People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 9 Survival Day 009: Get information

After the visit, Xu Zhijian activated the button "Reality" at the bottom of the information bar.

As mentioned before, every time a copy is completed, the player can choose to return to Horror Town or reality.

This is really free, thumbs up.

There is nothing else to do at the moment, and I am really curious about what kind of person I have been reborn as.

So I can't wait to find out.

In less than a blink of an eye, he returned to the real world safely.

He looked around quickly and was still lying in a single ward.

It means he is not healed yet.

The first thing he wanted to do was to get up and find a mirror to see how he looked, whether he was still so handsome.

If he became ugly, it would be a big loss.

However, after trying for a long time, his limbs could not move, let alone speak.

That is to say, he can see and think clearly.

But he is like a vegetative person.

He tried several more times but still couldn't work, and his blood pressure rose in depression.

This is a mess...I thought I could be resurrected with full blood after completing the task, but it turned out to be like this.

How long will it take!

At this time, a nurse pushed the door open and walked in, came to the bed and bent down to check the situation carefully.

He moved his eyes, trying to let the other party know what he meant.

Unfortunately, the nurse didn't notice it at all. She checked it and wrote on the notebook: Everything is normal.

Then she looked at how much infusion was left and left.

Xu Zhijian: ...


What's the point of this.

He stayed there for a while, bored, and really didn't know what to do, and couldn't do anything.

He had no choice but to return to the horror town.

Judging from this situation, it should take some time to recover.

Wait a little longer.

Back to the villa, he simply packed up and went out for a stroll.

On the one hand, to get familiar with the environment.

On the other hand, he could see more of other people's ranks and strengths, and at least have an idea in his mind.

Infer how many high-end players there are.

Walking in the picturesque town with birds singing and flowers blooming, he couldn't help but sigh again.

Is this really a main god space dominated by terrifying death?

No one would believe it no matter who he told.

Soon he passed by the wide and clear lake, and there were many people fishing on the shore in twos and threes.

After a quick glance, personal information is basically hidden.

Tsk, there are always fishermen everywhere.

But it's normal to think about it.

At present, it seems that there is nothing to kill time in the town.

And the tasks are not released regularly, and you may die at any time.

You must seize the time to enjoy it.

After walking for a while, I came to the player trading district according to the road sign.

Similar to the supermarket or vegetable market in reality, you can buy and sell various task rewards, props, etc.

There are two ways.

1: Set up a stall yourself.

2: Entrust the vending machine without showing up.

About 80% of people choose the second way, and only some social leaders will sell in person.

So it feels very quiet and depressed.

Xu Zhijian walked and looked, and found that the average price of things here is about 300+ exchange points.

For example, a primary power unlimited bullet pistol has a premium of 288.

Primary super serum, after taking it, the body can reach the limit of the human body, and the price is 5888.

Two high-level talismans, which can kill all evil spirits below the high level, are priced at 18888.

Wait, wait.

After looking around, it seems that I can't afford anything?

It's just like an online game. As the version is constantly updated, new players have no gold coins to catch up with the progress.

When passing by a stall, the male stall owner in his thirties said directly: "Hey, buddy, do you want to buy something?"

Xu Zhijian didn't want to pay attention at first, but suddenly thought that he was free anyway.

It was a good opportunity to ask the other party for information.

So he stopped and put on a smile: "I want to buy it too, but I'm a novice and don't have any redemption points."

The stall owner nodded: "Is that so? Haha, hell welcomes you."

"Uh... thank you."

He changed the subject and asked: "Brother, do you know what type of copy the first official mission will be?"

The man shook his head: "Who knows? It could be a murderer's world or a ghost world."

"Anything is possible."

"If I knew in advance, would I still have to set up a stall? I would have become the top rank in the town long ago."

Xu Zhijian was also happy: "Haha, that's true. What's the highest rank now? How many people are there?"

The stall owner thought for a while and replied: "I don't know about other things. The highest I've seen is emerald, and there is only one person."

In Horror Town, the ranks of strength are from low to high:

Black Iron.







Phantom God.

A total of 8 ranks.

It's basically the same as in the game, except that diamond and gold have swapped positions.

It has to be said that diamonds are one of the strongest marketing in human history.

Such a shabby thing makes people subconsciously think that it is more valuable than gold.

Xu Zhijian nodded thoughtfully.

I don’t know how long the main god space has been running, but the highest level is only jade.

It is really a hundred times more cruel than expected.

He continued to ask: "Is there anything to kill time in this place? I don’t see anything."

The stall owner smiled and said: "Brother, I have answered so many questions, do you want to show some appreciation?"

He pointed to a QR code on the table.

This is a bank card commonly used in the town. In addition to deposits and withdrawals, it can also be given to each other.

"Okay, no problem."

Xu Zhijian agreed very readily.

How can you ask someone to do something without spending some money these days? It's normal.

He aimed his eyes at the QR code, and a payment interface popped up in his field of vision, including the gift option.

Select, enter 10 points, and confirm.

The stall owner did not think it was too little after receiving it, even if there was only one exchange point.

He smiled and said: "Every family has a computer, you can watch real-life movie news and play games."

"But it's a single-lens reflex camera, we can't reply or send any information to the outside world."

I understand, it's a local area network.

Xu Zhijian said: "Thank you, brother, when I have an exchange point in the future, I will definitely come to take care of your business."

The stall owner seemed to have heard too many similar words and didn't care at all.

He smiled perfunctorily: "Okay, okay, I'll talk to you again in a week."

Xu Zhijian was stunned for a moment, and then understood what this meant.

It's not that people are cursing themselves.

It's that the death rate in the dungeon is too high.

For example, during the time when I returned to the town from reality, my ranking has risen by more than 100.

It is estimated that 80% of the players can't even complete the qualifying match.

70% of people fail in the first official dungeon.

The reason is simple. Horror movies are niche after all. Many people have not seen them and don't understand them.

So the promises seem pale and powerless in Horror Town. Few people will take them seriously. Just listen.

Return to the villa.

Xu Zhijian drank a few sips of water, lay on the bed, covered with a blanket and fell asleep.

After staying up all night in "Soulless Clown", his spirit has been in high spirits during the time he entered Horror Town.

Now that I have free time, I feel sleepy.

It's a good time to replenish my energy.

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