People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 397 Survival Day 397: Superb Methods


He threw the mirror away in fear and touched his face with his hands in panic.

How could this happen...what's going on? !


Before he understood the reason, a cold thing wrapped around his neck.

The man suddenly woke up and sat up.


I forgot to turn off my phone before falling asleep. I stayed in the dim light of the screen for a while and realized that I had a nightmare.

Damn it!

The man cursed fiercely and touched his face subconsciously.

The facial features were still there.

But he felt more sticky and fishy liquid. He quickly put his hand close to the phone to check. It was still nosebleed.

It was more than before, and it kept flowing.

The man immediately rushed to the bathroom and turned on the light. He was puzzled while washing with water.

What on earth was going on? He was not injured at all.

After washing for a while, he instinctively looked up at himself in the mirror.

Then he was stunned.

After standing there for a moment, he suddenly smiled strangely, extremely sinister and evil.

Finally, he opened the door and walked out of the house, disappearing quickly into the darkness.

No words were spoken all night.

At noon the next day, Xu Zhijian was eating and watching TV.

At this time, a news report was being broadcast.

"A body was found in the town park. The deceased was a man. It was initially determined to be suicide by hanging."


Hearing this, he looked up and the screen showed the crime scene.

In a forest, a man was hanging from a tree in a state of suicide by hanging, slowly shaking his body.

Others may not know who this is, but Xu Zhijian knows.

It was the gang member who first transformed into a slender ghost and threatened in the park.

I didn't expect him to commit suicide so soon? ?

This is more powerful than expected!

He couldn't help but secretly admire that the power of the slender ghost was indeed fierce, but if it was targeted, there would be no escape.

This legendary evil spirit has many abilities.

1: Disappear or appear at will, and teleport to different locations.

2: Become invisible at will and choose.

For example, you can make someone visible and someone invisible.

3: Change height, body shape, defend against thermal weapons attacks, etc.

4: Extend tentacles from the back and shoulders, and infuse fear into the target after contacting it.

5: Can control the thoughts and emotions of prey.

Modify, delete, read their memories, and control them.

This will cause the target to cough, vomit, hallucinate, have nightmares, etc.

Bleeding from the mouth, nose or eyes.

And so on.

It can be said that it has what other evil spirits have, and what they don't have.

It seems that it has to be more relaxed and control the intensity later.

Otherwise, it will scare ordinary people to death accidentally, and it will not be able to complete the transmission, and it will harm people.

After eating and drinking, he left the hotel and wandered around.

While taking it as a tour, he tried to find the targets on the list.

Although the intelligence this time is better than "Saw", I know the name, appearance, etc.

But he still didn't say where he lived or where he often appeared.

He could only find them based on the gang name and news.

So he went to various dirty and messy areas, especially those where black people gathered.

While observing secretly, he spent money to buy some intelligence.

Gradually, he got some clues.


Soon it was ten o'clock in the evening.

In a certain alley.

Xu Zhijian, wearing a hat and a mask, stepped on the head of a black man and pointed his gun at him.

"Tell me! Where is your boss?"

The target now caught was a small follower of the "Bulls Gang" on the list.

This gang is mainly composed of black people.

Because they admire Jordan and the boss's name is also Jordan, they named it after the former basketball team.

The black man said in a crying voice: "I don't know... really... please let me go."

Xu Zhijian asked: "Then who knows? Where does your gang often appear?!"

"It's... a warehouse area in the West Street District."


Xu Zhijian didn't ask any more questions, and directly cut the other party's throat with a knife and sent him on his way.

"Kill the target on the kill list, currently accumulated 100 exchange points"

Then go to the West Street District.

This time it's easy to find, because there are few warehouses in that place, and one of them is playing hip-hop music.

He quietly climbed onto the roof and peeked through the skylight, and it was indeed here.

I saw that there were about fourteen or fifteen people gathered in the dim warehouse, both men and women, all black.

They were taking drugs and dancing to the exciting music, and some even did that.

