People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 346 Survival Day 346: Hard

"What a jerk!"

Xu Zhijian cursed secretly, and at the same time, he immediately closed his eyes in a hurry.

Don't look at the disgusting big hole, and force yourself to calm down, don't be anxious, don't panic.

Just little Karami.

Even if it is strengthened, how powerful can it be?

call--! !

The wind as cold as a knife blew harder, and the screams were more like howls from ghosts and gods.

The Big Black Buddha Mother seems to be attacking with all her strength.

He persisted forcefully, trying hard to move his fingers and pull the trigger.

But after trying for a long time, the other hand seemed to be able to move.

But this is enough!

Xu Zhijian gritted his teeth and used all his strength to raise his left hand tremblingly.

The veins on his forehead were bulging, and the muscles in his arms were tense.

After lifting it to a certain level, he threw the spear forcefully over without hesitation.


When the distance was less than half a meter, the spear hung strangely in mid-air and was unable to move forward.

There seemed to be a huge force blocking it, making it tremble slightly.

At the same time, Xu Zhijian felt less controlled.

I immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, the Great Black Buddha Mother has limited abilities and cannot control too many things at the same time!

Very good.

He continued to work hard, trying to bend the finger that pulled the trigger, and sure enough he could move it a little bit.

But it was quickly stopped.

He resisted again.

The Great Black Buddha Mother also increased her efforts to control.

But in this way, there is no way to effectively control the spear, and other situations.


So the spear floating in the air broke away from its restraints and quickly stabbed it directly into the hole's face.

Streams of black liquid spurted out from inside.

At the same time, a gust of cold wind hit, and the mixed sounds seemed to add a hint of miserable screams.

The Big Black Buddha Mother suffered trauma and instinctively lost her ability to fight back.

It was such an opportunity of less than a second that Xu Zhijian, who had been trying to pull the trigger, finally pulled it!


The real bullet hit it in the hole in the face.

A stronger black liquid spurted out, accompanied by a crisp click sound.

Bang bang bang!

Xu Zhijian didn't hesitate at all, and fired N shots one after another like lightning.

The statue of the Big Black Buddha was beaten so hard that a piece of its head fell off, an arm was broken, and it became mutilated.

But no news of being killed came.

It means he's not dead yet.

So I shot him a few more times, splitting all over his body, and two more shots and it was completely shattered.

The whole face of the big black Buddha Mother was spraying liquid continuously, and the stench was unpleasant.

It was obvious that he was dying.

Just as Brigadier General Xu Zhijian fired another shot, something suddenly occurred to him.

He stopped attacking and walked over to activate his collection ability.

"Kill or seal the Big Black Buddha Mother and get 200 season points."

""Curse": Great Black Buddha Mother-Activate (√)"

Ha, it actually works.

This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. You can not only solve the opponent's problem, but also take advantage of the opportunity to collect it.

And trash is trash.

Even if the strength has increased by at least 50%, the overall strength is still too weak.

Not only is it unable to carry a real-damage pistol, but it also provides few points.

Compared to Chu Renmei, Alessa, Alien Queen, etc., he is at the level of a mid-level mini-boss.

But Xu Zhijian was very satisfied with this action.

Because I didn’t rely on a rebound stance at all, I relied solely on my own willpower and combat experience to get through it!

Although it is largely because of the Great Black Buddha Mother that she is weak.

But it also proves that after practicing hard all the way, his physical quality has improved a lot without realizing it.


This is a very good phenomenon.

Thinking about it, he opened the ranking list and took a regular look.

"1st place: Player ID-520 (7030) points"

"2nd place: Player ID -111 (6800) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (6800) points"

"4th place: Player ID -161 (6600) points"

"5th place: Player ID-554 (6500) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (6500) points"

"7th place: Player code-1859 (6400) points"

"Participating players: 2024"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 7030"

"You can choose to unlock 14 existing props/abilities"

"Current armament: 7-

Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)-Rebound Position-Editor-Friends-Jigsaw Game"

"Current level: second level"

When encountering the "Curse" level, the score is 6650.

Activate achievement +20.

+50 for killing Li Ruonan.

+10 for killing 2 Li Dong tribesmen.

