People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 330 Survival Day 330: Alessa


The triangle head was indeed hit and stiffened, and the movement had to pause for a while.

But it did not lose its mobility.

It teleported in front of Xu Zhijian again, raised the big knife and swept it horizontally.

If it was hit this time, it would be cut in half.

He used the fastest reaction and speed, and instantly stepped back and bent over to avoid it, almost as a conditioned reflex.


The big knife chopped close to the hair, cutting off a large number of hairs.

Quite extreme.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but sweat, and continued to shoot at the triangle head fiercely.

The triangle head can be immune to cold weapons and hot weapons, but real wound bullets are real wounds after all.

It is not for decoration.

After being hit by more than 20 rounds, it still caused strong damage, making it kneel on one knee.


Xu Zhijian immediately shot at its head.

However, the huge triangle head was made of unknown material, and it did not break the defense at all.

Not even a scratch appeared.

The triangle head stretched out his hand and tried to grab him and tear him in half.

Xu Zhijian dodged quickly and aimed his gun at the big knife.

Since he couldn't kill the main body for the time being, he would kill the weapon first to reduce the opponent's lethality.

As expected, the big knife was broken into two pieces in a minute.

The triangle head slowly stood up, without any emotional fluctuations, and placed his right hand on the broken end of the weapon.

Then the blade grew again!

It continued to approach with the big knife, and when it was about 20 meters away, it launched the teleportation skill again.

And Xu Zhijian had taken the opportunity to quickly retreat and distance himself, avoiding the sneak attack.

In this way, he quickly figured out the routine.

It turned out that the effective range of this ability did not exceed 25 meters. Very good, this is a weakness.

So he deliberately kept a similar distance and did not give the opponent a chance to flash in front of him.

At the same time, he kept changing positions and running and shooting.

It felt like a shooter fighting a warrior, or kite flying according to the game's jargon.

And Pyramid Head saw through his plan, but he was still calm and unmoved.

Mainly because he didn't have the ability to rush, and his speed was a slow motion setting.

When he got another chance, he instantly flashed in front of him, raised his hands and chopped down directly.

Bang! !

The broadsword directly cut off a railing as thick as a thigh.

Xu Zhijian, who had already dodged, hit it in the crotch with a left hook out of fighting instinct.

Unfortunately, Pyramid Head should not have Kun, so it would not cause any damage.

Even if he had, it would not break the defense.

Pyramid Head held the broadsword in one hand and grabbed him with the other hand, grabbing his shoulder directly.

With a little effort, he lifted it up several dozen centimeters high.

After a long struggle, he finally caught it!

Just as he was about to crush it again, Xu Zhijian put the muzzle of the gun against its arm and fired several shots.


The arm was broken immediately.

Triangle Head took two steps back, shook off the blood from the broken part, and then began to grow again visibly.

Xu Zhijian knocked the broken hand on his shoulder away, and continued to distance himself to perform the kite-flying tactic.

At the same time, he was thinking about how to completely kill the opponent. It was not a good thing to keep wasting time like this!

At the same time.

Leon and the others were not idle either, and they worked together to deal with the howling monster.

However, the opponent was flying around and fast, which was really difficult to deal with.


A moment later, the howling monster swooped down like lightning.


Seeing this, Leon could not dodge in time, and could only instinctively raise his spear to block his chest.

This time he saved himself successfully.

However, his body was also knocked several meters away by the huge inertia and fell to the ground, and the spear flew out with it.

The howling monster succeeded in one attack, slid an arc in the air, and then rushed again.

Once hit by such a force, for example, the head will be directly knocked out!

"Hiss... Fuck!"

Leon rolled over quickly in pain to avoid it, but it was too late.

At this extremely dangerous moment, Jiang Youmei, who was not far away, picked up a big stone and threw it.


The whistling monster in the air was hit on the wing. Although it did not break the defense, it still paused.

When it rushed down again, Isabella had grabbed the spear and rushed over, stabbing from behind.


The chest of the whistling monster was directly pierced.

It screamed and fell to the ground, twisting wildly in pain.

The huge force forced Isabella to let go of her hand, staggering back several steps and almost falling.