The scene was so chaotic.

Xu Zhijian frowned and cursed inwardly, damn it, it's not easy to sneak in and do it.

If you attack directly, you can't kill them all in an instant.

And they all carry guns, even rifles, and they will suffer if they fight back.

I can only wait and see if I can catch the lone one.

After waiting patiently for about an hour, this group of people still showed no signs of dispersing.

Instead, they are getting happier and happier.


It seems like there is no hope this time.

Anyway, we already know the location and can come here anytime to look for opportunities, so let's retreat first.

Xu Zhijian left the warehouse area and walked, and suddenly thought of a question halfway.

By the way, members of the Bull Gang often do all kinds of transactions in the underground tunnel, such as selling DU, buying and selling guns, etc.

Then we can go down there to look for it.

Thinking of this, he looked around and saw that there was no one, so he turned into a thin ghost again, and then lifted the manhole cover not far away.

At the same time, in an apartment not far away.

A middle-aged man was sitting on a chair with a beer in his hand because of insomnia, looking at the night view outside the window in a daze.

Then he saw its figure directly.

The man immediately widened his eyes and stood up, unable to believe what he saw.

My God!

What is that? ? !

It's a giant python... No! Pythons can't walk upright like humans.

But why is it so tall? !

And, it has several hands? !

The man was deeply shocked, and the bottle in his hand fell to the floor.


The sound of broken glass woke him up, and he was sure that this scene was not a dream, but real! !

An unknown creature appeared on the street at midnight!

In addition to being shocked, he did not forget to quickly take out his mobile phone to start recording.

Although he did not know what was going on, such a good opportunity could not be wasted.

This is the custom of modern people.

Don't panic or be afraid when encountering something, just take a picture and upload it to your circle of friends or the Internet first.

The thin and long ghost also felt that he was discovered, and just in time, he jumped into the sewer without any care.

Because he wanted to spread his reputation, it was better to see it.

The man filmed the whole process completely, a total of six seconds.

He did not take care of uploading the video to the Internet for a while, but stared out of the window quietly with wide eyes.

Waiting for the monster to appear again.


In the dark sewer.

The stench was overwhelming, and insects and rats were running around.

Xu Zhijian endured the nausea and moved forward little by little, ready to try his luck to see if he could get something.

After walking in the dark for a few minutes, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the front.

He was immediately happy, thinking that if he was lucky, he could directly encounter it?

So he quickly hid in the darkness.



The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and a dark shadow quickly came over.

It can be seen that it was a man with ragged clothes and messy hair. He should be a homeless person?

It seems that he is a low-level person living in the sewer.

The thin ghost thought for a while, and then unexpectedly controlled the other party from behind.

The homeless man was immediately frozen, and his eyes were dull and he was stunned.

Then the ghost activated the ability of mind control and communication.

Asked: "Do you know where the boss of the Bull Gang is?"

The homeless man said in a trembling voice: "I... I don't know... Please don't kill me."

"Do your companions know?"

"I don't know... We... We don't dare to approach them at all."

"Why don't I believe it?"

"Swear to God, I dare not lie... I'm just a homeless man..."

"Do they come here often?"

"It seems so... I've seen it a few times..."

The thin ghost could feel that the other party was not lying, so he let go of the homeless man and disappeared silently.

And the other party finally fell to the ground with a plop, and came back to his senses with a start.

He hurriedly looked around in horror, but found that there was nothing around him.

He had no idea who he was talking to just now. Who was that person, a human or a ghost? ?

It was so scary.

The homeless man didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly rolled and crawled away.

And Xu Zhijian, who came out of the sewer, didn't go anywhere else, and went back to the hotel to rest.

Now the information is almost mastered.

There are only two places where the Bull Gang mainly appears: the warehouse area and the sewer.

Maybe there is a third and fourth one.

But it is not a problem. As long as you search in these two places, you will definitely find all the targets on the list.

It is time to rest and sleep.

