People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 92 Survival Day 092: What are you two doing?

After eating and drinking, everyone did not set out immediately, but continued to rest and chat.

Xu Zhijian began to prepare.

Based on experience and sixth sense, he now has a strong premonition:

If nothing unexpected happens, something unexpected will happen today.

We must hurry up to arm ourselves.

But there is nothing useful right now.

We don’t have to worry about weapons, as they can be exchanged immediately as long as we have intelligence.

The main thing is that defense is a bit difficult.

What should I do?

He walked around while thinking, looking at trees, flowers and plants, trying to find a solution.

Not long after, he picked up a piece of dark brown bark from the ground.

The reason why he was interested was that other fallen barks were either dry or cracked.

But this one was very complete and hydrated.

He pulled it hard, and it was very tough, just like a whole piece of cowhide.

It was basically impossible to pull it.

He looked at the thickness again, about 2 mm.

He put it on the ground immediately after his eyes rolled, took out the dagger and stabbed it several times.

There were only a few shallow cuts on the bark, and it was not completely pierced.


Xu Zhijian grinned, feeling very excited, thinking that nature is indeed full of treasures.

Now there is a way!

So he began to collect the same bark everywhere, and soon found a lot of it.

Divide it into three waves according to the size of the area.

First, stack the two pieces of bark that are about the size of the face, put them in the hat, and then put it on and adjust the angle.

This is to protect the head as much as possible.

Then stack the big ones and stuff them into the chest, stomach, back, thighs, etc.

Protect all parts that can cause fatal damage, and save as much as possible.

At this time, Jenny came over and asked curiously: "Xu, what are you doing?"

He continued to do it while saying: "Self-protection, you should also stuff these barks into your hat and clothes."

"Listen to me, it will definitely save your life at a critical moment."

Jenny picked up a piece and looked at it, then looked at him, and became more confused.

I couldn't help but smile helplessly: "Xu, what do you know... how should I say, secrets?"

"It makes you so cautious, as if you will be killed."

Xu Zhijian said calmly: "Yes, not only me, everyone may die here."

"So if you want to survive to the end, then do as I say."

Jenny's heart skipped a beat when she heard it, thinking that what she said really gave her goose bumps.

Do you have to be so exaggerated?

Even if there are beasts in the forest, they won't be so scared.

Xu Zhijian ignored her eyes and continued to arm himself.

After thinking for a moment, she came to her senses and followed suit.

Even if this action is funny.

It is said that women have a strong sixth sense. Maybe others can't, but she has made the right choice now.

After a while, the two finished tidying up.

Looking at each other, they couldn't help but laugh.

Because her figure is obviously fatter, and her clothes are also stretched by the bark.

Their actions also attracted the attention of the others, who frowned as if looking at a fool.

Miller was speechless: "Jenny, Xu, what do you two mean?"

Jenny replied: "Xu said there are wild beasts here, and this kind of bark is very strong and can be used as armor, so that's it."


Everyone laughed out loud when they heard it, as if they had heard the funniest joke.

Draven laughed and teased: "GOD! You two must have eaten your brains as ice cream."

Amanda followed up: "Hahaha...cough...did you two secretly take stronger drugs?"

Jenny's face was slightly red.

Xu Zhijian said calmly: "Yes, we took too much, so you'd better do the same."

"Don't blame me for not telling you in advance."

Dreven and Amanda looked playful, obviously they would not do it.

Miller did not express his opinion, both puzzled and puzzled.

Ike picked up the bark and began to study it. After experimenting for a while, he couldn't help but marvel at it.

He changed his attitude and said, "Amazing! I want to take this thing away. I will use it for experiments when I get home."

After resting for a while, everyone got ready and set off.

They walked and stopped along the planned route, and did not encounter any danger for the time being.

Jenny was sweating all over her body, and took off her hat from time to time to cool down, and then looked at Xu Zhijian behind her.

The other party was also very hot, but did not take out the bark.

She was embarrassed to take it out in front of her, so she could only continue to endure it.

And Xu Zhijian also saw what she was thinking, but he didn't say anything, and there was nothing to say.

It was a little painful.

Maybe it could save his life.

As he walked, he suddenly heard a rattling sound from the left.

It seemed that something was moving? ?

Jenny and the others also heard it, and subconsciously turned their heads to take a look.

There was a small slope there, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Xu Zhijian listened carefully and found that the sound was getting louder and louder.

It had become a bang...bang sound.

The ground seemed to be shaking slightly.

He immediately understood that something was wrong. It had finally happened!

At the same time, a huge black shadow quickly rolled down the hillside, revealing the truth.

It turned out to be a big tree trunk with a waist and three or four meters long!

Under the inertia of gravity, it rolled down with a bang.

The speed was too fast.

It rushed to the front in the blink of an eye.

"FUCK! Get out of the way!"

Xu Zhijian was quick-eyed and quick-handed. While dodging quickly, he also grabbed Jenny's arm and pulled it away.



Ike and the others also cursed in panic and turned to flee.

People ran in front.

Wood chased behind.

And the distance was getting closer and closer.

Xu Zhijian was currently running in the front, and from time to time he grabbed Jenny who couldn't keep up with the pace.

Unfortunately, her speed was really limited. Her legs were almost floating up, and she was about to fall down at any time.

It was useless to help, and she fell behind directly.

And Draven followed closely behind, second.

Amanda was third.

Jenny was fourth.

Ike was fifth.

Miller was sixth.

At the critical moment, everyone's potential was stimulated.

Even if they were too tired to breathe or run, they still gritted their teeth and sprinted at full speed.

Each one was crazier than the other.

Fortunately, there were trees and terrain to resist, and the huge tree gradually lost its inertia as it rolled.

Finally, it was stopped by the trees and completely stopped.

The crisis was resolved.

Seeing this, everyone immediately stopped running, either bending over and supporting their knees, or lying directly on the ground.

All of them were flushed and panting wildly.

Like dying fish.

The silent forest echoed with one after another of panting.

Xu Zhijian wiped the sweat off his face, feeling exhausted and as if his whole body was on fire.

It was so hot.

At the same time, he quickly analyzed this incident.


This is definitely a trap set in advance!

It can't be an accident!


The first order came out, which is half lower than the expected minimum data.

Hahaha awesome!

I want to see how bad it will get later. Will they even ban my book in the end?

Thanks to Cen Guangxiwei for being the first helmsman! I subscribed for two days directly...

Working hard on writing!

Thanks to H Zhenxi, Xiaoyu, Book Friend 2912, Fengling Shiwu, and Chaguo for the 100 book coins.

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