After lunch that day, Guanzu drove to the apartment where Yoko Okino lived.
From the system mall, I bought a state-of-the-art master key.
Insert the key into the keyhole, press the button, and turn on the power.
The master key will generate high-frequency vibrations, just like using the original key, to open the lock easily.
Kanzu opened the door of Okino Yoko’s apartment and walked in as if returning to his own home.
Close the door casually.
After a few days of observation, he found that Okino Yoko always went home alone.
Brokers won’t follow.
He can completely sit back and wait at home.
Of course, even if an accident happened today, Yoko Okino’s manager would come along with her.
That’s okay too.
It’s just an anesthesia needle.
It will not disturb the people around at all.
He opened the refrigerator and poured himself a glass of juice.
Then go to the bedroom to lie down and play with the phone.
It didn’t take long before I heard the sound of a key opening the door.
“You came back so early today?”
Guan Zu got up to check.
When I came to the door of the bedroom, I saw a young woman who had never seen her before and was very fashionable, appearing in the room.
When the other party saw Guan Zu, his face was obviously flustered.
“You are?” Guan Zu looked at him suspiciously.
He remembered that Okino Yoko lived alone, right?
How could other women appear in her apartment?
“Ah, I’m Yoko’s colleague, and Yoko asked me to help her get things back.”
“It’s true Yoko, she asked me to help her carry things even though someone was at home,” the fashionable woman complained.
But Guan Zu saw that when the woman spoke, her eyes and expressions were somewhat unnatural.
She is lying!
Even if Yoko Okino left something at home, she would not let her colleagues come to her house to help get it.
Just ask your agent to get it.
And if he remembers correctly, in Yoko Okino’s company, there seems to be a female star who debuted at the same time as her.
Because she was jealous that Yoko Okino was hotter than herself, she stole the key to Yoko Okino’s house.
He secretly ran to Okino Yoko’s house, trying to find her black material.
The woman in front of me, could it be the female star who is jealous of Yoko Okino?
Well, it looks like Yoko Okino is about two years old.
Although she is not as tall as Yoko Okino, she is still pretty, since she is an actress after all.
Except for some special actors, ordinary actresses basically don’t look bad.
However, the style is not the same as Okino Yoko.
The woman in front of me is sexy.
Guan Zu suddenly had a bad premonition that this woman had come to Okino Yoko’s house.
So, is Okino Yoko’s boyfriend in high school also coming to commit suicide? ?
As soon as I thought of this, a fat young man opened the door and came in.
When the man saw Guan Zu, his expression suddenly became richer.
His face turned red first!
Then it turns blue!
In the end, it was so black that ink dripped out.
“Bitch! Bitch!! I’m going to kill you!!!”
The fat man rushed towards Guan Zu and the woman.
The back of this actress is very similar to that of Okino Yoko.
The fat man recognized her as Okino Yoko.
At the beginning, Yoko Okino’s manager told him that Yoko entered the entertainment industry and could not fall in love, so they broke up.
He split.
But who knew, after Yoko entered the entertainment industry, her development became better and better.
And it’s getting more and more beautiful.
On the other hand, after graduating from high school, he only went to an ordinary university.
After graduation, he became an ordinary office worker.
The income is not high, and he is being made things difficult by his seniors every day.
I can’t even find a girlfriend.
Therefore, Fatty’s psychology is distorted.
He wants to get back together with big star Okino Yoko!
Even if it would ruin Okino Yoko, it would be worth it!
Recently, he has been calling and sending letters to Yoko Okino.
But Okino Yoko has been ignoring him.
That’s why Fatty came to ask in person, whether Yoko Okino wanted to get back together with him.
In the end, he saw that in Yoko Okino’s room, there was a man who was countless times more handsome than himself! !
What else did you say that idols can’t fall in love!
This is not hiding a man at home!
Yoko Okino clearly dislikes herself for not being handsome enough! Not good enough for her! !
Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable! !
Since you can’t get it, don’t think about it!
Let’s destroy together! !
The female star heard the movement behind her, and as soon as she turned around, she saw a huge black shadow rushing towards her.
Immediately frightened high-pitched horns.
Biu! Biu!
Guan Zu immediately took out the anesthesia gun and fired a shot at the two of them.
The female star and the fat man were brought down to the ground at the same time.
Guan Zu looked at the two people on the ground, a little speechless.
What the hell is this called?
He just wanted to kidnap Yoko Okino.
In the end, I ran into these two unlucky eggs.
There is nothing wrong with the female star appearing here.
But the appearance of this fat man here means that Yoko Okino will bring Kogoro Mori and his party over tonight.
He can’t wait here anymore.
“It’s a coincidence that the timing! “Guan Zu complained.
Guan Zu looked at the two unconscious people in front of him, lost in thought.
What to do next? .
21. The murderer was kidnapped (1 for collection!)
Guan Zu thought for a while, he should take this female star away first.
You can’t kidnap Yoko Okino, and you can barely make do with kidnapping Yoko Okino’s colleagues.
As for Okino Yoko, we can only wait for the next time.
But this fat man.
In the original play, the fat man committed suicide in Yoko Okino’s apartment.
The purpose, of course, is to frame Okino Yoko and ruin her career.
If that’s the case, then I’ll ‘help’ this fat man and fulfill his wish.
What the hell ruined his own plan, if he didn’t do something, Guan Zu couldn’t swallow this breath.
And as a gangster, killing people is something that must be experienced sooner or later.
Anyway, this fat man doesn’t want to live anymore, so it happens to use waste.
Guan Zu also needs to adapt to his identity as a gangster sooner.

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