This problem was planned by the “Magic Show” program team for a long time, as early as when the YouTube video was just played, they dug a language trap for poor Sheriff Gordon, just waiting for him to jump inside.

After all, inviting him to participate in the show is to rub the heat of this “Gotham event”.

In the face of Murray’s questioning, James Gordon reached out and straightened his neckline and responded calmly: “Based on the on-site evidence collection of the GCPD Major Crime Unit and the eyewitness testimony provided by Mr. Bruce Wayne, it can be determined that the murderer’s modus operandi is a random crime, rather than rumors such as premeditated murder that have gone viral on the Internet.” ”

“Random crime?” Murray put on a mocking posture: “Is this an emerging literary genre? ”

Gordon did not pay attention to his stubble behavior, but popularized science to the audience: “The biggest difference between random crime and conventional crime is that the time of premeditation is very short, and even there is no time to premeditate, whether it is a drunken miss, or a temporary intention, even if it is just because of a simple spat, it is possible to induce the occurrence of random crime, so unfortunately, the Wayne family was in such a dangerous situation at that time, whether they gave the murderer money or not, the murderer would pull the trigger, because killing is the same as doing good, Sometimes no reason is needed. ”

“Okay.” Despite Gordon’s thorough explanation, Murray insisted on his own style: “You are very eloquent, and I recommend running for Shi Chief than being a criminal sheriff.” ”

“Someone has to do everything.” Gordon glanced at his watch, the show was nearing its end, and he made an appointment with Barbara to eat an Italian dish after the festival was over to commemorate the day they met.

As is customary, the next step is the Q&A session, where the audience will ask the guests carefully planned and bizarre questions, so as to push the scene into a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and complete the entire live broadcast and recording in the next vlog preview.

“Dragon, I noticed that you have been doing highly repetitive things in the past two days.” 2B, who had always been silent to watch TV with Shen Long, suddenly took the initiative to talk to him.

In her understanding, Shen Long is not watching TV, but collecting data streams.

“Yes.” Shen Long yawned, not intending to explain too much to 2B, anyway, human grudges, she can’t understand.

“The auxiliary machine seems to have captured something, I suggest you take a look.”


“It was video data from a week ago, taken in a place called Park Street.”

“Groove, Park Street!” Shen Long sat up from the sofa at once, Park Street, isn’t it where the Wayne couple were assassinated?

He suddenly remembered! Just a week ago on the night, in the process of entanglement with Selena, from a dark alley in the distance, there were two gunshots, followed by the cry of a young boy.

Could that kid be Bruce Wayne?

“Oh Shett!” After seeing the holographic light curtain projected by the auxiliary machine, Shen Long couldn’t help but burst into foul language.

He knew early on that as a man with his own aura of a traverser, he would definitely be arranged by heaven to witness history. But this matter, due to Selena’s pickpocketing behavior towards him, was mistakenly staggered.

However, after complaining about this bloody script, Shen Long was quickly relieved. After all, in many versions of the DC Universe storyline, the classic setting of the Wayne couple dying in Crime Alley has been used and has never changed.

Now it seems that it is no longer possible to tamper with history, but there is one thing that Shen Long is interested in trying, that is, hunting down the real murderer.

After all, that krypton gold madman has launched a public reward, and the shot is 100 million US dollars, Shen Long will never let go of this opportunity to get rich.

“2B, the image is too blurry, is there a way to increase the clarity?” Shen Long’s eyes were almost blind, and he didn’t find any valuable clues on the light curtain, he could only see something like black sesame paste, and the silhouette of the fallen body of the Wayne couple.

“Dragon, this is already the farthest distance that the auxiliary function can shoot.” 2B means powerlessness.

“Then look frame by frame!” Shen Long took out his strength to drill the tip of the bull’s horn.

For the whole night, like chicken blood, he analyzed the pictures taken by the auxiliary machine frame by frame.

The effort paid off, and when it was almost dawn, I finally captured bits and pieces of valuable information in a few frames.

“Stop!” When he saw a flash of different pictures, Shen Long signaled the auxiliary machine to stop playing.

“Found it, zoom in, zoom in, zoom in again!”

“Dragon, it’s already at its limit.” 2B reminded.

“This is it.” Shen Long calmed down, and the strange thing he saw was a close-up of the back of the murderer’s head, which could be preliminarily determined to be a tattoo.

But because it was magnified hundreds of times, he couldn’t see what it was, and he could only see a very blurry red spot.

“Damn.” Shen Long rubbed his red eyes, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

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