Chapter 58




The timid trio held the straw hat group for three great strengths, crying bitterly.

Listening to the constant pain in her ears, Maien was already impatient.

Don’t you need money for tears?

Maien covered her ears, silently looking at the three of Usopp Nami Chopper opposite.


Can no longer bear the torture of the noise to the ears.

Maien strode across the huge crack in front of him.

Flashed in front of the timid trio.

“Ah, help!”

Seeing Maien suddenly appear in front of him, Nami waved his hand frantically.

But Usopp had already fainted now.

Obviously I can’t count on it.

Chopper stood up bravely.

Take out the blue wave ball from the bag.

Unfortunately, because of the fear of Maien, Chopper’s hands have been trembling.

Only a “boom” was heard!

The blue wave ball that was just taken out of the bag, Chopper accidentally fell on the ground before eating it.

Guru Guru roll forward!

As if God’s will make people!

The blue wave ball happened to roll to Maien’s feet.


The atmosphere is dead!

The air seems to freeze!

Chopper was embarrassed.

Nami has a desire to die.

Maien bent down and picked up the blue wave ball at her feet.

Playing with interest in his hands.

“That…is mine!”

Chopper pointed carefully at the blue wave fairway in Maien’s hand.

“I know.”

Maien nodded.

“Then can you return it to me?”

Chopper said while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

“of course.”

Maien smiled and agreed.

The finger suddenly flicked!


The blue wave ball in Maien’s hand quickly shot towards Chopper not far away.

It’s fast!

Make Chopper’s naked eye unable to catch it at all!

There is no way to avoid it.

“Boom” with a crisp sound!

The blue wave ball steadily hit Chopper’s forehead.

The moment it hits the forehead, the blue wave ball suddenly turned into a cloud of powder mist!

Severe pain came in an instant!(Read more @

Chopper’s forehead is obviously red and swollen!

But Chopper didn’t have time to make any screams, and darkness struck in front of him.

There was a “puff”!

Chopper fell straight to the ground.

Completely fainted!


Seeing this, Nami’s face instantly paled.

An unnamed fire rose instantly in Nami’s heart!

“You bastard!”

Nami plucked up the courage to stand up.

Take out the weather stick that Usopp made for her.

Without a word, he rushed towards Maien.

“I don’t like hitting women.”

Maien looked at Nami helplessly.

But there is no pause in the movements of the hands!

There was a crisp sound!

Maien’s big hands were sturdyly fanned against Nami’s white and pink cheeks.

Accompanied by a huge force!

Nami was directly slapped backwards by Maien’s slap and flew out.

While flying backwards, Nami’s pretty face quickly became red and swollen.

Ruddy lips also have a hint of Bloodline!

There was a “puff”!

Nami hit the ground hard.

A muffled hum!

The whole person passed out completely.

But seeing this, Maien nodded.

There was a saying “It’s okay”.

After all, if Nami can stand up, Maien’s next slap will have to do her best!

Although Nami is very beautiful.

But for Maien, who is familiar with “One Piece”, it is impossible for him to be interested in a woman like Nami.

In Maien’s heart, even if she was looking for a woman, she was looking for someone who didn’t have much scheming.

For women like Nami, Robin, and Kalifa in CP9, Maien can’t bear it!

One by one is not only extremely clever, but also extremely tricky.

Behind the angelic face!

I don’t know how many men’s blood is on my hands!

For such a woman, it is best to slap and pass out.

After all, Maien can’t guarantee that Nami’s beauty plan will not work for him!


Looking at Nami who had passed out, Maien let out a sigh of relief.

Then turned around and looked at Usopp lying on the ground not far away.

A bored expression said:

“What are you waiting for?”


The atmosphere fell into a dead silence again!

Just because when Maien’s words blurted out, Usopp lying on the ground visibly moved.

That is an unavoidable action under extreme tension!

That’s right!

Since just now, Usopp has been pretending to be dizzy!

The purpose is to attack Maien while he is completely relaxed!

Come to a Jedi anti-kill!

Unfortunately, Maien has already seen through Usopp’s plan.

After all, Usopp is timid and timid!

But in this kind of knotty eyes, he won’t faint without saying anything!

Anyone who has watched “One Piece” knows it.

Good times rely on Luffy, adversities rely on Zoro, and despair rely on Usopp!

In Maien’s view.

The reason why Usopp this guy can frequently stage the good show of the Jedi anti-kill is that the more difficult this guy is, the more soaring IQ is!

It can be called a model of eagerness and wisdom.

The same is true at the moment.

How can Maien be better?

A sudden sentence caught Usopp by surprise.

The whole person is completely exposed.

Under Maien’s cold gaze, Usopp could only stand up slowly.

Then took out a big hammer from the bag!

Seeing this, Maien rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Just wanted to kick Usopp!

There was a “boom” in my ear!

Maien looked up.

Suddenly found Usopp hit his head with a hammer!

“I choose one!”

After saying this, Usopp, whose head was bleeding, fell to the ground with a “puff” and passed out completely.

Maien looked dumbfounded! .

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