“In my opinion, it’s better to wait for the wind and waves to stop before going out to sea.” Officer Shiratori also persuaded.
He is an aristocratic police officer with a promising future.
It is meaningless to take such a big risk for the sake of two internationally wanted criminals.
“It seems that this is the only way to go.” Police officer Mumu could only obey everyone’s wishes.
In fact, when he came to the beach and saw the wind and waves on the sea, he also hesitated.
Hearing that the wind and waves would get bigger and bigger, he also retreated.
Officer Shiratori’s words happened to give him the next step.

underground palace.
Steve and Will have been trapped here for more than eight hours.
The underwater flashlights they carried had consumed more than half of their power.
The brightness of the flashlight has dropped significantly.
The two of them have already gone around the underground palace, and they have gone through all the places they can go.
They have even been to the collapsed and buried passage.
There was simply no other way out.
“Steve, what should we do now?” Will was terrified.
As a treasure hunter, you will actually encounter many dangers.
In many cases, even life-threatening.
They were not afraid before because the possible rewards outweighed the risks!
Although they often risk their lives to act, the benefits that each action can bring can drive countless people crazy.
The income from one of their actions is money that many people will not be able to earn in ten years, decades, or even a lifetime.
So they are not afraid of danger.
But it’s different now.
They were trapped in this underground palace located tens of meters deep, and the surroundings were completely closed.
There are even countless seawater surrounding them outside.
They don’t need to think about food and water, because before they die of thirst and starvation, they are likely to suffocate to death due to lack of oxygen.
Without compressed air bottles, it is impossible for them to get out of this underground palace.
So, Will was scared this time.
What they are facing this time is not danger, but death!
Steve sat on the ground with his head in his hands.
He doesn’t know what to do now.
swim out?
When they came in, they had been swimming in the water for at least ten or twenty minutes!
How are they going to swim out without a bottle of compressed air?
I am afraid that if you swim at most one-tenth of the distance, you will be drowned by sea water due to lack of oxygen.
As for other ways?
Not far from the gate, there is a road that seems to lead to the outside world.
But it was blocked by collapsing stones and mud.
They tried digging with their hands for a while, but it was impossible to dig out.
It’s not just dirt that blocks the passage, there are also a lot of boulders!
Besides, even if they have the tools to dig out the soil and stones in the passage, who can guarantee that after the soil and stones are dug out, there will be no secondary collapse?
Although they don’t want to admit it, they are really trapped here to die now.
“Ah!!!!” Steve grabbed his hair and yelled to vent his anger.
All of this was caused by that yellow hair!
Even if he died, he would definitely turn into a demon from hell and come back to seek revenge on that yellow-haired man!
“Steve, why don’t we try to swim out? Maybe we can swim out?” Will said from the side.
“Fools! We’ll be drowning in the sea in less than two minutes!!!” Steve roared.
The fear of death has made him lose his mind.
“Then what should we do! Do we just sit here and wait to die!! Anyway, we will die sooner or later, why don’t we fight! ! Maybe a miracle will happen! ! “Will yelled too.
Who is not afraid of death?
He is also afraid of death!
It is because I am afraid of death that I have to find a way to get out of here!
Give it a try and there is still a ten-thousandth hope, just sit here and do nothing, and you will definitely die in the end!
“A miracle? You can try a three-minute journey! Maybe there will be a miracle! How about a twenty-minute journey? There will be no miracle at all! It’s just courting death!!”
“If a miracle can happen here, it’s better to believe that detonating the gas here can blow up this damn cave!!!” Steve roared.
“Steve! What a great idea!” Will was taken aback, then looked at Steve excitedly.
“Detonate the gas!!” Will said excitedly.
“The gas is concentrated on the top of the cave! As long as the gas is detonated, maybe this damn cave can be blown down! We can get out!!!”
“Are you crazy? Detonate the gas, we were already killed before we got out!” Steve looked at Will like an idiot.
“We can hide in the pirate ship!! The pirate ship can help us block the damage from the explosion!!” Will said, pointing to the pirate ship not far away.
“…” Steve looked at the pirate ship.
It seems that the method Will said really works?
“Steve! Try it! I’d rather try than sit here and die!” Will pulled out a kerosene lighter.
Just light the lighter and throw the lighter over the cave roof!
“Okay! Take a gamble!”
After deciding, the two ran to the pirate ship.
Steve and Will stood at the door of the cabin.
“Are you coming or am I?” Will asked.
“Your lighter, here you go,” Steve said.
Throwing a lighter to detonate gas is still dangerous.
The best policy is to hide in the cabin first!
“Okay!” Will lit the lighter.
“Steve! When I get out, I will kill that bastard!!” Will set the flag and said.
“Yes, we must kill him!” Steve had already hid in the cabin.
Will took a deep breath, threw the lighter into the air forcefully, ran into the cabin quickly, and closed the wooden cabin door.
The lighter approached the layer of gas floating in the upper air, and instantly ignited the gas.
boom! ! ! ! .
138. If you are not the protagonist, you must not die! (Please subscribe!)
boom! ! ! !
The gathered methane gas burned instantly, and the flames instantly engulfed the pirate ship.
This pirate ship, which had been parked for more than three hundred years, withstood the first shock of the gas explosion.
However, the expanding gas had nowhere to release the pressure, and it really blew up the upper stone wall of the cave!
A large number of boulders fell from the sky and hit the pirate ship.
The smaller stones just smashed the hull of the ship and made a sound, but the larger boulders directly smashed through the wooden pirate ship!
Along with the boulders, there is also a large amount of sea water!
If only the seawater fell, then Steve and Will might really be able to surface on the pirate ship.
But it wasn’t just a sea of ​​water that fell.
The boulder first smashed the pirate ship to be riddled with holes and tatters.
Masts, decks, and even keels were smashed by boulders.
A large amount of seawater fell and poured directly into the cabin.
Both Steve and Will were pinned under the plank and couldn’t move. They could only watch helplessly as they were submerged in sea water.
“Woo woo woo…”
No matter how hard the two struggled.
Gulu Gulu~~~
In the end, together with the pirate ship from 300 years ago, it was buried on the bottom of the sea by huge stones.

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