Open the map and see that from Gotham to Mike’s so-called frontline war zone, it takes five states to cross, and even the most skilled truck driver has to drive for three days and three nights to arrive.

After all, this is arms, not a courier, how many checkpoints do you have to pass along the way? How is the border check? These have to be taken into account.

“Don’t get excited, Mr. Long, I know it’s a bit risky, but I’ll find a way to keep it to a minimum.” As Mike spoke, he asked the bodyguard to take out a stack of cards from his purse and spread them on the table: “These are all special cargo passes issued by the US military, put them on the car, absolutely no military outpost dares to check you, but the road from Gotham to Mississippi is controlled by the state police, so you’d better find someone from GCPD to accompany you, play the role of scavenger on the road, nothing else, when you get to the border, I will naturally send someone to pick you up.” ”

When Mike finished his plan in one breath, Shen Long applauded with mockery, and he knew that the 200 million dollars was not so easy to earn.

“Ahem, I’m embarrassed too, Mr.” Mike smiled bitterly and said, “The situation this time is really a bit special, otherwise I would definitely use my people to escort this shipment, after all, no one dares to fight the idea of the military.” ”

“Uh-huh, since the situation is special, can I also mention a special condition?” Shen Long asked seriously.

“Of course, fairness is a prerequisite for our cooperation.” Mike gestured for Shen Long to speak.

“I am personally responsible for escorting this shipment, and you don’t need to intervene in the whole process.” Shen Long first laid down this premise, and then chuckled: “But the payment, you must pay me in advance, this requirement is not excessive, right?” ”

“Of course it’s not excessive, it’s just reasonable.” Mike waved his hand and said to her female bodyguard: “Beautiful gardenia, allocate funds to Mr. Shen Long now, after all, even if Mr. Shen Long does not mention, according to industry rules, we have to pay the 10% deposit in advance.” ”

“Did I say 10%?” Shen Long then noticed that Mike’s female bodyguard turned out to be a Japanese chick, and the weapon was very different from 2B’s katana, which was two small knives that were easy to carry, but her hanging on her waist, and 2B was floated with the help of the magnetic levitation force field on her back.

“I want the full payment!”

Shen Long’s words, like a bombshell, exploded in everyone’s ears on the spot.

“Yaga! Don’t be insatiable! Hearing this unreasonable request, Mi Gardenia suddenly pulled out her knife and prepared to hold Shen Long hostage.

She spoke Japanese, and Shen Long only understood the eight ga in front, which must be swearing.

“Rude guy! Sine! 2B, who was on standby on the side, immediately triggered the defense mechanism, and after spewing out two sentences of Japanese, he threw out the hovering knife on his back with a swoop, and the blade was spinning at high speed, straight towards Migardenia.

These two sentences Shen Long still only understood half of the sentence, in Japanese, Xinai means to die, it seems that Miss 2B is really angry.

Migardenia studied under the legendary kendo master of the Wakoku country, Old Man Reishin, and specialized in the Niten-ichi pioneered by Miyamoto Musashi.

The characteristic of this genre is that it fights with two knives, which is commonly known as the double knife flow.

I saw that she faced 2B’s long-range knife pulling and chopping, first stepping back, and then using two knives to cut off the throwing knife thrown by 2B, but where could she have thought that 2B’s arm strength was completely disproportionate to her size, and after just touching the blade, her two tiger mouths were cracked.

Out of helplessness, Migardenia had to let the weapon off first, and after posing a strange soft lower waist, the throwing knife grazed her twin peaks and spun over, and after shattering a piece of granite on the spot, she obediently flew back into 2B’s hands.

Her built-in magnetic field plug-in and the strong magnetic substance integrated into the knife body are the key to her ability to use this “flying sword ask”.

After a few flexible jumps, Migardenia steadily caught the two small knives that were hit high in the air and quickly descended, and accurately collected them into the scabbard.

“Good body.” Shen Long took the lead and applauded, she is the only person who has fought with 2B after she arrived in Gotham and can survive.

“Cut, this kind of acrobatics, I can do it at the age of eight.” Selena, who had been silent beside Shen Long, mocked.

“Ahem, children don’t understand, Colonel Mac, don’t be surprised.” After scolding Selena, Shen Long said modestly to Mike.

Mike applauded like Shen Long: “Mr. Long, you really opened my eyes today, this is the first time I have seen Mi Gardenia injured in a fight with someone else, she is a gold medal winner in the Asian Youth Sword Art Championship.” ”

“Hmph, then she, the champion, has enough moisture.” Selena interjected again.

“Haha, I think so too.” Without waiting for Shen Long to blame the kitten, Mike took the lead in proposing: “In this way, Mr. Long, since everyone is so interested, how about we have a friendly match?” If you win the game, I will agree to your conditions and pay you in full! “

“If you lose, then you have to follow my rules.”

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