“That’s right! Mr. Shimizu, do you know Keiji Aso who died more than ten years ago?” Mori Kogoro asked quickly.
“Aso Keiji, of course I know him. After all, he used to be a famous pianist on our island.” Masato Shimizu said.
The honest doctor next to him didn’t have any strange expression on his face when he heard the name Keiji Aso.
Although Keiji Aso is her father.
However, Mori Kogoro is the detective she personally invited after all.
“Then can you tell me, is there anything about Keiji Aso?” Mori Kogoro asked.
“Yes. Mr. Aso was born on our small island. He was very talented in piano since he was a child. Later, he became a great pianist and often performed abroad.”
“Unfortunately, that happened later.” Speaking of this, Masato Shimizu showed regret.
“That incident? Does it refer to the incident where Keiji Aso killed his wife and children and set himself on fire at home?” Mori Kogoro asked.
When I was in the village office before, I heard the staff somewhere talk about this matter.
“You know?” Masato Shimizu was a little surprised.
“So, Mr. Shimizu, do you know anything else about Keiji Aso? For example, what good friends does he have, or what enemies does he have?” Mori Kogoro asked.
“Ah, I’m not very clear about that either. But he seems to have grown up with the current village chief, Mr. Heiyan, and the former village chief, Mr. Kameyama.”
“As for the enemy, I haven’t heard of this before.” Masato Shimizu said.
“That’s it…” Mori Kogoro was a little disappointed.
Just inquired about some useless news.
Conan pondered.
Asami Keiji, the former village head Kameyama, and the current village head Heiyan are all young?
Twelve years ago, Keiji Aso died.
Three years ago, Mr. Kameyama, the former village chief, died.
But today, they couldn’t find Mr. Heiyan, the current village chief.
He felt that there seemed to be a black hand behind this, manipulating everything.
“Uncle! Hurry up and get someone to find Village Chief Heiyan! I feel that Village Chief Heiyan may be in danger!” Conan reminded Kogoro Mori.
After being reminded by Conan, Mori Kogoro also reacted.
Keiji Aso, the former village chief Mr. Kameyama, and the current village chief Mr. Heiyan are all connected.! !
hateful! He didn’t even notice!
Doctor Honest looked at Conan.
This kid has great reasoning skills! !
“Xiaolan! Go and contact the police!!” Mori Kogoro hurriedly told Xiaolan.
Just as Xiaolan turned around and hadn’t left, there was a sudden explosion on the mountain.
boom! ! ! !
Everyone quickly looked up the mountain, and then saw thick smoke rising from the top of the mountain.
When Conan saw this, he was the first to run out.
44. Explosion occurs again (4 for collection!)
Doctor Honest looked at the thick smoke on the top of the mountain, feeling a little uneasy inside.
Because she guessed that it was Guan Zu who attacked those people!
The revenge of my family has finally been avenged!
The stigma of his father killing his mother and sister and then committing suicide at home was finally about to be cleared.
Hearing the explosion, many people in the public hall ran out.
Seeing thick smoke rising from the mountain, immediately contact the fire department!
Although there are only more than 2,000 people in this village, there are firefighters!
But there are not many people, only four people.
Just like the police on the island, there is only one elderly inspector.
Many villagers also rushed up the mountain together.
There was another explosion and thick smoke, and they had to rush to put out the fire.
Otherwise, it will cause a wildfire!
Doctor Honest also followed Mori Kogoro and his party to the top of the mountain.
Fortunately, the island has a lot of humidity, and it rained two days ago, so the vegetation on the mountain is relatively humid.
It took the villagers on the island more than an hour to finally extinguish the fire on the top of the mountain.
Then inside the extinguished fire, three completely charred bodies were found.
And a pickup truck that was completely gutted.
Without any clues, the identities of the three charred corpses could be ascertained.
But on Moon Shadow Island, there are only occasional outsiders coming to the island, and most of them are villagers on the island.
Plus the population is not very large.
It was therefore soon discovered that four persons were missing.
They are the current village head Tatsuji Kuroiwa, Hideo Kawashima, the largest capitalist on the island, Ken Nishimoto, who was once rich but kept a low profile in the past two years, and Kazuaki Hirata, secretary of the village head.
But now only three bodies have been found, so everyone is not sure who the three dead people are among the four people.
Oh no, there are two people who can confirm.
That is the capitalist Hideo Kawashima, who confirmed with the current village head Tatsuji Kuroiwa that he is dead.
Because Hideo Kawashima is tall and Tatsuji Kuroiwa is short.
The height of these two people is easy to distinguish.
Only Nishimoto Ken and the secretary of the village chief Hirata and Akira are about the same height.
Although there is a difference in fat and thin between the two, they are both burnt, and it is not obvious that they are fat or thin.
“It’s you! You must have killed my father!! If you kill my father and Mr. Kawashima, no one will compete with you for village chief!!” Kuroiwa Reiko pointed at Shimizu Masato and said loudly.
“Mr. Shimizu, there is indeed a motive for killing!” Mori Kogoro nodded.
When I met Dr. Honest before, the other party told them that a new village head election was being held on the island recently.
There are only three candidates for village head this time.
That is Masato Shimizu, the representative of the fishermen, Tatsuji Kuroiwa, the current village head, and Hideo Kawashima, the largest capitalist on the island.
The other two candidates were all dead, so the position of village head naturally fell to the only candidate, Masato Shimizu.
“Hey! I didn’t kill anyone!!” Shimizu Masato hurriedly defended.
Conan frowned.
Judging from who made the most profit, Masato Shimizu, the candidate for village head, was indeed very suspicious.
But killing the other two candidates at the same time is too blatant.
Moreover, there was another dead person at the scene.
And, there is another person missing on the island.
Those two people, one is the secretary of the village head, and the other…
“Sister Honest, who is that Mr. Nishimoto?” Conan pulled Dr. Honest.
“Hey? Conan, why did you ask him?” Doctor Honest asked pretending to be curious.
“I’m curious~ hehe…” Conan pretended to be a child.
Doctor Honest, although Conan is not like an ordinary child, but after thinking about it, he still told Conan about Takeshi Nishimoto’s information.
“Before I came to the island, I heard that Mr. Nishimoto is a very lavish person. He is very willing to spend money on women and wine.”
“However, ever since the former village head Mr. Kameyama died, he always shut himself up at home and drank heavily as if he was afraid of something.”
“The spirit seems to have become a little abnormal.” Honest Doctor said truthfully.
Conan grasped the point of the case.
This Nishimoto Ken is also related to the former village chief Isamu Kameyama who died three years ago! !
Conan glanced at the three corpses that were gathered and covered with white cloth.
He guessed that the other corpse was probably Nishimoto Ken’s!
And the three people who died this time are probably all related to Keiji Aso who died more than ten years ago! !
A murder has occurred, and the people in the village have called the police.
Of course, it is not the old policeman on the island who is in charge, but the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.
Because this island is under the jurisdiction of Tokyo.
The villagers brought down the three charred bodies and prepared to send them to the public hall for storage.
boom! ! !
There was another explosion in the village!
And this explosion was much more violent than the one on the mountain before.
“There it is, the public hall!”
Looking down from the mountain, you can immediately see the location of the explosion, which is the public hall where the former village chief’s third anniversary ceremony is being held today!

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