Seal the Great Black Buddha +200.

Suddenly he became number one again, not bad, not bad, 200 points ahead of No. 111.

From this it can be seen that the other party has also successfully taken care of Chu Renmei.


Turning off the panel, Xu Zhijian walked around in a circle.

I found that there were many old and yellowed books inside the cauldron-like altar.

I couldn't help but pick up a book and check it out.

I saw the cover saying: Li Dong Clan Chronicle.

He looked through it with interest and found that it not only contained the personal information of the Li Dong clan members.

It even recorded some things that had been done.

For example, during the MIN Kingdom, there was a man in Liujiazhuang in a certain place.

He had an ancestral business and was very rich.

As his business grew, Mr. Liu wanted to buy another house in the city.

Then he moved his family to the city to live.

But after looking for a long time, he still couldn't find a good house, so he had to continue to stay in the country house.

At the same time, he wanted to change the gate and wait until the time was right before living in the city.

One day, when the workers were digging the stones in the yard, they accidentally dug up a dead bone.

This scared the man to death. He didn't expect that there was such a thing in the old house where he lived?

He called a few old servants to find out the reason, but no one knew what was going on.

One of the old servants named Li Hui said that maybe this was when Liu Taigong bought the land and built the house.

Because an old man had said that a dead person had been buried here.

So Mr. Liu quickly invited a Taoist priest to perform a ritual to help the dead souls.

Then he sent someone to bury the bones in the mountains.

He thought everything would be fine, but strange things happened one after another.

That day, Mr. Liu took his male servant to the city to do some work.

At night, several maids were massaging Mrs. Liu, and suddenly someone heard a rustling sound outside.

A maid looked out through the window and screamed in shock.

There was a zombie outside the window!

It stretched out its arms and jumped around in the yard.

Mrs. Liu felt strange and looked out through the window for a long time, but she saw nothing.

At this moment, the face of the zombie slowly rose from under the window!

It met Mrs. Liu.

The zombie gave a weird smile, which frightened her so much that she fainted on the spot.

The Liu family was in chaos.

However, Mr. Liu went to the city to do some work today, and no one was there to handle the matter.

But after a while, the door of the house was suddenly opened.

That Li Hui rushed in, waving a butcher knife in his hand.

He shouted loudly: "Where is the ghost? Where is the ghost?"

Everyone was relieved when they saw him.

The maid pointed outside the window and said that a zombie was standing outside the window just now, but he went to see and found nothing.

It turned out that Mr. Liu was worried that there was no guard at home, so he sent him back first.

After the incident.

Mrs. Liu was in a coma for two days and did not wake up.

Mr. Liu had no other choice, so he asked Li Hui to invite a few Taoist priests to catch ghosts.

But what he didn't expect was that the Taoist priests performed a Taoist ritual all night, but the next day they all had blood on their faces.

They said to Mr. Liu: "The ghost in your house is too powerful, we can't fight it."

Then they didn't even want their wages and ran away in disgrace.

Now Mr. Liu was even more scared, and the whole family was in panic.

At night, he would keep the lights on at home, and everyone would stay in the yard, not daring to sleep.

But this was not a solution.

People have limited energy, and they would die faster if they didn't sleep.

So he went to the city to look for a house again, but he still couldn't find a satisfactory one after searching for a few days.

There was no other way, so he had to rent a house in the city and bring his family over.

Then, he asked Li Hui and several other male servants to stay in the old house.

A few days later, Mr. Liu finally found a house in the city.

So he wanted to go back to the old house to get the money and quickly complete the transaction.

However, he had to take a boat across a river on the way, and when he got on, a white-faced scholar was already sitting.

Seeing this, the scholar enthusiastically invited him to sit together.

Mr. Liu was a man of temperament. Although he was already middle-aged, he got along well with the other party.

The white-faced scholar said his surname was Hu, and his hometown was on a nearby mountain. He happened to pass by here today.

When it was time for dinner, the two continued to drink and chat.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Mr. Liu started to talk more.

He unknowingly talked about the haunted house.

After listening to him, the white-faced scholar was not afraid or surprised.

Instead, he said calmly that the ghosts in the world are often inner ghosts.

