“It’s you who are naive. We already knew where you put your money.”
“And, as I said, this is your last chance.”
Gin shot without hesitation.
Miyano Akemi fell to the ground.
Just as Vodka was about to step forward, he searched Miyano Akemi for the key.
Gin stayed in the earphones on his ears, and the voices of his teammates came out.
“Gin! There’s a suspicious car heading your way!”
“Lie down quickly!!”
Da da da da! ! !
In an instant, countless bullets passed through the cars at the door or the walls of the warehouse, and shot into the warehouse.
After hearing the reminder in the earphones, Gin immediately got down on the ground.
Vodka was more unlucky. He was shot in the back several times before he fell down.
“Who is it?” Qin Jiu’s eyes were cold.
Miyano Akemi actually contacted a helper?
And heavy weapons were used!
Akai Shuichi?
gin first thought, is the FBI Akai Shuichi who sneaked into the organization under the guise of his identity.
“Brother!!” Vodka lay on the ground, looking at Gin.
He was shot in the back a few times, but thankfully he was wearing body armor, so it wasn’t a big deal.
You can’t die, it just hurts a lot.
“Gin! Hurry up, that car is bulletproof, bullets can’t pierce through it!!” The companion’s voice came from the earphone again.
“Withdraw!” Qin Jiu’s eyes were full of killing intent.
This firepower is too fierce, if they continue to stay here, they will not be able to please.
And the opponent’s car is bulletproof.
The sniper rifles of Cohen and Chianti were useless, and the small pistols they carried were even less useful.
leave first.
Let’s investigate carefully later, who is this sudden support.
But Gin has already locked a person.
Akai Shuichi.
Gin and Vodka lay on the ground, crawling on hands and feet like lizards, and fled the scene.
On the other side, Guangzu just pressed the fire button.
Within two seconds, the glass of the driver’s seat was hit by a bullet, causing a large number of cracks.
“Anyone else??”
Another bullet hit the glass.
But Guan Zu didn’t care.
The bulletproof level of this car is very high. Unless it is an anti-material weapon, ordinary sniper rifles cannot penetrate it at all.
On the container more than 200 meters away, Cohen and Chianti kept firing at the sports car in the distance.
It just annoys them that bullets don’t go through cars at all.
The glass cannot be pierced!
The car door can’t be pierced!
Even if it is a tire, it will not burst!
“Fack!” Chianti exasperated.
Where the hell did this guy come from?
A sports car is also equipped with a machine gun and modified bulletproof.
This is too perverted!
boom! !
Miyano Akemi’s car exploded because of too many bullets.
Guan Zu could only step on the brakes to slow down.
He didn’t dare to rush in directly.
In addition to chopping gin and vodka this time, there is an additional goal, which is to try to save Miyano Akemi.
A lot of big tasks are not easy to do alone, so you need a partner.
Akemi Miyano is just right.
She doesn’t need to kill, just act together.
For her sister, Guan Zu felt that Miyano Akemi should join.
The car at the door of the warehouse exploded and burned, making it impossible for him to see the inside of the warehouse.
Crashing in at a high speed, he was afraid that Miyano Akemi would be crushed to death.
The car slowed down, and the snipers from the winery continued to attack him.
He didn’t dare to get out of the car either.
Just drove around the burning car and drove into the warehouse.
Sure enough, after entering the warehouse, the sniper stopped shooting.
Their view is blocked.
The car headlights illuminate the inside of the warehouse.
I saw a woman lying on the open space in the middle of the warehouse.
Isn’t that Akemi Miyano?
Besides Miyano Akemi, there was no one else in the warehouse.
“Grass! Got run away!”
Guan Zu drove the car to Miyano Akemi.
From the system mall, he quickly bought a bulletproof helmet and put it on his head.
He is still afraid of death.
It wouldn’t pay off to shoot him in the head with gin and vodka still in the dark.
He wasn’t sure if his head would grow back after being exploded.
Get out of the car quickly with a submachine gun in hand.
“You are…” Miyano Akemi is not dead yet, and still has some vague consciousness.
Guan Zu didn’t have time to chat with Miyano Akemi, so he carried her to the co-pilot.
Get back in the car by yourself.
With one kick of the gas pedal, he left through the gate on the other side of the warehouse.
There’s a shootout here, and it won’t be long before the police arrive.
It is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Conan stepped on the skateboard and came to the port area according to the tracker.
Suddenly a gunshot was heard.
“There’s gunshots! Over there!!”
With very good ears, he quickly determined the direction of the gunshots.
However, just as he was stepping on the skateboard and preparing to go there, he suddenly heard the roar of an engine.
Immediately afterwards.
Da da da da! ! !
A series of gunshots sounded.
“This is… an automatic weapon!?” Conan was startled.
What’s the situation, even automatic rifles came out!
What kind of organization is the force behind Masami Hirota? !
But Conan is Conan after all, even if he heard the sound of the machine gun, he knew that the past would be dangerous.

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