He wanted to see what the purpose of this person kidnapping him was.
After that, by the way, get rid of this guy in front of you.
If you dare to kidnap him, you must be prepared to pay a huge price.
The two walked into the elevator and went downstairs.
“Warning, don’t try to run away or call for help, otherwise bullets won’t have eyes!” Steve warned.
Guan Zu didn’t answer, just snorted coldly.
A very unconvinced look.
The elevator came to the first floor, and the two got out of the elevator.
“Boy, don’t try to play tricks!” Steve warned again in a low voice.
He worried that the man would call for help to the front desk staff.
If that’s the case, he can only take people away forcibly.
It’s just that if this is the case, they may not have much time to prepare.
Fortunately, this “Ito” is quite knowledgeable about current affairs, and he didn’t call for help.
Follow him obediently the whole time, and walk out of the hotel gate.
Soon, the two came to the open parking lot.
“Hey! Kid, I didn’t expect this day to come!!” Will, who was leaning against the car, looked at Guan Zu maliciously.
“I really didn’t expect that.” Guan Zu said.
I didn’t expect you two idiots to come to die.
He had clearly warned them to let them get away from him next time.
“Get in the car!” Steve put the pistol on Guan Zu’s back.
Guan Zu cooperated obediently.
Will sat in the driver’s seat and drove, while Steve sat in the back seat and watched Guan Zu.
Inspection office.
After waiting for a while, Takagi opened the lid of the plastic box.
“It should be almost there.”
Everyone looked at the things in the plastic box.
Sure enough, there were several very clear fingerprints on the matchbox!
“It appeared!!” Takagi took the matchbox out of the plastic box with gloves on.
“Then just take a photo and send it back to the Metropolitan Police Department, and you will know the result!” Takagi said excitedly.
“Well done, Takagi!” Miwako Sato praised.
“Hey~~Where~~Hey~~” Takagi scratched his head in embarrassment.
Being praised by someone you like is the happiest thing.
“If you want to be transferred to the forensics class, just tell me. If you don’t mind, I can write a recommendation letter for you.” Said the police officer Shiratori.
I feel a little annoyed that Takagi got the limelight.
“Officer Shiratori, don’t make fun of me…hahaha…” Takagi smiled awkwardly.
Police officer Sato is searching the first class, how could he go to the forensic class.
“Eh? There’s something wrong with the fingerprints on this glass.” Mori Kogoro bent down and looked at the glass and said.
All the eyes of the others were on the glass.
Sure enough, something was wrong.
The glass has only the mouth of the cup, and there are some incomplete fingerprints.
But that should be the fingerprint of Miwako Sato. When she put the cold drink in front of ‘Ito’, she grabbed the cup with five fingers and put it down.
So the fingerprints on the rim should be hers.
But apart from a few incomplete fingerprints on the rim, there are no other fingerprints on the glass at all!
“How could this be!??” Officer Takagi was dumbfounded.
Why do glasses fail? ? It shouldn’t be! !
“Takagi, what’s going on?” Officer Megure looked at Takagi.
Why are there no fingerprints on the glass? ?
“This… Logically speaking, there should be nothing wrong…” Officer Takagi scratched his head in embarrassment.
Obviously the matchboxes are all successful.
“Is there a possibility that Mr. Ito covered his fingerprints in advance?” Miwako Sato analyzed with her chin propped up.
There are so many ways to hide fingerprints.
The easiest way is to wear gloves.
However, that Ito was not wearing gloves at the time, but he could still use glue to smear his fingers, which can also cover fingerprints.
“If this is the case, then there is something very wrong with that Ito!” Officer Shiratori put his hands in his pockets and said with his head slightly lowered.
Most people don’t think about covering their fingerprints.
The vast majority of people who will do this are criminals on the run!
“Okay, let’s send that Steve’s fingerprints back to the headquarters first. As for that Ito, Takagi, Sato, you go to the hotel lobby to guard. Once Ito comes out, you must keep an eye on him 24 hours a day! “Officer Meguro gave the order.
He felt that there was a big secret in that Ito!
Last time in Shikishima, the one who killed the lighthouse guard and stole the gold is very likely to be him!
And the planner of this shark attack is also very likely to be that guy!
The purpose is naturally for the treasure!

Two treasure hunters drove to the easternmost part of the island, at the end of the coastal road.
Get off the car with Guan Zu, and bring food and water, along the path next to the cliff, to the bottom of the cliff.
There is a speedboat parked here.
The two threw all the food and water on the speedboat.
“Go up!” Steve threatened Guan Zu with a gun to get on the boat.
Guan Zu stepped onto the boat, turned around and looked at the two of them.
“What exactly do you want to do?” Guan Zu asked again.
He really didn’t understand these two guys.
If you want to avenge the afternoon, shouldn’t you just shoot him to death?
How do you feel, these two guys are going to take him to the bottom of the sea to find treasure?
“Hey~! You’ll find out later~!” Steve still didn’t callGive Guan Zu an explanation.
Guan Zu is speechless, as a villain, why is his mouth so strict? ?
Don’t the villains like them all, explaining all kinds of things to the protagonist?
Could it be because he is not the protagonist? ?
Will took out the rope from his backpack, apparently ready to tie Guan Zu up.
“Forget it, I won’t play with you guys anymore.” Guan Zu was a little tired of playing.
“What?” The two treasure hunters were taken aback.
Then the two blinked, and suddenly realized that the person in front of them was gone!
Immediately afterwards, I felt a pain in my neck, and the whole world turned into darkness.
125. Identity exchange, this is too poor (seeking subscription!)
Originally, Guan Zu wanted to see what the two treasure hunters wanted to do.
But in the end, the mouths of these two treasure hunters were too strict.
Say nothing at all.
If you continue to pretend to be an obedient little sheep, you will have to be tied up with rope by these two guys.
At that time, he will really become a little sheep at the mercy of others.
Although he is strong in combat, if he is bound too tightly by the rope, it may take a lot of time to break free.
In the case of these two people with guns, it is better not to die.
Even if he has the self-healing factor and can recover quickly, Guan Zu doesn’t want to die.
After all, the self-healing factor does not necessarily mean immortality.
And he didn’t want to expose his special ability in front of these two people.
Guan Zu simply stopped playing.
If they don’t talk, I can let them talk!
Guan Zu suddenly became violent and hurt people.

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