But the nightmares of the past few days made her a little worried.
Will she and her sister really not be discovered by the organization?
Also, can Guan Zu really be able to stop the organization’s assassination and protect himself and his sister?
But other than that, there seems to be no other better way.
the next morning.
The four of Guanzu sat around the dining table and enjoyed the breakfast prepared by Akemi Miyano.
Xiao Ai looked absent-minded.
“Xiao Ai, what’s wrong with you? You have been looking like you have no appetite for the past few days, is there something wrong?” Miyano Akemi looked at her sister with concern.
“It’s okay, sister, I just had a nightmare at night and didn’t sleep well.” Hui Yuanai shook his head.
“Isn’t it a dream, was it discovered by your organization?” Guan Zu turned to look at Hui Yuanai next to him.
In the original drama, she has a very deep fear of the organization.
Now, although he saved her sister Miyano Akemi, he also saved her from the organization.
But she grew up under the supervision of the organization since she was a child, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the organization was a childhood shadow for her.
“Hmm…” Hui Yuanai nodded and admitted.
Let everyone have a little psychological preparation, after all, the power of the organization is really so huge that ordinary people can’t imagine.
“I say you~! Does this mean you don’t believe in my strength?” Guan Zu stretched out his hands to pinch Xiao Ai’s face that was as smooth as a baby’s skin.
“My disguise technique, even you can’t recognize it, do you think the members of your organization can find you and Machiko?” Guan Zu complained.
“Don’t pinch my face~!” Hui Yuanai raised his hand to knock off Guan Zu’s hand, staring at him dissatisfied.
This guy is really getting more and more ‘unruly’! .
102. Yuanzi: We are good sisters (please subscribe!)
“Your organization is actually nothing to be afraid of.”
“Even if the members inside leave and are killedStill not going to die? ” Guan Zu looked at Xiao Ai and said.
“Wait here for me.”
Guan Zu put down the bowl and chopsticks and went upstairs.
From the system, I bought two women’s watches of the same model and modified them.
Add GPS positioning function.
At the same time, I also modified my mobile phone to bind the signals emitted by these two watches.
After a while, Guan Zu returned to the restaurant with two watches.
“Come on, you two sisters each have one of these two watches. In case you encounter the black organization or encounter danger, just press this button.”
“My mobile phone can receive your distress signal and locate your location.”
“I will also appear in front of you as soon as possible~!” Guan Zu put two watches in front of the two sisters Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai.
Miyano Akemi and Haibara looked at each other.
They could all feel Guan Zu’s relationship with them.
“Zu~! Thank you!” Miyano Akemi said gratefully.
“It’s too insincere to just say thank you~” Guan Zu said jokingly.
“Hmph~! Elder sister has a boyfriend, you are not allowed to think about her!” Hui Yuanai picked up a 05 watch and put it on his wrist.
It’s pretty good.
“Otherwise, I don’t mind if you replace Machiko!” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“Don’t even think about it! I’m not those women outside!” Hui Yuanai refused mercilessly.
Obviously, she has a lot of opinions on Guan Zu’s private life.
Which woman can accept her other half, and there are other women?
Especially for young girls, it is even more unacceptable.
Guan Zu shrugged.
The meat is in its own bowl, and when to eat it is only a matter of time.
Can’t run away.
Not in a hurry.
“Remember, the signal is not sent out in normal times, only after pressing the distress button, the signal will be sent out.”
“When in danger, don’t forget.” Guan Zu reminded.
“My sister and I are not stupid.” Xiao Ai said.
“Machiko, I know, but if it’s yours, then it’s not necessarily~!” Guan Zu continued to tease Xiao Ai.
“…” Xiao Ai directly rolled his eyes at him.
“That… I want a watch like this too.” Makoto Asai said.
She’s also one of the team members, isn’t she?
“To be honest, you are not from that organization, and the people from that organization will not look for you… Forget it, I will get one later.”
Guan Zu thought about it, and decided to prepare one for Asai Makoto.
It’s also teammates, it’s not good to favor one over another.
Moreover, Makoto Asai also wants to act together, and there is also the possibility of encountering danger.
Get her one too.
However, her watch looks different from those of Miyano Akemi and Haibara Ai.
They are just ‘normal neighbors’, not ‘friends’ who are close enough to wear the same watch.
After dinner, Xiao Ai went out to school.
“I went to school.”
“Be careful on the road~!”
Didan High School.
Xiao Ai walked into the classroom carrying her schoolbag.
Sonoko lay powerlessly on the desk.
“Xiao Lan, why didn’t you take a picture with Lord Kidd that day~” Yuanzi said decadently.
She is so sorry!
“Sorry, Yuanzi, if you weren’t looking for me in a hurry, you would have had time to look for Kaitou Kidd.” Xiaolan said apologetically.
“What are you talking about, Xiaolan, how can you blame this? If you want to blame it, blame that nasty robber!”
“If it wasn’t for the appearance of that guy who disrupted everything, I would definitely be able to take a photo with Lord Kidd!” Sonoko sat up excitedly, vowing.
Just after he finished speaking, he collapsed on the desk in a decadent manner.
Blame that nasty robber! !
“Yuanzi, are you complaining about that robber again, why didn’t you take a photo with Kaito Kidd?” Xiao Ai came to the back of the garden and put her schoolbag on the desk.
“Be careful to let that guy hear it, he will kidnap you when the time comes~” Xiao Ai said.
“I’m not afraid of that guy!! Let her come if you can!!” Sonoko sat up again, waving her fists.
Because of what happened a few days ago, Dad strengthened the defense around their family.
A lot of bodyguards were arranged for secret protection.
I’m afraid of encountering kidnappers again.
“You can’t say such things. If that guy really hears it, it will be bad.” Xiao Ai said quickly.
She knew that Guan Zu had been thinking about the garden before.
Who made her the second lady of the Linmu Consortium, with a prominent background.
But Guan Zu just made a big deal, if all those jewelry and so on are sold.
Even if it is sold cheaply, it should be able to sell for more than five billion.
After earning so much money, that guy shouldn’t take any more risks in a short time, right?
“Hmph~~” Yuanzi hummed twice, and didn’t say what he said just now.
Obviously, she was still a little scared that she really met the previous robber.
That guy is simply a murderous demon!
Dozens of bombs were installed on the cruise ship, and a large circle of bombs was wrapped around his body.
They also randomly shot and killed hostages with rifles.
What a lunatic!
In vain, at the beginning, she thought that the kidnapper seemed to be a handsome guy!
Now it seems that the place blocked by that mask must be covered with black birthmarks!
“Hey~! Come and see~! It’s snowing outside~!” Xiaolan looked out of the window excitedly.
The weather forecast in the morning said it would snow today, but I didn’t expect it to snow so soon!
Xiao Ai looked at the snowflakes outside the window.
Suddenly remembered the nightmare I had last night!
I was found by Qin Jiu, and then my sister, Cheng Cheng, Xiao Lan, Yuan Zi, and even Guan Zu were all killed by the people in the organization.

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