“Then let’s go~.” Guan Zu raised his eyebrows.
This guy just came up from the sea, if he didn’t take a shower to wash off all the salt from his body, he would feel miserable all day.
Soon, Guan Zu took Sato Miwako back to the hotel room.
He took a set of clean clothes and went into the bathroom.
“Officer, you can’t peek at me taking a shower~.” Guan Zu began to undress in the bathroom.
This hotel bathroom is not a brick wall, but a piece of frosted glass.
As long as the light is on in the bathroom, a silhouette can be vaguely seen outside.
“If you really want to see it, you can come in by yourself~ I won’t refuse~!” Guan Zu added.
“Who cares to look at you!!” Sato Miwako cast a glance, and immediately withdrew her gaze.
She never expected that the bathroom in the hotel would have such a design!
If I had known earlier, she would never have come in!
As for going out now?
Forget it, finding clues is more important!
Just don’t look in the direction of the bathroom.
In the bathroom, Guan Zu took off his clothes and turned on the tap.
The icy cold water rushing over her body was simply refreshing.
“Like the sun shining through the night~”
“Dawn slips across the sky~”
“Who’s figure shuttles between reincarnation~~~”
Guan Zu sang loudly in the bathroom while taking a shower.
He is now a punk youth and must maintain his own personality.
But to be honest, the effect of singing in the bathroom is really good, with its own reverberation.
“A new storm has appeared~”
“How can you stand still…”
Guan Zu took a shower and sang in the bathroom, and Sato Miwako carefully looked for possible clues in the outside room.
Guan Zu’s voice made Miwako Sato couldn’t help but look towards the bathroom.
0・・・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・
“This guy…can actually sing really well…” Miwako Sato muttered softly.
“However, just because she sings well, doesn’t mean she won’t kill people…”
Singers can also kill!
Seeing the blurred outline in the bathroom through the frosted glass, Miwako Sato quickly looked back and continued to search for possible criminal evidence.
Guan Zu didn’t wash for a long time, and when the time for a song was over, he turned off the tap.
Just take a shower, wash your hair, and rinse off the salt on your body.
After a while, Guan Zu, who had changed his clothes, came out of the bathroom.
I saw Miwako Sato sitting on the sofa seriously.
But Guan Zu knew very well that when he was taking a shower, Miwako Sato must not be as honest as she is now.
………. 0
Under the circumstances of doubting him, how could it be possible to waste such a good opportunity just now?
If he hadn’t scoured his room for clues while he was in the shower, he’d have wrung his own head off.
But Guan Zu was not worried at all.
If there was really something shady in the room, how could he bring Miwako Sato back to the room?
The reason why he dared to bring her back was because there was nothing in the room except two sets of clothes.
It’s all in storage.
“Let’s go, beautiful police officer~ It’s time to treat me to morning tea~.” Guan Zu said with a smile.
“Let’s go!” Miwako Sato got up depressed, and left the room with Guan Zu.
She couldn’t figure out why there was nothing in the room of ‘Ito’.
So clean!
Guan Zu and the two came to the coffee shop on the second floor of the hotel.
Ordered two cups of coffee and a snack.
“How? Did you find it?” Guan Zu picked up a piece of chicken popcorn with his fingers and threw it into his mouth.
“What?” Miwako Sato pretended to be stupid.
“While I was taking a shower, you were investigating my room, right? Did you find what you wanted~?” Guan Zu asked with a smile.
“You know everything??” Miwako Sato’s face darkened.
If this ‘Ito’ took her back to the room on purpose, then she would definitely not be able to find any clues.
Even if there were clues, they must have been hidden in advance.
Miwako Sato suddenly felt very depressed.
She is a dignified member of the police department of the Metropolitan Police Department, but she was tricked by a criminal suspect.
131. Get Guanzu’s fingerprints? (Please subscribe!)
Guan Zu was drinking coffee when he suddenly saw the fat police officer Mu Mu looking towards him.Come here.
“Really, the annoying guy appeared again.” Guan Zu vomited, and at the same time looked at Miwako Sato in front of him.
“Pretty police officer, what about the trust between people?”
They agreed on a ‘date’, but someone came to disturb them again.
What a disappointment.
“I just promised to invite you and morning tea, and now I have invited you, haven’t I?” Sato Miwako retorted.
In the room of ‘Ito’, she sent a message to Police Officer Megure when he finished taking a shower.
Tell him that ‘Ito’ has returned.
“It’s boring, it’s boring.” Guan Zu threw two grains of chicken popcorn into his mouth, then raised Erlang’s legs, waiting for Police Officer Mu Mu to come over.
He has done nothing wrong and is not afraid of the criminal police knocking on the door.
The guy who was bitten to death by a shark wasn’t killed by him (Liu Li. ò ? ó. Starting).
As for driving the other two treasure hunters to the underground palace so that they can’t get out?
Please, he’s taking revenge, that’s not a bad thing.
At least, Guan Zu didn’t think it was a bad thing.
He doesn’t think he has done anything wrong, that means he hasn’t done anything wrong~.
“Mr. Ito, can you tell me, where did you go last night?” Officer Megure came to Guanzu.
“I don’t want to answer the same question twice.” Guan Zu crossed his legs and didn’t even look at Police Officer Mu Mu.
“Officer Megure, Mr. Ito went back to the hotel last night…” Miwako Sato told Officer Megure everything she had investigated.
“Then Mr. Ito, do you really not know where Steve and the others have gone?” Officer Megure looked at Guan Zu again.
“The legs grow on their own bodies. Where did they go? Where can I find out?” Guan Zu picked up the coffee bar and took a sip of coffee.
He didn’t look at Officer Megure at all.
“Then you don’t know where their speedboat is parked, do you?” Officer Meguro asked.
Let people drive a fishing boat around the island.
He has found the speedboat that Steve and the others rented.
And on the speedboat, an eavesdropping locator was found.
In addition, the speedboat has also been blocked and no one is allowed to approach.
After the support personnel from Tokyo arrive, the forensic personnel will conduct a careful inspection of the speedboat.
Maybe some human hairs will be found.
“As for the speedboat, I knew it last night, but I’m not sure today.” Guan Zu said half-truthfully.
After all, he had been on that speedboat before, who knew if he would lose two hairs on the speedboat.
Lies, 80% true, 20% false, are the most difficult to distinguish.
“Have you been there???” Officer Mumu was dumbfounded.
He is also going to cheat on this ‘Ito’ in front of him.
It didn’t work out!
“After all, we competed on that speedboat last night.” Guan Zu said half-truthfully.
It is true that they have been on a speedboat, but the discussion is false. Seriously speaking, it should be a unilateral crush, and then the two were tied up.
“That’s right. Then I won’t bother you, Mr. Ito. If Mr. Ito finds the trace of Steve and the two, he hopes to notify us to the police.” Officer Megure said.
“Of course, if I meet.”
Those two treasure hunters had already been sent into the underground palace by him.

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