Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to say Fei Yingli’s name by such a coincidence! ! Door.
121. The Taunt of the Treasure Hunter (Please Subscribe!)
The case changed from an accident to a homicide, so the patrol on the island naturally notified the superior criminal police immediately.
That is the Police Department.
This island of God is still under the jurisdiction of Tokyo.
The police would not arrive until evening, and after the patrol recorded everyone’s addresses, they let everyone leave.
Conan followed Xiaolan and the others, and returned to the diving shop in the car of the proprietress of the diving shop.
Xiaolan and the others had to go back to the diving shop and change out of their diving suits.
“Big sister, where do divers usually put their diving suits?” Conan looked at Kimiko and asked curiously.
“Well, most people’s diving suits are rented from the diving shop, and naturally they will be returned to the diving shop when they are used up.” Simiko explained.
“What about those treasure hunters just now?” Conan continued to ask.
“They usually store their diving suits in our store, and let us inflate their compressed air bottles by the way.” Kimiko said (Liuli. ò ? ó. First release).
Conan’s eyes lit up.
Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains!
He originally planned to ask how many diving shops there were on the island, and then went to inquire one by one.
But I didn’t expect that those treasure hunters actually left their clothes in this diving shop!
What a time saver!
“so bigSister, is there anyone in your store at night? “Conan continued to ask.
“What? Little brother, are you playing a detective game?” The proprietress who drove the car glanced at Conan through the rearview mirror.
“Hey hey~~” Conan smiled embarrassedly.
Xiaolan looked at Conan, Shinichi started again.
“I hope this case will not have anything to do with that Mr. …” Xiaolan prayed in her heart.
It’s not that he’s afraid of being caught.
It’s that she’s afraid to have any more contact with that Mr.
What if the other party threatens her again?
“I live in an apartment near the pier, and Chinatsu lives in the house behind the store. So there will be no one in the store at night,” explained Kimiko.
“Is that so…” Conan pinched his hands and thought.
In this case, wouldn’t anyone be able to sneak into the store at night and stuff the plastic bag containing fish blood into the interlayer of the dead man’s buoyancy suit?
“And there are no thieves on the island, so we usually don’t lock the door.” The proprietress who drove the car added.
This made Conan even more troubled.
The door is not locked, which means that no matter who it is, they can enter the store to commit crimes without any effort!
“Then do you install surveillance cameras in your store?” Conan continued to ask.
Although people in Sakura Country don’t like to install surveillance, there are some shops that will install it to prevent theft.
So Conan wants to ask.
“There are no thieves on the island, so why install surveillance cameras?” said the proprietress.
“…” Conan was speechless.
There is no way to lock the prisoner in this way.
Guan Zu drove and sent Miyano Akemi and Xiao Ai back to Shenhai.
“The homestay you live in is a bit broken.” Guan Zu looked at Shenhai and complained.
It’s just an ordinary house.
It is incomparable with the safety of Shenhai Hotel.
“It’s okay, after all, it was Uncle Mao Li’s treat, and we didn’t spend any money.” Xiao Ai opened the door and got out of the car.
“That’s true.” Guan Zu thought for a while, then nodded.
I didn’t spend a single penny, and I was invited to this island for vacation. Although the homestay I stayed in was a bit run-down, there was nothing to complain about.
After all, it didn’t cost money, right?
Looking at this sea of ​​gods, Guan Zu has no interest in going in.
“I live in room 602 of the Shenhai Hotel, come to me at any time at night, the bathtub in my room is huge~~.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“Go clubbing by yourself.” Xiao Ai gave Guan Zu a white look.
“It’s not cute~ Let’s go!” Guan Zu started the car and left.

In the evening, a police helicopter flew to Shenhai Island and landed in the open space in front of the village office.
Police officer Mu Mu got off the plane with a few of his men.
“Officer Megure!” Mori Kogoro also stepped forward.
“I said Brother Maori, why is it you again!” Officer Mumu complained.
Every time there is a case, I can meet this guy!
“Officer! It’s hard work to come here from such a long distance!” The inspector rushed forward to greet him.
“Well, I want to understand the situation first.” Officer Megure said.
“I’ll make arrangements right away!” The inspector saluted quickly.
Shenhai Hotel.
The two treasure hunters who were still alive were called out of the room to be questioned by the police.
“It’s as if we are criminals! You should understand that we should be victims!” Stephen said dissatisfied.
“That’s right.” Another treasure hunter also said.
“If you are really the victims, you should answer honestly, do you know?” Mori Kogoro said.
“Hmph~~” The two treasure hunters smiled tirelessly.
“Excuse me, have you seen these two people?” Miwako Sato took out two photos and put them on the table in front of them.
“I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before.” Stephen cast a glance and directly denied 0…
“They robbed the supermarket in Shimbashi last night and took away the cash in the store. They said that they did so under your instructions and that they wanted to join you.” Miwako Sato said looking at the two.
“I don’t know about that. Maybe it’s just talking nonsense to get rid of the crime.” Stephen crossed his arms and refused to admit anything.
“You bastard!!”
“Do you have any evidence? It’s just the testimony of those two people, right?” Stephen asked arrogantly.
“Okay, don’t be so excited, drink a glass of water to calm down first.” Officer Shiratori brought twice as much cold drink and put it in front of the two treasure hunters.
The two treasure hunters looked at each other with sarcasm in their eyes.
They are old wanted criminals, just like that, just want to get their fingerprints?
“Huh, heh, heh~~” Stephen took out a cigarette, lit the cigarette with a match from the hotel on the table, and then put the match in his pocket.
“If there is nothing else to ask, then we want to go back to the room to rest.” Stephen said.
They didn’t mention the ‘yellow-haired’ one.
Because, they used their own methods to deal with that ‘yellow-haired’ guy.
By the way, some oil and water was collected from that kid’s body.
“You two, don’t you really know who is attacking you? Mr. Steve!” Officer Meguro asked again.
“Yeah, I don’t know.” After speaking, Steve stood up.
“That’s it, goodbye.”
The person next to him also stood up, ready to leave.
“Excuse me, can I borrow a lighter from you? I forgot to bring my lighter.” Takagi came to Steve with a cigarette in his mouth.
“Cut, take it.” Steve took out a match from his pocket and handed it to Takagi.
Takagi took the match, lit a cigarette, and then returned the match to the other party.
“Thank you very much.”
“Hmph! What a waste of time!” Steve and the two left.
“By the way, Police Officer Megure! There is another person on this island who is very suspicious!” Mouri Kogoro suddenlyThen say.
“Oh? Who is it?” Police Officer Mumu asked quickly.
“I saw that guy named Ito on Shiki Island before! He seems to be a treasure hunter too!”
“Besides, that Ito had an argument with these two guys in the hospital!” Mouri Kogoro said.
“Why are you talking about such an important matter now!!” Officer Megure yelled at Mori Kogoro.
“What are you waiting for! Hurry up and bring that guy named Ito!!”.
122. Molesting Officer Sato (please subscribe!)
Mori Kogoro really thinks ‘Ito’ is suspicious.
On Shiki Island before, “Ito” was suspected of killing the lighthouse guards on the island, and then took away the island’s gold worth billions.

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