“Man, look what gift I brought you, I promise you want to put your arms around it even when you sleep.” After exchanging a few pleasantries with each other, Shen Long took out the long-handled umbrella he had purchased with a lot of money.

“Oh, buy Ka!” The penguin, who was familiar with various umbrellas, exclaimed: “Dragon, where did you get this thing, the price of this gentleman’s umbrella is terrifying, even if I sell my family’s house, I can’t exchange it for such a piece of art.” ”

The penguin’s exaggerated reaction was naturally within Shen Long’s expectation, and he casually threw it into the penguin’s arms: “Take it man, this artwork now belongs to you, you can’t sell the house, just do me a small favor.” ”

“Really?” Oswald held his baby bump, his face full of disbelief: “You’re not kidding me, are you?” ”

“Am I joking?” In the face of Oswald’s greed, Shen Long knew that his plan had successfully advanced a small step.

“Great, come to my room and talk.” Penguin is not a fool, he knows that the small favor in Shen Long’s mouth may be some kind of dirty work, otherwise with his profiteer face, even Fishmooney can’t get the slightest bargain, how can he easily get benefits.

As soon as he entered the room, Shen Long noticed a letter on the desk, and although he couldn’t see the handwriting on it, Shen Long still vaguely smelled a dangerous aura.

“I’m really sorry brother, it’s really messy here, don’t mind.” While greeting him, Penguin walked over to the writing desk, grabbed the unfinished letter and a few pieces of waste paper, crumpled it up and threw it into the trash.

And it was his seemingly inadvertent move that made Shen Long a little suspicious.

“To whom did you write the letter? Lover? Shen Long decided to test him.

“Didn’t… It’s nothing. “Faced with a sudden question, this guy was a little confused.

“What’s wrong with your eyes?” Shen Long did not intend to miss this opportunity to play a head-on game with him, and his questioning eyes clearly told Penguin: Don’t pretend, your conspiracy has been debunked by me.

“Huh?” Penguin tried his best to hide his embarrassment, his tongue was still a little unfavorable: “But… Maybe I didn’t get a good night’s sleep last night, you know dude, Fishmooney always yelled at me, and I didn’t dare to complain about it. “

“So you’re going to write an anonymous letter to GCPD and frame her as the culprit behind the Park Street massacre?” Shen Long told the truth without mercy, and it was in front of Oswald that he was not afraid of this lame conspirator who dared to kill him here.

The entire fish gang has seen Shen Long’s methods, whether it is the cold-blooded ruthlessness of 2B, or the technological crushing of Bumblebee and Brother Zhuzi, it has become a lingering nightmare for everyone, including the fish mother.

In order to destroy the evidence, the penguin digs his entire head into the trash, under the pretext of looking for a missing pen, when in fact his mouth is filled with the same report letter he forged with his left hand.

“Why bother, man?” Shen Long pointed to his bulging cheeks and frowned: “That thing is not very easy to digest, are you sure you are not afraid of eating a bad stomach?” ”

But under Shen Long’s kind reminder, he still swallowed the paper ball whole into his stomach, and after the whole belch, he let out a fierce roar to Shen Long: “I already knew that the Orientals were not so easy to take advantage of, did Fishmooney send you to investigate me?” That damn Bichi, I should have pushed her into the meat grinder to crush the corpse into ten thousand pieces…”

“Dude, can you calm down first?” Shen Long looked at him angrily and devastated, as if he was admiring a stupid penguin being tricked.

“Calm down? How do you calm me down? Oswald slumped on the floor, trapped in a deep self-blame, for him, the most desperate thing in the world is a stillborn conspiracy, he did not even take the first step, he was rubbed by Shen Long on the starting line.

“I didn’t say I would tell Fishmooney about this.” Shen Long realized that what he had just done had scared the penguins stupid.

“Really?” Hearing Shen Long’s response, the penguin suddenly seemed to grasp the life-saving straw, and his eyes almost burst into flames: “Dragon, I knew for a long time, you are not a treacherous villain like Butch, you will keep it secret for me, right?” ”

Shen Long deliberately paused for a moment, and said with a warm smile: “I think between true friends, it should be like this.” ”

“Oh my God, are you an angel sent by God to heal me?” Penguin could never have imagined that in this world, except for his mother, there would really be people who put aside their prejudices and were willing to establish a true friendship with him.

“It’s better to use brothers.” Shen Long knew that he stretched out an olive branch at this node, which would make the penguin owe him a great favor, and when the future penguin was crowned queen, he would liquidate the underground forces in Gotham City, and when it came to the time of the big weighing of gold and silver, he would not be able to earn a wave of blood?

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