The next day, the Counter-Strikes were ready to go.

Mike wears a three-level helmet, which is a special helmet developed by the Soviet Union in history – the K6-3 helmet.

Dressed in a tawny camouflage uniform and black half-finger gloves, he stood on a $60 million Red Devil main battle tank and lectured the soldiers: “Elite of the Ninth Battalion of the Seventh Division of the Army, it’s time for the Dog Day rebels to see the real technology of the Counter-Strikes.” ”

“I, Mike, in the honor of the division headquarters, order you, in today’s battle, you must play the demeanor of a federal soldier, so that the one-eyed Hogg understands that he is only passing by in a hurry, and we are the real masters of this land.”


“Now sing war songs with me.”

“Whose broad-striped star, braving a night of artillery fire, is still in the wind, on our army bunker.”

“The artillery is shining, the bombs are roaring, they are all witnesses, the military flag is safe and sound.”


“Oh Shett, please forgive me for just having breakfast.” Shen Long quickly covered his ears, this early morning, a group of old men, what kind of song is singing.

“Hee-hee, I don’t think it sounds good either.” Selena leaned her head on Shen Long’s shoulder: “But they are quite imposing.” ”

“Oh, can singing run away the enemy army?” Shen Long scoffed: “Wait and see, Mike is going to pay for his recklessness today.” ”

“The whole army attacked!” With Mike’s order, the special battalions were counted one by one, all assigned to the combat unit, and launched a charge against the rebels’ lair.

Shen Long drove the bumblebee, leisurely following behind their butts, and even prepared popcorn and Coke, as if going to the cinema to watch a blockbuster.

The first round of attacks soon began, and under the command of Dare, with traditional Butan coordination tactics, he easily broke through the outer defense line of the town.

The so-called Butan coordination is to use the tank’s bunker, the infantry advances synchronously on the rear wing of the tank, and after the main fire gun of the tank carries out a round of bombardment of the enemy fortifications, the infantry kills, shoots and pursues the scattered remnants of the enemy.

This tactic was widely used in Britain, the United States, France and other countries on the battlefield of World War II, and can be described as an epoch-making classic tactic.

“Haha, the rebel army is the rebel army, this combat effectiveness, even the motley troops of the third world are not as good, only know to run for their lives.” From the wireless walkie-talkie, came the mocking voice of Mike, he is a standard academic, familiar with various tactical tactics, relying only on terrain analysis to know that Butan coordination is definitely the best tactic.

And he did win the first round, but in Shen Long’s opinion, this was nothing to show off at all, because he was also half a military fan, and knew that using tanks to attack the enemy’s improvised fortifications dominated by watchtowers, even a pig could be beaten down.

“Colonel Mack, I advise you not to be happy too early, what you just knocked out is just the one-eyed Hogg’s reconnaissance post.” Shen Long did not have to use military telescopes to see the battle process on the light curtain projected by the auxiliary aircraft.

“Long, this basic military theory, do I still use you and me to popularize science?” Mike’s tone was obviously a little dissatisfied: “Just be your audience, when the baseball game is going on, no one will jump from the audience to point the way.” ”

“Oh, then you can continue your performance, as an audience, I look forward to the home run.”

“That’s for sure.” After saying this, Mike commanded the troops to launch a second round of attacks.

This time, he still did not disappoint, and when facing a large slope that extended upward, he changed the Butan Synergy to an infantry chariot charge, because the buildings on both sides of the town could be placed at the fire point of the One-Eyed Hogg.

Therefore, when his infantry chariot had just entered the town, he used vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft artillery to indiscriminately strafe the commanding heights on both sides of the street.

Sure enough, the newly emerged bombardier and heavy machine gun, before they could fire, were strangled in the cradle by Mike’s accurate prediction.

“Ness!” Seeing this perfect tactical strike, Harvey couldn’t help but sigh: “We GCPD can have a military genius like Colonel Mack, the casualty rate of police officers should be greatly reduced, sure enough, the gap between the police and the military is not only functional, but also solid professional skills.” ”

Hearing Harvey’s compliments and praise, Mike pretended to be extremely forced: “Haha, didn’t I say that professional things should be handed over to professional people to do, amateurs want to replace the professional, that is impossible, you say, Mr. Shen Long?” ”

Hearing his mockery of Sang Huai, Shen Long smiled bitterly and said: “Colonel Mac, I just want to remind you that before the earthquake, the whole world was quiet, but after the earthquake, the whole world was noisy, to borrow a line from your national movie “Forrest Gump”, life is like a box of chocolates, no one knows what the next one will taste like, maybe sweet, or bitter.” ”

“Fak!” Hearing Shen Long’s such an unlucky speech, Mike was furious: “I shouldn’t have let you come to watch the war, you can’t even say a nice word except pouring cold water on my head, I’m going to cut off your frequency band, Mr. Shen Long, when I kill the one-eyed Hogg, you need to apologize to me, no… Apologies to all my soldiers! ”

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