What kind of ghost is your ghost? I want to go and see it. How about helping you to exorcise the demons?

Seeing him so calm, Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment, and then really took him home.

With the help of the white-faced scholar, he became bolder.

When they returned home, the two continued to drink and chat about expensive things, while Li Hui served them on the side.

They rested until midnight.

Li Hui helped Mr. Liu to sleep in the inner room, and the white-faced scholar was arranged in a wing room.

When he was about to go to bed, this person found that Li Hui suddenly came over.

But he did nothing, just strolled outside the door twice and then left.

The next day.

After Mr. Liu woke up, he went to find the scholar, but before he left the room, the servant came to report.

They said that the man had died suddenly in the room at some point!

His death was extremely horrible.

His facial features were gone, and his flesh was bloody and looked like something had bitten him off.

Mr. Liu was shocked.

He had originally asked them to catch ghosts, but he died strangely in less than one night? ?

And his entire face was gone... It looked like he had been eaten by a zombie.

So he didn't hesitate any more.

He didn't even bother to take the money hidden in the cellar, and fled with the young and old and his apparent family property.

When I went to the city and bought a house and settled down, it was as if I had never had an old house before.

I no longer dare to take a step forward, and I even take a detour when passing by my hometown.

And the people in the village also knew that his house was haunted, and even if they were jealous of such a big house, they would not dare to live in it.

So it was abandoned.

It wasn't until the war started that the old house was completely destroyed by cannon fodder.

But the gold and silver jewelry once hidden in the cellar were missing, and it was obvious that they had been taken away long ago.

After reading the records, Xu Zhijian immediately understood what the truth was.

Anyone with a normal mind can guess it.

The reason why Yuan Liu's house is haunted is actually caused by that Li Hui.

And he is one of the patriarchs of the Li Dong clan.

By chance, he obtained the Big Black Buddha Mother, and then designed a series of ghost deeds to kill Liu Yuanwai.

In order to be able to monopolize the family property!

It turned out that it was a success, and he started to become rich by relying on the gold and silver jewelry in the cellar.

Is he really so sinister?

Xu Zhijian sighed and put these books into the equipment warehouse.

It feels quite interesting, and you can read it as a novel when you have nothing to do.

After taking a few more glances to prepare to leave the cave, I found that there was actually a passage in this direction? !

Hey... now it’s interesting.

The Big Black Buddha Mother has been eliminated, so it stands to reason that this level is over.

Why is there a secret darkroom?

Xu Zhijian suddenly became interested and moved the stones and slates in front of him with all his strength.

A dark, narrow passage appeared.

He looked inside for a while with a flashlight to make sure there was no danger, then carefully walked in with his weapon in hand.

at the same time.

The sky outside has become brighter, night has left, and day has fallen.

Not long after, a rush of footsteps came closer and closer.

Then, several figures appeared quickly.

Four middle-aged men and an old lady.

Obviously, they are the tribesmen of Li Dong Villa.

Everyone's face was tense, gloomy, and there was a trace of uncontrollable fear.

The reason why they came here in such a panic must be because they knew through some method that the Great Black Buddha Mother was dead.

That's why I came over to check it out.

When they arrived at the tomb, one of the men came up and pushed hard on the covering board.


Opened it easily and dropped it to the ground.

"Someone really went in?! Fuck, who could it be?!"

"Damn it, let's go in, grandma, just wait outside."

"No, I want to go in and take a look too! This matter is too important."

"Oh well."

While they were discussing, they got into the tunnel one after another.

He stood firm and turned on his flashlight, then walked slowly and cautiously towards the depths.

Gala la...

However, after taking a few steps, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound behind him.

He immediately turned around and saw that the tunnel entrance had collapsed? !

Gravel blocks the entrance and exit.

"What the hell...?!"

"What's going on...why did it collapse!"

They were so shocked that they couldn't help but speechless, and they all hurried back with pale faces.

But before I had time to figure out what was going on, boulders began to fall down the passage and collapsed.





They were scared out of their wits.

But the hysterical screams stopped suddenly, and each of them was crushed beneath the ruthless stones.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

Direct dog leash.

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