Guan Zu’s cell phone rang.
“Hello?” Guan Zu picked up the phone and connected directly without avoiding Miyano Akemi.
“Have you arrived in Tokyo?”
“You take a taxi directly to Tokyo Prince Hotel, and call me when you arrive.”
Without saying a few words, Guan Zu hung up the phone.
See Miyano Akemi’s puzzled eyes.
“Our other companion is here,” Guan Zu explained.
53. Is it actually a woman? (Available for the first order!)
The first thing Asai Makoto did when he disembarked was to call Guanzu.
Hearing that she was asked to go to Tokyo Prince Hotel, she immediately hailed a taxi.
Not long after, she came downstairs to the hotel.
He called Guan Zu again.
After being informed of the room number, take the elevator directly to the upstairs.
At this moment, the three veteran members of Guan Zu’s gangster group met for the first time.
“Get to know me, this is Miyano Akemi.”
“This one is Makoto Asai, no, it should be called Aso Shi. He will be a full-time doctor in our team from now on.” Guan Zu introduced their identities to each other.
“Him??” Miyano Akemi looked at Aso Shi in doubt.
Isn’t this Doctor Chengshi a female doctor? ?
“Don’t look at him like this, in fact he is a boy. The reason why he dresses up as a woman is also a last resort.” Guan Zu explained to Miyano Akemi.
After speaking, he looked at Ma Chengshi.
“The murderers who killed your family are all dead. You don’t need to continue dressing up as women, do you?”
“Although you look pretty in women’s clothing, but thinking that you are actually a man disguised as a woman makes me suspect that there is something wrong with my sexuality.” Guan Zu looked at Ma Sheng and said half-jokingly.
To be honest, what men like is not necessarily women, but ‘good-looking’ people.
A tycoon in women’s clothing stood in front of him. Without knowing that the other party was a man, many men were very likely to feel that they were in love.
It’s instinct.
Knowing that the other party is a man, the feeling of being in love disappears. It may be that reason suppresses instinct.
Guan Zu didn’t want a good-looking big guy in women’s clothing to dangle in front of his eyes every day in the form of women’s clothing.
Knowing that the other party is a man, but seeing the other party’s appearance, he still has the instinct to secrete hormones.This is scary!
“That… I’m a woman.” Asahi stretched out his index finger and gently scratched his face, a little puzzled.
Guan Zu: “???”
Guan Zu was dumbfounded.
Isn’t Makoto Asai a man?
That’s the setting of Qisan old thief, isn’t it?
When I first watched the anime, his impression was very deep!
Such a beautiful girl is actually a man!
Miyano Akemi was no better.
What are these two talking about? ?
Guan Zu actually said, is such a beautiful lady in front of him a man? ?
How is this going?
Guan Zu was the first to react.
“You…have you sprayed medicine? 〃?”
“Or, you went straight to the surgery!??” Guan Zu stared at Ma Chengshi in shock.
If a man wants to become a woman, there are only two ways, right?
“No, I was originally a woman.” Asai explained honestly.
“Then why, in the message your father wrote to you with the music score, did he call you his son? And the name Ma Chengshi is also a man’s name, right?” Guan Zu was still puzzled.
“That’s because my father wanted a son more than a daughter. That’s why he named me Chengshi.” Asai honestly explained.
“But unfortunately, my mother was pregnant later, but still gave birth to a girl.”
“My sister’s name, like mine, is actually very masculine.”
Guan Zu was speechless, that’s why.
Would the Sakura people also want boys more?
“Although my father wants boys more, he still loves my sister and me very much.” Makoto Asai continued.
“That’s why I have always wanted to find out the truth about the fact that my father killed the whole family and then set himself on fire at home.”
“Actually, I’ve been suspicious of my whole family since before.”
“After graduating from medical university, I returned to this island as a female doctor, and while working as a doctor, I investigated what happened back then.”
“Because I was weak since I was a child, I spent most of my time in hospitals in Tokyo. In addition, my father raised me as a boy since I was a child. People in the village basically didn’t know that I was actually a girl.”
“That’s why when I told the former village chief Kameyama that I was actually Aso Keiji’s ‘son’, he died of a heart attack.” Aso Shi explained.
Miyano Akemi looked at Aso Shishi sympathetically.
She didn’t expect that Ma Cheng would actually have such a tragic experience.
Although her parents also died, they were killed by accident, not by someone.
Moreover, at least he has his younger sister Shiho.
Asahi was real, but he was the only one left.
Guan Zu was stunned.
It turned out to be such a thing.
“Well, women should be women. Your main job in the future will be to protect the health of the team. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman.”
“You can open a clinic as a female doctor in the future.” Guan Zu thought for a while and said.
Anyway, it’s to help people heal their illnesses and injuries. It doesn’t matter if they are male or female, as long as they have enough medical skills.
And all you need is a doctor with sufficient medical skills, and you don’t need to be a male doctor.
“If you want to open a clinic, it will cost a lot of money. The clinic on the island is funded by the village, and I just work there.” Asahi said honestly.
“Don’t worry about the money, I will give it to you. You know, Village Chief Heiyan and others have contributed a lot of money.” Guan Zu said relaxedly.
As a gangster, the most important thing is money.
If you are really short of money, at worst, go out and make a ticket, and you will have it immediately.
“々’ Then there is no problem.” Aso said truthfully.
“By the way, you all confirm what identity you will use in the future.”
“Except for the time when you are alive, everyone also needs a normal identity.”
“Mingmei, your current identity is definitely not usable. You must change your identity.”
“Cheng Shi, there is no problem with you, but which name are you going to use?” Guan Zu looked at the two and asked.
“I’ll use the name Asai Makoto. After all, I’m not the old Aso Makoto.” Asai Makoto said frankly.
The family’s revenge is over, and she also wants to throw away everything in the past and start a new life.
“Alright.” Guan Zu nodded.
This identity of Makoto Asai is clean and can continue to be used without any problems.
Only Miyano Akemi’s identity cannot continue to be used.
It will be checked by the people at the winery.
The identity of Hirota Masami will not only be wanted by the police, but it is even a fake identity handled by the winery, let alone used.
“In my case… let’s call it Machiko!” Miyano Akemi thought for a while and said.
“Machiko?” Guan Zu felt like he had heard this name somewhere before.
“Yes, it’s called Momoko Machiko.” Miyano Akemi said.
Guan Zu rolled his eyes at Miyano Akemi: “Change your surname, this surname will be noticed by your organization.”
How much does she like Zhu Xingda?
“That’s Machiko Seki.” Miyano Akemi didn’t bother to think about it.
“…” Guan Zu was speechless.
Made it look like his wife.
“Change your surname again! This will affect my ability to pick up girls!” Guan Zu complained.
He has no intention of getting married!
“How about, how about the surname Sakurada?” Makoto Asai suggested to say something.
“Sakurata…then that’s the name.” Guan Zu thought about it and decided on it.
He also didn’t care about Asai’s reason for suggesting the surname.
Anyway, as long as it has nothing to do with Akemi Miyano.

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