“You don’t think that the winery…that is, your organization will let you and your sister go so easily?” Guan Zu asked back.
Miyano Shiho fell silent.
Based on her understanding of the organization, the organization would never let her go so easily.
Anyone who betrays the organization will have only one end in the end.
That is death!
The people of the organization will keep chasing down the traitor until the traitor is killed… 0
“It seems that you have thought of it.”
“For those of you who have left the organization and are defined as traitors, the winery will continue to hunt and kill you.”
“The best way to end this situation is to overturn the winery.”
“Of course, it’s not easy. Before that, you’d better hide your identities and change your identity.”
“Otherwise, what awaits you is the endless pursuit of the winery.”
“Your sister has given up her previous identity, and her current name is Machiko Sakurada.” Guan Zu looked at Miyano Shiho and explained.
Miyano Shiho looked at his sister Miyano Akemi.
“Yes. Machiko Sakurada, this is my current identity.” Machiko Sakurada nodded towards Miyano Shiho.
“This is your future identity. You will be called Hui Yuanai from now on~!” Guan Zu took out a driver’s license, clamped it between two fingers, and flicked it lightly.
The driver’s license flew to Miyano Shiho.
Miyano Shiho picked up the driver’s license.
“Haibara Ai?”
This is a fake identity that Guan Zu bought for Miyano Shiho from the system store.
Although it is just a fake identity, it can be found in the transportation system.
It cost him a million dollars for it.
Expensive is a bit expensive, but convenient and fast.
As for the name ‘Hui Yuan Ai’, Guan Zu felt that this name sounded more pleasing to the ear.
“But this is not my photo.” Miyano Shiho said looking at the driver’s license.
This kind of fake driver’s license, as long as the police check it, it will be exposed immediately.
“You don’t have to worry about Shiho, Zuo will help you change your appearance.” Sakurada Machiko explained.
“Change your appearance??” Miyano Shiho looked puzzled.
She is so different from the photo on the driver’s license, how can she change her appearance?
In Miyano Shiho’s mind, the figure of a woman flashed involuntarily.
The Witch with Thousand Faces!
Guan Zu tore off the human skin mask on his face.
“like this.”
“!!!” Miyano Shiho’s pupils shrank suddenly.
This… This is just like the Witch with Thousand Faces in the organization! !
Seeing Miyano Shiho’s expression, Guan Zu knew that she probably thought of Belmode.
“Belmod is not the only person who can change his face in this world.” Guan Zu said.
“You know that woman!!” Miyano Shiho was even more shocked.
“I know a lot, so stay by my side, and you can rest assured about your safety.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“By the way, I forgot to tell you that we are a gang of robbers. You will also be a robber in the future.”.
67. Gin: I would rather kill a mistake than let it go (please subscribe!)
Miyano Shiho accepted his new identity, that is, the identity of “Haihara Ai”.
But the identity of the robber, she couldn’t accept it for a while.
He co-authored that he just came out of the wolf’s den, and he was like a tiger’s den again?
“Your work is still the same as before. Continue to study the medicine that can make people immortal and restore youth.” Guan Zu continued.
“Don’t be kidding, all the information is in the organization’s computer. How can I remember so much information?” Hui Yuanai complained.
“Isn’t there a pill of that medicine in your breast pocket?”
“I believe that your brain will definitely be able to start working quickly if you have samples.” Guan Zu smiled and pointed to his head.
Hui Yuanai turned black, and then protected the bear with both hands.
“You searched me!!”
“Well, when hugging you, it is inevitable that there will be some physical contact.” Guan Zu spread his hands and said.
At that time, he just wanted to see if there was really a pill of that kind of medicine hidden in Miyano Shiho’s body.
Even if Guan Zu explained this way, Hui Yuanai still stared at Guan Zu with dissatisfaction.
She felt that Guan Zu did it on purpose!
In fact, Guan Zu did it on purpose, but he would not admit it.
“You still continue with your previous work, field missions, and you, a non-combatant, are basically not needed.”
“If you need anything, you can just mention it, research funding or something, it’s not a problem at all.”
“As a team of robbers, the last thing we worry about is money.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
Haibara Ai glared at Guanzu dissatisfied, and then looked at Machiko Sakurada.
“Sister, will you…go to rob with this guy too?” Hui Yuanai’s eyes were full of worry? Since, Xiao* said & group [9! 8; 0, 2>0, 5.~8-5/6 stay, stay.
Robbery or something is not a safe job.
Sakurada MaTomoko, she can naturally understand her sister’s worry.
“Zhi… No, Xiao Ai. I was in the organization before, and the organization would let me do the same thing.”
“Even after I complete the task, the organization will still choose to kill and silence.”
“Being saved by Zu and becoming a traitor to the organization, the organization will not let us go.”
“But with money, we can accumulate the power to defeat the organization.” Machiko Sakurada said looking at her sister.
Although she doesn’t like to do this kind of thing.
But for the sake of herself and her sister, she would do some things even if she didn’t like them.
“Besides, Zu is very powerful, it’s safe to act with him.” Machiko Sakurada added.
“…” Hui Yuanai pursed his lips.
In fact, she wanted to tell her sister that it would be fine to escape and live abroad together.
But when he thought about the power of the organization, he still didn’t speak in the end.
It was no use fleeing abroad.
There are branches of the organization all over the world.
As long as the organization wants to find itself, it is the same wherever it hides.
Unless, go for plastic surgery!
Even plastic surgery is not very safe.
Because the organization will find itself after plastic surgery through the channel of plastic surgery.
On the contrary, like Guan Zu and the Witch with Thousand Faces, they have the ability to change their appearance at any time, which can help them avoid the organization’s tracking very well.
“Well, that’s the way it is. You sisters catch up on the past, and I won’t bother you.”
“Honestly, it’s time to prepare dinner.” Guan Zu got up and said.
“Okay, I’m going to prepare dinner for everyone~.”
Guanzu and Makoto Asai left the room together.
“Sister, how did you know that guy? I don’t think he is a good person!” Hui Yuanai looked at Machiko Sakurada.
To save people is to save people, to touch his own bear while he was unconscious!
Simply inexcusable!
And what kind of robber team is it!
This is Yakuza!
“Zhi…Xiao Ai, Zu is actually a good person in his heart, you have to be polite to him.” Sakurada Machiko said.
“Hehe… That guy can’t be a good person.”
“That guy seems to know a lot about the organization. Although that guy saved my sister, you and me, it’s better to be vigilant against that guy.”
“Sister, tell me how you two met.” Hui Yuanai said.
“Okay, then we have to start with the organization asking me to collect one billion…”

A secret stronghold of the organization.
On the table in front of Gin, there is a steel cylinder the size of an air compression bottle, a downhill rope and a tablet computer.
“Brother, anesthesia was detected in this steel cylinder. But no one’s fingerprints were detected on the steel cylinder.”
“As for the monitoring in the laboratory, there are pictures of guys who broke into the laboratory.”

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