Leon had already stood up at this time, seized the opportunity to rush over and pull out the spear, and stabbed the whistling monster several more times.

Successfully killed it.

The three of them cooperated very well in this battle, not in a hurry or panic, and made a feint to the east and attacked in the west.

But they didn't have time to rejoice, and immediately went to help Xu Zhijian.

At this time, the triangle head teleported again, but still failed to hit him.

So he stopped and raised his right hand and waved it.

Ka la la la la...

They immediately heard a series of rustling sounds around them, as if there were many things crawling on the ground.

Then they saw black things coming from all directions.

They were about the size of a palm, like cockroaches, woodlice, or watermelon worms!

They were densely packed, and it was estimated that there were at least tens of thousands of them.

Xu Zhijian knew that this was the summoned scarab beetle, which had the power to devour everything.

The shape was particularly terrifying.

The insect head looked very much like a human head, similar to the expression in Edward Munch's painting "The Scream".

The swarm of insects followed the command of the triangle head and rushed towards Xu Zhijian and his group.

"Run, don't get bitten!"

He warned while retreating and shooting.


The scarab beetles in the front were blown up, spraying out pools of black liquid.

Leon also stabbed with a spear.

However, there were too many of them and they were not big, so they couldn't beat them at all, and the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller.

The four of them stood back to back and faced one direction, using various methods to prevent the swarm of insects from approaching.

Soon, Jiang Youmei was the first to be broken through, after all, she had no weapons in her hands.

A scarab crawled along the left leg to the belly, opened its mouth and prepared to bite.


Most girls are afraid of insects, let alone such a big one with a more terrifying shape.

Frightened to death, he screamed and slapped desperately.

However, the scarab's claws were very powerful, embedded in the clothes, and did not move at all.

Fortunately, Isabella next to him took action in time and swung the machete to cut it into two pieces.

However, after the first breakthrough, there will be a second and third time.

Including Xu Zhijian, everyone's defense line was soon lost.

Scarabs crawled all over them, and they were about to be completely covered and then gnawed into pieces.


Xu Zhijian slapped and cursed, not knowing how to deal with it for a while.


Leon also screamed, and a scarab directly bit off a piece of flesh on his left arm.

He reluctantly grabbed it and threw it to the ground, stepping on it with his feet.

However, it felt like stepping on rubber, bouncing, and he didn't step on it directly.

It was not until he stepped on it with all his strength several times that it was crushed.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more dangerous and about to get out of control, Xu Zhijian finally had an idea.

So he quickly took out the Philosopher's Stone and threw it on the ground.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

The ground began to rot and melt rapidly, and the scarabs around it also turned into piles of ashes.

Those who were not dead saw this and quickly retreated without hesitation.

A large space was vacated in an instant.

Xu Zhijian breathed a sigh of relief and thought that fortunately it worked. The stone was really useful.

He quickly knocked the bugs on his body to the ground, and then helped Jiang Youmei and the others get out of trouble.

Then the four of them quickly retreated away from the corroded area.

The swarm of insects surrounded the Philosopher's Stone more than ten meters away, restless, but did not dare to move forward.

And the triangular head also stopped when he saw this, standing in the distance and watching silently.

It seemed that he could feel the power of this artifact more and did not dare to be arrogant.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while.

Leon and the others breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to check the bitten parts of their bodies.

At the same time, they were also confused. Why did this Philosopher's Stone suddenly appear again? ?

Xu Zhijian did not feel relieved. He was still thinking about the follow-up plan with a gloomy face.

Now he can rely on the stone to maintain the situation, but it won't work this way. The entire playground will be corroded sooner or later.

Then he will be in trouble.

But how to break the situation!


Just when he was in trouble, the situation of other battlefield players was also very bleak.

Player No. 1818, currently ranked 25th, with a season score of 3000+.

He led his companions to explore the haunted house carefully, and soon walked into a hall.


As soon as they walked in, the headlights on the roof suddenly lit up strangely.

Everyone stayed in the dark environment for too long, and subconsciously raised their hands to block their eyes or closed their eyes.

After adapting, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw that the empty hall turned out to be a slaughterhouse!

There were corpses hanging on the roof, and several faceless nurses and puppet spiders were peeling the skin with knives.

