But this roar further affirmed Guan Zu’s vague memory!
Because this is not the roar of ghosts, but the roar of the wind!
He has already felt the wind blowing in from behind the altar!
Guan Zu held the gun in one hand, and pushed the altar away with the other.
Behind this altar, there is indeed a narrow cave!
‘found it! ‘
After entering this narrow cave, a downward staircase soon appeared.
Guan Zu took out a saber and stabbed the steps under his feet.
Not gold, just ordinary bricks.
Guan Zu was not disappointed, if the entire ladder in front of him was made of gold, it would be worth tens of billions!
Guan Zu walked down the stairs.
Every time you walk a certain distance, try the steps under your feet with your saber.
Guanzu descended about forty or fifty meters, and he could already see the sea outside.
The sound and feel of the saber colliding with the steps are completely different from before.
And the floor tiles here are not fixed together, but simply stacked!
Guan Zu buckled out a brick the size of his palm.
“Good weight! ”
This weight is not the weight that normal stone bricks should have at all!
Guan Zu scraped hard with his saber.
The moss on the outside of the brick, as well as a thin layer of mud, were all hung up.
Reveal the golden gold inside!
“Sure enough, I found it!!” Guan Zu looked excited.
Maybe, I will soon become a “Super Saiyan” in the detective world!
It took Guan Zu a while to put all the gold nuggets into the storage space.
How much the gold is worth will not be known until 24 hours later, when it is recovered in the system mall.
As for now, there is no need to stay here anymore.
Guan Zu left the cave.
I plan to go back to the village and take a boat back to Tokyo.
On the way back, in the forest, he met the last passenger who boarded the island with him on the same boat.
But the two of them just glanced at each other and left.
Guan Zu reckoned that the middle-aged man should also have come to this island to look for treasures.
Otherwise, normal people would not run into the woods if they had nothing to do.
Of course, the other party should think of him the same way.
Guan Zu returned to the pier, but found that the passenger ship parked at the pier was gone.
“What? The last boat leaving the island today left at noon? The next boat has to wait until tomorrow?” Guan Zu was speechless.
Then wouldn’t he have to stay on this island for another night?
Guan Zu was about to ask if there were any fishermen on the island who could send him away, and he could give some more money.
But before he could speak, a familiar voice came from behind.
“Eh? This big brother~! You just came to this island, are you leaving now?”
When Guan Zu turned his head, he saw the kid Conan.
If he insisted on leaving here, he might be seen by Conan.
Coincidentally, the gift for Mao Lilan hasn’t been delivered yet.
Doesn’t Conan, the brat, like to meddle in other people’s business?
Then he won’t leave today.
“I want you to take care of it, brat!” Guan Zu cursed and walked away from Conan.
Conan looked at Guan Zu’s back with scrutiny.
The man went to the island with them in the same boat.
It’s only been more than three hours so far, so you’re going to leave so soon?
Has the matter of this person coming to this island been done?
Conan felt that there was something wrong with the punk youth in front of him! ! .
73. Come to the hotel to find me at night (please subscribe!)
After Mouri Kogoro landed on the island, he was first taken to a temporary warehouse near the pier to visit the “ghost ship” captured some time ago.
Then he was taken home by the village head of this small island for dinner.
Nothing particularly precious, just some seafood.
As a fishing island, seafood is the least valuable thing.
But Mori Kogoro and the others still eat deliciously.
At the dinner table, the village head of the island also stated his purpose.
Inviting Mori Kogoro to the island this time, in addition to letting him give a speech as a celebrity, thereby increasing the popularity of the island.
I just want Kogoro Mori to help in finding a large amount of gold that disappeared with the ghost ship ten years ago.
As a reward, the village chief is willing to pay one percent of the gold value to Kogoro Mouri.
With two billion worth of gold, Mori Kogoro can get 20 million daily.
Mori Kogoro readily agreed.
Because the gold on the ghost ship was bought by a businessman who evaded taxes and exchanged all his assets.
The merchant tried to flee the country with the gold, but encountered a storm.
Even if the gold is found, it needs to be handed in.
Of course, because it is found within the scope of the island, the island can get one-tenth of all the gold.
It’s not a loss for him to get another tenth of a tenth.
The speech was at around three o’clock in the afternoon, and because there was still time, Mori Kogoro drank a lot of wine.
Conan was too lazy to accompany that alcoholic Moori Kogoro, so he ran out after dinner.
Wander around the pier.
The village head’s house, the public hall, and the naval archives on the island, which is equivalent to a museum, are all near the port.
He visited the Naval Archives and heard the legend about the ghost of the navy on this island.
After coming out, I saw the staff of the travel agency who came with them by boat from Tokyo, and walked up the mountain alone.
The other party is here to inspect the tourism resources of the island, so it is normal to go around.
Conan didn’t follow.
Not long after, I saw the punk youth who came to the island with them by boat in the morning and came down from the mountain.
Then go to the pier for the boat.
Out of curiosity, Conan followed immediately.
Then I heard that the other party actually asked when the ship left.
This person just arrived on this small island when it was close to noon, and he was leaving so soon? ?
He asked curiously, but the other party scolded him badly, then turned and left.
Conan’s intuition told him that there was something wrong with this punk youth!
Uncle Kinoshita said before that this punk youth is not a resident of this island.
As a tourist, the time spent on this island is too short.
There must be some ulterior secret!
Is it for the gold too?
But he was about to leave so soon, did he already find the treasure?
But the other party didn’t bring anything, not even a backpack, and there was no place to put gold.
If not for gold, then for what?
At three o’clock in the afternoon, at the public hall in the village, a speech by the famous detective Mori Kogoro was held.
Many villagers participated.
Guan Zu also went in and listened.
Of course, I didn’t go to listen to Mori Kogoro’s speech, but to wait for Mori Ran.
Here, he has a big gift for Mao Lilan.
Mori Kogoro is drunkDrunken, when he first came on stage, he fell on the stage.
It can be described as ugly.
After the speech was over, there was no way to go treasure hunting, so he had to go back to the village chief’s house to rest.

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