.

And some were obviously trampled quickly.

Anyone with a clear mind can see that this is the place they just passed!

They couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.


What the hell does this mean... Why are we walking back? ?

The three stood there in astonishment, not knowing what to do, and felt cold from head to toe.

But Xu Zhijian was still calm.

It was normal for this situation to happen, and it had happened before in "The Mist".

But how to break the situation?

Jiang Youmei asked at this time: "Brother Xu, are we back again?"

He nodded: "Yes!"

"Then... what should we do?"

"Let's go back the same way and try it."

He turned around and walked away with the three people, but they finally returned to the starting point!

Imagine it.

A straight road without any forks, no matter how you run, you will return to the same place.

No matter how many times you experiment, you will be reincarnated and you will never escape.

Leon and the others were panicked and didn't know what to do, they could only sweat coldly.

A desperate atmosphere rose in the passage.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhijian said: "You wait for me where you are! I'm going back the same way now."

They understood what he meant and nodded to show that they understood.

So he turned and ran back, and his figure quickly disappeared in the dark distance.

Leon and others waited nervously and expectantly, but he still didn't appear after a few minutes.

They couldn't help but feel a little surprised and hopeful, but also more panicked.

It would be great if he could really run out, but what should he do if he ran out?

Just as they were thinking about it, they suddenly heard a series of footsteps.

Then, Xu Zhijian appeared with a flashlight.

Their expectations plummeted.


Is this the end? ?

The three leaned against the wall with depressed faces, silent, and didn't know what to say.

Xu Zhijian didn't calm them down either, and thought about countermeasures while looking at the paintings on the wall.

Since the theme of the Lingliu is faithlessness, the souls in it have two choices.

1: Stay here forever.

2: Wait for God's judgment.

Now this circular channel seems to prove the first possibility.

But this is only the content of the book.

And the protagonists in the movie can successfully escape, indicating that there is a third way.

But what is it?

As he was reminiscing and looking at the murals, he suddenly had an idea.

That's right!

I remember there was a plot about losing light, and then hope will come.

I can't remember the original words, but it's roughly this meaning.

And now the eyes of these portraits are closed or dug out.


He immediately said: "Guys, have you noticed that the portraits all have their eyes closed?"

Jiang Youmei and the other two nodded. They did find it, but what is the relationship between the two?


I posted a post in the book review area to collect which copy everyone likes the most, how many points can be scored out of 10, etc.

The big guys can reply.

It will help me analyze and sort out the advantages, improve myself and learn.

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