The bear children in Happy Castle are happy enough at this moment.

They were trained to cover a broken fishing net over Heath, who had no time to get up from the ground.

Then, as if you were a fierce prey, punch and kick the caught fish.

“Heath, you monster, get out of Happy Castle with your neurotic mother, no one here welcomes you.”

“You really look like a clown now, look at the face smeared, as if you just fished it out of a cesspool.”

“Hey, Jean, I suggest not hitting him directly with your hands, be careful of the crazy laughing gas on his body, it will be transmitted to us through the skin.”

“Well, you reminded him correctly, then let him taste the power of this thing.”

A tall high school student who looks as strong as a bear unzips the backpack behind his back and pulls out a brand new baseball bat from it.

“Wow, where did you get that? It’s not cheap, I’ve seen it in old Tom’s sporting goods store. ”

The bear children immediately set their sights on Jean’s “new weapon”, which is rare in the Happy Castle full of poor ghosts.

“Shh, whisper, of course it was stolen from the store, otherwise you think I’ll pay for it?” Jean preached triumphantly.

“It hurts to hit someone with this thing, will it kill people?” A child, who looked young, looked at the hard object timidly.

The material of baseball bats is generally composite wood, which is increased in density through heat compression, so it is extremely strong and can resist the slash of the sword.

Fat Jean raised his fat face like a pig’s head and shoved a baseball bat into the kid who had just spoken.

“Majek Pol, you’ve been fooling around with the Jean gang for so long, I haven’t seen you hit anyone, today I give you a chance to show your manhood in front of the big guy.”

The white boy took the baseball bat, his thin body trembled slightly, and his delicate palms secreted sweat because of nervousness.

“Hurry up Majek, don’t grind like a woman, aim at this guy’s head, I know you can hit Ann.”

“Come on, man, what are you waiting for, close your eyes and pretend you’re a major league player in Major League Baseball.”

At the suggestion of his partners, Majek really closed his eyes and made a crappy swing pose.

Sou! The bat rubbed the ends of the head of the Heath Seaweed, and the picture was extremely thrilling.

Sou! Another swing, still failed to hit…

“Oh my God, you idiot, are you trying to strikeout? I use my Tintin to fight, and I am a hundred times stronger than you. ”

The two-time empty Majek completely collapsed, not because of how bad his accuracy was, but because he really couldn’t figure out why he used a baseball bat to hit another person’s head innocently, not to mention that this person was still a circus clown.

He remembered that in previous years, this big brother named Heath Ledger would come back from the circus with extra balloons, and with his creative skills, he would blow out all kinds of tricks and give them to the children of Happy Castle for free.

When it’s payday, you’ll even come with a few cheap but delicious fruit candies.

But the adults in the Happy Castle have another story about this, saying that he injected crazy laughing gas into candy, and then deliberately delivered it to children for free, hoping to spread his disease to innocent children.

A letter of complaint was written to the police department, and GCPD agents took Heath away for questioning, but because they could not find any evidence, they had to release him, and when he returned home, he found his mother soaked in a bathtub full of ice and blood.

The prop that Ms. Penny used to commit suicide was an origami knife that Heath had scooped up from a flea market, and because it had fallen into disrepair, the blade was not as sharp as when he had just bought it, which pulled his mother back from the Grim Reaper’s table.

Heath was also stimulated by this, and from that moment he realized that his mother, like a parasite that parasitized on him, once something happened to his host, the parasite would lose its nutrients and turn into a carrion corpse that no one cared about, and even flies did not want to come up and smell it.

In order to maintain this fragile symbiotic relationship, Heath had to work hard to support her mother’s little hope for life.

Unfortunately, this incident became an excuse for the residents of Joy Castle to criticize Heath, saying that the pathogen he carried had been transmitted to his mother, otherwise the honest Ms. Penny would not have thought of suicide.

Since then, Heath has lived in hatred and misunderstanding among the inhabitants.

He understood that the prejudice in people’s hearts is a mountain, easy to erect, and difficult to overturn.

It was not without his thoughts that he would escape from the land of right and wrong in Happy Castle with his mother.

But with the money he earned in the circus, let alone settle down in the lower city, he couldn’t even pay the rent for the honeycomb building, so instead of that, it was better to stay in the shantytown and wait for the Gotham City government’s demolition policy to change his fate.

But the dilemma of this moment is repeated every day.

Last time, he escaped, and this time, he really couldn’t break free.

He couldn’t imagine how hard his head was and whether he could withstand the swing of a baseball bat.

But he just wanted to pray that the stick would better knock him unconscious so that he had enough reason to sleep, even if it was lying in the aisle of the alley.

Anyway, there are not many people with cars in Happy Castle, not only Happy Castle, but also the lower class people in Gotham City have gradually begun to get rid of their dependence on cars.

Because under the grand layout of Wayne enterprises, the “train” plan has been fully completed and put into use.

This plan connects Gotham City’s vast transportation network like a capillary.

For just a few cents, citizens can board the “Intercity Train” set up all over Gotham and go wherever they want.

The engineering team of Wayne Enterprise’s Industrial Department built this “intercity train” into a parallel high-altitude track with three floors, and if you have an employee pass, you can even take the train and drive directly into the Wayne Building, which is also the transportation hub area and is called the “heart” of Gotham City by the media.

And it is under such a well-connected infrastructure that Gotham City’s urban happiness index still occupies the first place in the federal state for many years.

At this point, the endangering Heath naturally knows best.

He has always voted against it in public votings to express his dissatisfaction with city managers.

“Fuck off, you bastard.” Fat Jean snatched the baseball bat from Ma Jack’s hand, pushed him to the ground, and aimed the bat at Heath’s messy head, smiling badly: “Mr. Joker, compared to the rookie just now, I’m a professional player, don’t blink, follow me to feel the charm of a home run.” ”

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