Chapter 47

The little tadpoles look for their mother, and go around the turtle-what kind of bastard?

Looking at the No. 5 key in the palm of Otonashi Fukurou’s palm, Maien would be a fool if he didn’t understand what the big-faced cat was making in his heart!

In “One Piece” Judicial Island, there is a very exciting plot.

Except for Wang Luffy, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates group surrounded Robin’s seastone handcuff keys.

There were fierce battles with all cp9 members except Lu Qi.

It’s called the key battle!

During this, Nami met Kalifa.

Franky confronts Zaba Ba Yinwu Fukurou.

Chopper confronted the white-haired male lion snuggling.

Sanji confronts the werewolf Jabra.

Suo Da met Kaku, the square-nosed man.

But the point is, only the key in Kaku’s hands can open Robin’s seastone handcuffs.

And this key is the No. 5 key that Otonashi Fukurou handed Maien at this moment.

No wonder this big-faced cat has been circling around Kaku just now!

It turned out to be the No. 5 key in Kaku’s hand!

Kill with a sword!

I have to say that this trick is really vicious!

As Maien couldn’t fault it.

Because strictly speaking, it is really appropriate to pass the key number 5 to Maien.

He just doesn’t want to take it!

No way, the previous battle has explained everything.

At this moment, in terms of strength, only Maien can draw a tie with Leopard Lu Qi.

Who else can this vital No. 5 key be given to Maien?

But the point is, Maien really got the No. 5 key, it would be a hot potato.

He can even imagine that when the war starts later, Straw Hat Crew will definitely attack him!

Although according to the rules of the game, Straw Hat Crew should not know that the No. 5 key is in Maien’s hand.

But if the cp9 group deliberately inform Straw Hat Crew of this news…

Is Maien handing over key 5 obediently, or will he fight Straw Hat Crew to the end?

And there is no doubt that when Maien gets into a bloody battle with Straw Hat Crew, the cp9 group will definitely stand by.

It’s impossible for someone to help him!

Because they longed for Maien to die in the hands of the Straw Hat Crew.

And this is Otonashi Fukurou’s plan.

Although the plan itself can’t help Maien.

After all, with Maien’s current strength, Straw Hat Crew is not Maien’s opponent even if they are all dispatched!

But the point is, disgusting!

This feeling of knowing being calculated and having to accept it is really vomiting!

“Zababa, Commander, shouldn’t you refuse this important task?”

Otonashi Fukurou grinned.(Read more @

As he spoke, his palm reached out in front of Maien.

The intention is self-evident!

“Oh, how is it possible?”

Maien’s mouth twitched.

Take the No. 5 key from Otonashi Fukurou’s hand and put it in his arms.

Maien stood up slowly.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Fukurou.”

“It’s an honor to do things for you, Zabbaba.”

Otonashi Fukurou covered his big mouth and said.

Unstoppable excitement on his face!

At this moment, the leopard Lucky and the werewolf Jabra also glared at Otonashi Fukurou.

Working together for so many years!

They guessed what Otonashi Fukurou meant.

Looking at each other, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the leopard Lucky and the werewolf Jabra.

Kalifa and the lion’s snuggle also tick the corner of his mouth.

Only Kaku shook his head helplessly.

Among all the people present, only Spandam was a useless person who couldn’t see Otonashi Fukurou’s tricks.

I just feel that it is safe to leave the No. 5 key to Maien for safekeeping.

Looking at the expressions of all Spandam and cp9, Maien’s fists were already clenched.

It’s been put together!

At this moment, a voice rang in the office.

“I have a request.”

The sound is very crisp, like a natural sound.

But the expressions of all the people present changed when they heard this sentence!

Because the person speaking is not someone else, it is Nico Robin.

Nico Robin, who has been silent since being escorted to Spandam’s office, suddenly has a request? !


“Shut up! What qualifications do you have to request?”

Spandam looked at Nico Robin warily.

No way, Nico Robin is the son of the devil!

He also holds the secret of the ancient weapon Pluto that the World government has always wanted!

Tolerate Spandam carelessness!

Sadly, Robin ignored Spandam at all.

A pair of star-like eyes has been locked firmly on Maien’s body.

“Commander Maien, I want to see the key.”

Robin said slowly.


Maien frowned.

Looking at Nico Robin’s pretty face, Maien was just as wary as Spandam.

Good-looking women are not easy to mess with!

What’s more, Maien has watched “One Piece” in her previous life!

Nico Robin’s IQ is ridiculously high!

But if you just look at the key, it shouldn’t be a big deal!

Thinking of this, Maien took the key from her arms and walked towards Robin.

Spandam on the side saw this and didn’t stop it.

After all, Nico Robin’s request is still acceptable!


Maien walked over to Robin.

Spread his hand and place the key in front of Robin’s eyes.


The moment Maien opened his palm, the pupils in Robin’s eyes shrank into pinpoints.

Then he raised his head and looked at Maien magically and said:

“It’s so beautiful!”


Maien’s mouth twitched.

Isn’t this woman too stressed out these days?

“It’s just a key. You can’t describe it as beautiful!”

“When did I say that the key in your hand is beautiful?”

Robin shook his head to Maien and smiled softly:

“I said beautiful, referring to the black Uzumaki pattern in your hand!”.

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