Nothing happened all night.

The next day, he searched on short videos, Twitter and other software, and found the video uploaded by the man.

However, it did not attract much attention.

All the clicks added up to only a few thousand.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

It is 2018 now, and various smart technology devices have been very developed and popular.

Especially in terms of special effects, just like in 2024, sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

So for this kind of weird video shot in the dark, netizens immediately thought it was fake.

It's just a special effect.

I don't believe it is true at all.

The most typical one is the UFO sighting video.

Because the time span is too long, it leads to true and false, false and true.

So now people see related photos and videos, and the blurry ones are just jokes about being shot with door locks.

It's already 4202, but the pixels have regressed 200 years, a classic.

And the one that is very clear is just a special effect.

Anyway, no one believes it.

Sometimes I have to wonder if this is a superb guidance method deliberately used by the authorities? ?

Xu Zhijian doesn't care about it.

Anyway, as long as the witnesses believe it, it doesn't matter whether others believe it or not.

In the afternoon.

He came to the opposite side of the town high school, watching the students coming out one after another, trying to distinguish the appearance of each person.

I have actually forgotten what the heroine and the main characters of the movie "Slender Man" look like.

Because they are not good-looking and have no special memorable features.

I really have no impression of them.

So I want to see their appearance with my own eyes and try to stimulate the vague memory points sealed in my brain.

If I can find it, that would be the best.

Don't they hope to really summon the Slender Man? Then I will fulfill their wish.

It doesn't matter if I really can't remember it, these few people are not a big deal.

I watched silently for more than ten minutes, and when most of the students left, I didn't see anyone familiar.


Forget it.

He turned around and left leisurely. Not long after he left, he suddenly heard a discussion behind him.

He turned his head and saw two male students chatting excitedly.

The one on the left said, "That's settled, we'll start the action tomorrow night!"

The one on the right said, "OK~ I've wanted to go to that haunted house for a long time, see you in the suburbs tomorrow!"

"Well, Asha and the other three will go with us."

"COOL... no problem."

Watching the two of them walking away while chatting, Xu Zhijian couldn't help but flash a gleam in his eyes.

He quickly took out his phone and searched, and found that there was a long-abandoned house in the suburbs south of the town.

Rumor has it that there are ghosts there.

Hehe... got it.

A plan came to mind.

So he immediately went to the destination to check the place in advance and observe, and then come over to give them a little shock.

It was night.

Xu Zhijian hurried to the warehouse area.

I thought there would be some progress tonight, but when I got there, I found that there was no one inside.

It seems that the gang has other activities?

I waited patiently until midnight but still no one came, so I had to give up and stroll back to the hotel.

After walking for a while, I found that there were still workers working in the No. 2 warehouse area not far away, loading and unloading goods.

He stopped and looked for a while, then had an idea.

First, he approached quietly, hid in the dark and turned into a thin ghost, and found a suitable opportunity to appear directly.

Soon, a porter was pushing a cart towards this side.

As he walked, he suddenly found a shadow behind the container in front of him.

It was erratic, and it looked like a human figure, but not like one.

Because the proportions were too exaggerated.

It was tall and thin like a telephone pole.

He waved to his companions hurriedly, "Guys, come and see, is there a person hiding there?"

Three workers not far away heard it and came over, thinking that a thief was stealing something.

A burly man said, "What's going on? Who is it?"

He pointed to the front and said, "Look, is there a person hiding behind that container?!"

Everyone squinted and looked carefully, but found nothing.

Just when they were about to say that there was no one, they suddenly found a very tall figure behind them.

The distance between the two sides was not far or close, and it could be seen that it was very similar to the standing person, but it was not right.

"What is that?! Is it a human?"

"No, how can there be such a tall human in this world?"

"If it's not a human... then what should it be?"

Everyone started discussing in surprise, and some sharp-eyed people even found that the figure seemed to have no facial features!

The atmosphere became panic.

But before they could figure out what was going on, the strange figure disappeared again.

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