This scene was too bloody and the impact was too strong. Two people were so scared that they collapsed on the ground.

They even peed.

The faceless nurse and puppet spider rushed over immediately when they saw humans coming in.


They fled in panic, but the way they came in just now was blocked by a big door, and there was no escape.

No. 1818 was shooting while he found a half-open door in the front with the word "exit" written on it.

"There is a way out there, run!"

He screamed and rolled and crawled towards it, and the others followed him.

The faceless nurse and puppet spider ignored the people who ran away and only dragged the two who were lying on the ground away.

The two unlucky guys were so scared that they cried and shouted and resisted, but it was useless.

The faceless nurse cut their throats with a knife, and then put them on the chopping board and started a bloody autopsy.

At this time, No. 1818 and his friends also fled.

They found themselves in an amusement park, where the carousel, Ferris wheel and other facilities were running.

But there was no sound, it was very quiet.


Then, the flames suddenly rose, surrounding them and leaving them with no way out.

"What's going on?! What's going on!"

"Fuck! What have we encountered again?"

Everyone shouted in panic, and finally found that the Ferris wheel was hung with corpses and so on.

The young mind was finally about to collapse.


Then, the triangle head came slowly from a distance.

Looking at the giant with such a strange shape, everyone's heart was in their throats.

And No. 1818 recognized its identity immediately.

It is indeed "Silent Hill"!

Without saying a word, he opened the exchange warehouse to exchange for life-saving equipment, but he suddenly stopped in the middle of the process.

Because, the triangular head has quietly teleported in front of us!

He raised his bright machete.

at the same time.

Just as Xu Zhijian was quickly thinking of countermeasures, a person suddenly appeared on the carousel not far away.

While giggling, he sat on the skeleton horse and played.

They couldn't help but turn around and look.

I saw that it turned out to be a little girl in her teens, wearing a dark blue dress and black hair? !

Leon, Jiang Youmei, and Isabella were very confused.

Why did a child suddenly appear... What is the origin of this child? !

And Xu Zhijian recognized the other party at a glance, and secretly thought something bad, she finally came out!

This time it's even worse.

After playing for a while, the little girl jumped from the skeleton horseback to the ground, and then approached leisurely.

He stopped when he was more than ten meters away and looked at them with a cold smile.

You can see more clearly now.

The little girl was very beautiful, but there was a lot of blood on her face and her body was dirty.

White and tender skin sets off red lips and big eyes.

There is a different kind of gothic beauty.

A normal person would know that it is not easy for a person to suddenly appear in such a place, especially a child.

And she is the final boss in "Silent Hill": Alessa! !

She suffered a terrible fate in the movie.

First she was defiled by the campus janitor, and then she was burned on the stake as a witch.

However, he survived and was saved by the arriving criminal police.

But his whole body was severely burned, and he lived a life worse than death.

As a result, the fear and pain in his heart and consciousness gradually turned into resentment and murderous intention.

She then transformed into three different Alessas.

It also brings the three worlds of Silent Hill.

Alessa No. 1: the normal real world.

Evil Side No. 2: After she was severely burned, the image of the evil power generated by extreme fear and hatred materialized.

Appearing in the form of the blue and purple school uniform he was wearing when he was burned.

Giving Alessa the power of the devil.

That is the inner world.

Good side No. 3: Alessa’s good side, the heroine’s daughter Sarah.

It was produced in the form of an illusion by Alessa's kind soul and sent to the orphanage in the real world by the evil side.

Later adopted by the heroine.

Some people believe that Sarah is Alessa's biological daughter based on the fact that Alessa was raped.

This is actually wrong.

Given that Alessa was only 9 years old at the time, it was impossible for her to be fertile.

In addition, considering Sarah’s age, it is impossible for Alessa to be pregnant for twenty years and have another child.

In the film, Alessa's evil side says that Sarah is his child, which is actually just a metaphor.

Sarah repeatedly sleepwalks back to Silent Hill because she is summoned by a mysterious power.

Go back and "merge" with Alessa's evil side.

In the end, good defeats evil, and Sarah reversely assimilates her out of Silent Hill and returns to reality.

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