I saw the moment the blade and Selena’s double dagger came into contact, Migardenia suddenly turned, and her toes tapped on the kitten’s shoulder that was free because of the defense of the center, and then on top of Selena’s head, she swung a handsome big wheel full moon slash that exploded the sky.

If this movement is slowed down dozens of times, the viewer will see that as long as Migardenia does not deliberately control the distance, Selena’s head has been split in half.

After completing the Great Wheel Full Moon Slash, Migardenia’s body landed easily, her back was facing Selena, and she quickly collected the knife, while raising her right hand.

Holding in the palm of her hand was a handful of Selena’s hair.

“Abominable!” The kitten threw the dagger to the ground in anger, and covered the missing hair that had been cut off by Gardenia in annoyance.

“You should be glad I didn’t make you bald.” Migardenia’s head did not have to go back, the lethality of a word, Linna said a dozen sentences worked.

Shen Long originally thought that the kitten would cry because of losing the game, but her next reaction surprised Shen Long.

I saw her spread her white palm and shouted at Gardenia: “Hey, Obasan, didn’t you find out that you lost something?” ”

Migardenia chuckled in her heart, subconsciously reached out to touch her ear, and her originally confident face immediately turned white.

It turned out that on Selena’s palm was the crystal pendant hanging from her left ear, which reflected a colorful luster in the sun.

“Obasan, I can take off your earrings and cut your throat, understand?” Selena yelled at her despicablely.

Migardenia was finally irritated by her, and the two were stopped by Shen Long and Mike before the second round of the battle was about to break out.

“Selena, well done.” Shen Long checked the part of her hair that was cut off, and said with a smile: “However, in the matter of respecting the opponent, you are still far from Migardenia, so this game, you lose.” ”

“By what?” The kitten pouted: “It’s obviously a tie, why are you partial?” Oh I know, did you fancy that ninja chick? ”

“Selena! If you dare to talk nonsense, I will let 2B tie you up and whip your ass hard. “Shen Long really obeyed this girl, and in front of other girls, there was no door on his mouth.

“Haha, Mr. Long, your sister is very cute, I like her personality, I don’t think Migardenia will think about her.” In the end, Mike said fairly: “Even if this is a draw, if it is in actual combat, the fatality rate caused by your sister is obviously a little higher than that of Migardenia.” ”

After he said this, he waved at the black youth: “But in the next game, I will not be polite, Freud, let everyone here see what the death shooter is all about.” ”

Freud? Death shooter?

Hearing these two titles, the doubts in Shen Long’s heart were immediately blown away, and he felt that this person was very familiar, and daring to love was a famous death shot.

But what is louder than the death shooter is not himself, but the anti-hero organization he will join in the future – the Suicide Squad!

Speaking of the suicide squad, the first role that pops up in many people’s minds is Harley Quinn, known as the “clown girl”, and in addition to this female madman who is crazy about clowns, the members of the suicide squad also include a vengeful demon who can control the power of flames, an old crocodile with explosive physical output, a boomerang captain who plays soy sauce professionally, and a one-armed hero Slipknot and a shark king who is incompatible with Aquaman.

According to the story setting of the traditional universe, Death Shot, like Selena, grew up on Naiho Island since he was a child, but unlike Selena, he has a complete and happy family although he is destitute.

Until one day, a gang of punks broke into his neighbor’s house next door and shot two drug dealers who violated the rules of the industry, which caused the wall that had been cut corners to be penetrated.

Police said the killer fired a total of 60 rounds, 23 of which landed at his home and 12 of which penetrated the body of his family. Freud, who was in the bedroom at the time, escaped, but his sister, who was also in the bedroom, was not so lucky.

After this tragic accident, Freud threw away his brushes and paints, gave up his dream of being an art student, began to study firearms, and soon reached the point of obsession, without a teacher, he learned the methods and skills of using various firearms, and eventually became a professional mercenary.

It is rumored that as long as the target he is targeting, he has actually booked dinner at the Shinigami in advance, and his brilliant marksmanship and grandmaster-level understanding of ballistics allow him to guide ricochet to accurately kill the target after shooting.

This is also why after each shot, the opponent cannot predict his position.

In Shen Long’s opinion, shooting with this kind of person is simply as ridiculous as normal people and clowns compared to IQ, and the two are not a biological level at all.

It’s a pity that such an excellent talent was actually boarded first by Mike, which made Shen Long a little disappointed.

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